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personality (281)
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CONAMORE (CONflicts And Management Of RElationships)
The CONflicts And Management Of RElationships” (CONAMORE) project is a longitudinal study that started in 2001. The CONAMORE study investigates the adolescents’ interactions with parents and peers, their emotional state, and their general activities. CONAMORE includes >1300 secondary schoolers adolescents that were followed for 5 annual waves (starting in 2001). Of these...
Behoefte aan variatie in de zin van Maddi c.s 1976
Expressions of the "need for variety" ( Maddi c.s. ) measured by various instruments: Novelty Experiencing Scale ( NES ), children's Reactive Curiosity Scale ( RCS ), Sensation Seeking Scale ( SSS ), Change Seeker Index ( CSI ). Background variables: basic characteristics
Rotterdamse belevingsonderzoek 1977-1978
Evaluation of certain aspects of cervix-cancer screening: womens' experience of positive screening result. First interview support from social environment / evaluation of the screening / attitude towards illness ( behaviour, strategies ) / illness in family and of acquaintances / knowledge of cervical cancer / attitude towards expected test result / relation with partner /...
Macht van de vanzelfsprekendheid in relaties tussen vrouwen en mannen 1980-1981
The functioning of power in marital relations.Marriage / division of labour, housekeeping / children / sexuality / social contacts / leisure / finance / perception of roles of men and women / education of children / types of behaviour towards each other / mental and physical condition.Background variables: basic characteristics/ household characteristics/...
Milieu, school, en beroep 1958-1960,1973
Occupation / job satisfaction / expectations regarding occupation / occupational and educational history / family and religious background / education and occupation of parents / parental attitude to school, schoolwork, achievements, contacts with teachers / contacts with family, friends etc / satisfaction with life in general / typical male and female behaviour / scales for...
Academici in het bedrijfsleven 1972
Interview relation between study and job position / capacities learned during study / detailed description of job function ( independence ) / ideal task structure / requirements for job / can function be fulfilled by non-academic person / following additional courses / delegation / work at lower level than capacity of r. / creativity in job / structure around the function /...
Enquête van Heymans en Wiersma 1985
Heredity-research of personality. Personality characteristics of family members judged by medical doctors / activity / emotionality / primary versus secondary functioning. Background variables: basic characteristics/ characteristics of parental family/household
Kontinu-onderzoek ( wave 16, jan. 1978 )
Continuous items for most waves watching tv / reading papers / taking part in discussions on political issues / political knowledge / political participation / party preference / questions concerning importance of different political issues / left and right in politics. Wave 16: Media exposure / preferences for current affairs programmes / perception of major problems /...
Achtergronden van milieugedrag 1978
Factors influencing decision-making of individuals, in as far as their actions within private sphere have effects on environment. Backgrounds of environmental behaviour / selective use of car / use of detergent without phosphate / buying bottles with deposit / use of freezer / action directed behaviour / perception of several aspects of environmental policy / interest in...
Need for Privacy and Personality (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. In this dataset, we collected measures of need for privacy and personality. The aim was to determine how personality can predict and explain why specific people need privacy. The measures of privacy were based on existing scales; some items were developed anew; and some items were adapted. Personality was measured using the HEXACO Personality...
Omnibus Survey: Leading personalities; The grand coalition in the opinion of the population; eligibility of FPÖ and Greens 1986
No abstract available
Omnibus Survey: Personalities from politics, business and trade unions; unemployment; political culture and understanding of democracy 1996
No abstract available
Omnibus Survey: Personalities from politics, business and trade unions; Party and political profiles; School and university policy 2001
No abstract available
Omnibus Survey: Personalities from politics, business and trade unions; foreigners; Viennese city administration; swing voters; statistics 1991
No abstract available
Omnibus Survey: Personalities from politics, economy and trade unions; attitude to the new party of Ing. Lugner; attitude to referendums; tax reform 1998
No abstract available
Omnibus Survey: Opinion Leaders; Full employment - Unemployment - Minimum income; Election of the National Council, production and export of arms 1986
No abstract available
Omnibus Survey: Personalities from politics, business and trade unions; EU accession: before the referendum; shift to the right, domestic policy 1994
No abstract available
Het waardenpatroon van de Nederlandse bevolking 1969
A study on the relations between values and attitudes, especially those concerning sexuality. Application of the Rokeach Value Survey ( RVS ) in the Netherlands / relation values and attitudes, especially concerning sexuality. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment
Intelligentie en schoolloopbaan 1979-1980
Research of the predictive validity of the ISI- and Galo-test for choice of school and school-career in the types of school specified by the 'mammoetwet' ( law on the organization of education in the Netherlands ). Test items and report marks. Background variables: basic characteristics/ occupation/employment
Orientaties op arbeid en vrije tijd 1970
The meaning of labour and leisure, labour versus leisure. Importance of different aspects of work / social and moral values / hedonism, conservatism, work ethics, duty versus leisure, purposes of leisure and work / attitude towards social and economic inequality / housing conditions / working conditions: personal contacts, team-work, flexibility of working-hours and...
Aspiraties en waardebegrippen 1968
Levels of aspiration / achievement motivation / leadership versus social tendencies / attitude towards deferral of immediate satisfactions / occupational values and motivations / image of ideal occupation / the ideal self / anomy / trust in people / attitude towards parents and family / sociometric classroom data / education: perspectives and the aims of education / most...
Research on adolescent development and relationships (young cohort)
The RADAR Young study (RADAR-Y) is a population-based prospective cohort study in which adolescents are followed from age 12 to 18 years. RADAR-Y focuses on the development of (1) adolescent parent and peer relationships, (2) personality and identity, (3) psychopathology and delinquency, (4) substance use, and (5) academic achievement. RADAR-Y has a full family design: 497...
Competencies to participate in life : measurement and the impact of the school 1999-2000
Survey among students of 15 years old about how they perceive themselves in general, and their academic, social and civic competence in particular. Self perception of academic competence / self-perception of social competence / general self-concept like feelings of being satisfied with oneself and experiencing feelings of well-being, dissatisfaction with the self / civic...