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Politbarometer 2004, Slovenia
Survey is part of monthly telephone surveys, designed for measuring satisfaction with the work of Slovene government and evaluation of work of government institutions. Survey measures relation of Slovene public towards EU and NATO membership and party preferences. Monthly surveys include questions about the knowledge and support of the Forum 21 and on the introduction of a...
Politbarometer PB12/04, Slovenia
Survey is part of monthly telephone surveys, designed for measuring satisfaction with the work of Slovene government and evaluation of work of government institutions. Survey measures relation of Slovene public towards EU and NATO membership and party preferences. Topical theme in this Politbarometer includes questions on supporting Janez Janša's government and the...
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 2001/1
The questionnaire is put together of five blocs of questions, among others two larger ones, "The opinions of Slovenians on approaching the European Union" and "The international research on working activities". The questionnaire starts with the question on problems deemed the most urgent for Slovenia by the interviewee. It continues with questions on the news attendance, and...
Slovene public opinion survey 2005/1:
The survey is a part of all-European project which intention is to annotate social changes in certain time period. Thematically the survey is focused on attitudes towards work. The questionnaire is composed out of seven parts. The first part contains questions about employment and work conditions. The second block is asking about social situation and material circumstances,...
Slovene public opinion 2006/2
This is a Slovene replication of Role of government, ISSP 2006 and Leisure and sport, ISSP 2007. Several questions are dedicated to social circumstances, evaluation of government, interest in politics, attitude towards politics etc. Second part was dedicated to leisure time, having holidays, sports, party games and music. Comparative surveys: ADP - IDNo: SJM973, ADP - IDNo:...
Slovene Public Opinion 2008/1
This is a Slovene replication of EVS08 survey. Broad topics covered are work, the meaning and purpose of life, family life, and contemporary social issues: religious and moral values, role of women, ecology, inequality, education of children etc. Several questions are dedicated to political activity, views of society, integration of individuals into society, measured with...
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1995/2
This is a Slovene replication of WVS95 survey. Attached is a series of questions about intergenerational transfer of values and about Slovene regional identity. Broad topics covered are work, the meaning and purpose of life, family life, and contemporary social issues. Respondents were asked to rate the importance of work, family, friends, leisure time, politics, and...
Politbarometer 06/14, Slovenia
The telephone survey Politbarometer runs continuously over the years. Its purpose is to measure attitudes and estimates towards the government and the state institutions through the perspective of public opinion. The majority of the questionnaire in the survey is longitudinal. Minor part of the questionnaire is dedicated to the current (daily) social and political topics or...
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 2003/1
The questionnaire consists of eight clusters of questions. The first cluster contains questions on social conditions, on personal happiness, quality of life, and standard of living of interviewee and his/hers family. In second cluster respondents were asked about values, trust in institutions, family and neighbours and questions about ecology. Third cluster capture...
Slovene public opinion 2007
Main goal of the survey is to study interdependence between international security conditions in socio-economic, political, security and value change in Slovenia, as well as the need for adaptation of national security system of Slovenia to the needs that arising from European integration processes. Survey is addressing position of public to diverse segments of national...
Slovenian Public Opinion 2012/1
SJM121 survey consists of three parts: National and International Security Survey, International family and changing gender roles survey (ISSP 2012) and The European post-election survey (CSES 2012). The National and International Security Survey part deals with issues: security threats, safety culture, safety systems in Slovenia, international military operations and...
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1990
Topics or thematic coverage include also evaluation of the socio-economic and political situation; attitudes towards and perceptions of political pluralism; opinions about the communist alliance and political opposition in Slovenia; political efficacy; trust in political leadership; party preference and membership; knowledge about parties; voting intention before first...
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1999/3
This is a Slovene replication of EVS99 survey. Broad topics covered are work, the meaning and purpose of life, family life, and contemporary social issues: religious and moral values, role if women, ecology, inequality, education of children etc. Several questions are dedicated to political activity, views of society, integration of individuals into society, measured with...