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Parliamentary Socialisation: the Learning Process of New Members of Parliament, 1992-2001
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This project studies how UK Members of Parliament (MPs) learn about their job and whether and to what extent they are socialised into various parliamentary roles and types of parliamentary activity. The research was based on surveys of newly-elected MPs and a control group of longer-serving MPs in the...
How to be a Good Communist in Reform-Era China: Moulding the Agents of the State, 2004-2007
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Despite almost 30 years of reform, the Chinese state’s functioning continues to revolve around the role of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which suffuses the entire state apparatus, providing it with leadership, purpose and strategy. The party has a range of tools at its disposal to maintain its grip...
Influence of History Lessons on the Shaping of Slovenian National Identity
The research project is set out to explore perceptions of the past and evaluations of several events which constitute a likely basis of state-building and national identity, as well as identify the determinants for these evaluations, in particular the link between perceptions of the present and evaluations of the past, which is beyond individuals' empirical experience and is...
These data come from the web-based survey YouWho? that took place between 17 February – 5 Aril 2020. The survey was open to all people born between 1991-2003 and therefore within the 17-29 age range during data collection. In total, 24.525 full questionnaires were submitted.The final sample consists of 23.402 completed questionnaires. The main goal of the research is to...
Social Capital, Participation and the Causal Role of Socialisation, 2000-2001
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The project aimed to explore the social and political attitudes of 15-17 year olds through sample surveys of a selection of schools in Hertfordshire in 2000 and 2001. In particular, the aim was to understand the origins of social capital, and what factors affect young people’s political/civic knowledge,...
Economic and Social Research Council 16-19 Initiative; a Longitudinal Study of Two Cohorts of Young People, 1987-1989
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This survey was undertaken in order to understand the processes involved in economic and political socialisation of young people aged 16-19 in four British localities; Swindon,Sheffield, Liverpool and Kirkcaldy
An associated qualitative dataset, Economic and Political Socialisation, 16-19 : a Scottish...
Political Socialisation and Authority in Schools, 1970
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To collect data in order to discover the pupils' attitudes towards decision-making in their family life, in their schools and their attitudes towards political decision-making. To compare these attitudes to discover interrelations between the three spheres and also to analyse responses controlling for...
Political Identification and Socialisation of Adolescents, 1979-1982
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The broad objective of the study was to examine the political identifications and attitudes of adolescents and to relate these to a variety of aspects of their own experience.Main Topics:The survey, which was conducted in several West Midlands' schools amongst fifth formers in autumn 1979, tapped many...
Learning on the Streets: Urban Youth and Vending in Zimbabwe, 2019-2022
Existing scholarship on political socialisation has predominantly generated knowledge on ‘socialisation mechanisms’ in Western settings; about the role of family, peers, schooling and civic associations for developing mainly civic forms of behaviour. Research in Africa has, however, mainly looked at the socialisation of violent youth, in/into gangs and violent extremism. The...