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regional policy (50)
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The 2013/14 winter floods and policy change: Interviews and survey data
The 2013/14 Winter Floods and Policy Change project used qualitative and quantitate methods, namely semi-structured interviews with members of the public and a telephone survey. Both methods investigated perceptions of the causes and solutions to the 2013/14 winter floods and flood risk in the UK more widely. The project investigated public attitudes surrounding the...
Facilitating Policy Change for Low Carbon Mobility: Comparative Analysis of Two City Regions in England, UK (Birmingham and Cambridge), 2021
A low carbon mobility system is integral to energy demand reduction and essential if the UK wants to meet its target of net-zero emissions by 2050. However, despite the UK having legally binding targets for over a decade, emissions from transport have grown and the sector is now the UK’s largest emitter, accounting for 28% of UK emissions. Therefore urgent and significant...
National Politics and the Motives for the Electoral Outome for State Elections 1974
No abstract available
Problems - Austrian People's Party (ÖVP) Vienna 1991
Topic: Problems - Austrian People's Party (ÖVP) Vienna
Landesentwicklung Niederösterreich (Bevölkerung) 1999
Thema: Politische und wirtschaftliche Themen Niederösterreichs
Survey Wirtschaftsbund Vienna (Part 2) 2005 (2005-01-31 - 2005-02-04)
Topic: Survey Wirtschaftsbund Vienna
Niederösterreich Umfrage: Sommer; Textkommentar 1987
Mehrere Bände: Thema: Gesellschaftliche und politische Themen in Niederösterreich
Beurteilung der wirtschaftlichen Lage Kärntens; Tabellenkommentar 1964
Mehrere Bände: Thema: Wirtschaftliche und politische Situation in Kärnten
Untersuchung vor den Steirischen Landtagswahlen 1956
Thema: Befragung der Steirischen Bevölkerung zu Themen der Steiermark vor den Steirischen Landtagswahlen
EVA Survey on Finnish Values and Attitudes Autumn 2021
The study charted Finnish people's values and attitudes. The themes of the Autumn 2021 survey included the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, county elections, the organisation of public health and welfare services in the new wellbeing services counties, personal identity, and the future of urban and rural areas in Finland. First, the respondents were presented with a variety...
Performance of Municipal Services 2004: Personnel
The survey charted the use of the balanced scorecard indicators in measuring the performance of municipal services. The respondents were employees in the local and regional authorities participating in the study. Topics included the activity and state of the work community, performance measures, visions, strategies, aims and personnel management. Relating to the activity and...
European National Elites and the Eurozone Crisis (ENEC-2014)
European National Elites and the Crisis (ENEC) is an international study, conducted in European countries during the year 2014. The study examines the attitudes of Members of National Parliaments (MPs) in ten EU Member-States and partly serves as a replication of the 'InTune' project.
Exploring and tracing the views of national elites, their variety, stability and change,...