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Twitter Use of Diplomats and Foreign Policy Professionals Survey 2021
The survey studied diplomats and foreign policy professionals who use Twitter as part of their work. The survey examined diplomats' involvement in Twitter communication and the value of Twitter interaction in the diplomatic context. 108 Icelandic, Swedish, Finnish, Danish and Estonian diplomats responded to the survey. The first set of questions focused on the respondents...
British Institute of Public Opinion Polls, 1939
Main Topics:Variables
Questions cover domestic, foreign and military affairs, including:
- appeasement
- the progress and prosecution of the war
- whether to sue for peace with Germany, Italy and Japan
- satisfaction with the government's conduct of the war
- attitudes towards Churchill and other leading politicians, including Halifax, Eden, Atlee, Bevin, Morrison
- the...
MORI Party Conference Poll, 1977
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To investigate public opinion about politics before the British political party conferences in 1977.Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions
Current voting intention and voting history; rating of job performance on 0 to 5 scale for Government, parties, party leaders, civil service, industry, the...
British Institute of Public Opinion Polls, 1940
Main Topics:Variables
Questions cover domestic, foreign and military affairs, including:
- appeasement
- the progress and prosecution of the war
- whether to sue for peace with Germany, Italy and Japan
- satisfaction with the government's conduct of the war
- attitudes towards Churchill and other leading politicians, including Halifax, Eden, Atlee, Bevin, Morrison
- the...
Treatymaking in the Interwar Period, 1921-1942
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this study is to establish how far cooperative strategies in international politics can increase the prospects for international peace.Main Topics:Variables
Bilateral treatymaking, activities of the permanent Court of Justice, war.
Geographical proximity, cultural dissimilarity, prior...
Foreign Diplomatic Representatives to the Stuart Court, 1603-1625
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This project arose from an appendix to the principal investigator's PhD, Foreign Diplomatic Representatives to the Court of James VI and I. Over past years historians have provided numerous partial lists, some more comprehensive than others, which relate to specific countries and which demonstrate a...
Austrian Foreign Policy Panel Project (AFP3) (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The Austrian Foreign Policy Panel Project (AFP3) is a survey project of the University of Innsbruck and the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs (BMEIA) of the Republic of Austria. The project examines the level of knowledge as well as the attitudes and preferences of the Austrian population in the realm of foreign policy...