34 studies found in English from a total of 38726
parliamentary systems (34) 

Political Participation in Britain, 1984-1985; National and Community Studies

Moyser, G. N., University of Manchester, Department of Government; Parry, G., University of Manchester, Department of Government
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The research involved a series of linked surveys designed to examine the state of mass political participation in Britain. Data were collected from a national survey, a series of six community studies and within the community studies, surveys of elites. The latter are not included with this dataset,...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem)

Teorell, Jan (Department of Political Science, Lund University); Lindberg, Staffan I. (Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg); Gerring, John (Department of Political Science, Boston University); (2 more)
Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) is a new approach to conceptualizing and measuring democracy. It is a collaboration among more than 50 scholars worldwide which is co-hosted by the Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden; and the Kellogg Institute at the University of Notre Dame, USA. With four Principal Investigators, two Program managers,...
Study description available in:ENSV
Data access:Open
Access study

Jeremy Bentham, 1748-1832: Transcripts of Original Manuscripts

Rosen, F., University College London, Bentham Project; Schofield, P., University College London, Bentham Project
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aim of the Bentham Project is to produce a new scholarly edition of the works and correspondence of Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832), the influential jurist, philosopher and social scientist, whom A.J.P. Taylor described as 'the most formidable reasoner who ever applied his gifts to the practical questions...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Open
Access study

Devolution, Elected Representatives and Constituency Representation in Scotland and Wales, 2000-2005

Bradbury, J. P., University of Wales, Swansea, Department of Politics; Russell, M., University College London, School of Public Policy, Constitution Unit
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This dataset is the product of three related research projects. The first project (funded by the Leverhulme Trust) examined the impact of devolution on the work of British Members of Parliament (MPs), particularly in Scotland and Wales. The second project (also funded by the Leverhulme Trust) gathered the...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Politics and the English Child, 1969

Zureik, E., Queen's University (Kingston, Ontario)
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this study was to investigate political ideas among English school children taking into account the following main variables: age, type of school, social class and sex differences.Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions Knowledge about: party in office, elections, the Queen, Members...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Devolution and Constitutional Change, 2001

National Centre for Social Research
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The principal aim was to establish whether initial reactions to the introduction of devolution in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland enhanced or otherwise the legitimacy of (i) the United Kingdom and (ii) the new institutions themselves. In particular, the project aimed to test three competing theories...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Public Attitudes to Parliament (State of the Nation), 1972

Lapping, B., Granada Television Ltd; Crewe, I. M., University of Essex, Department of Government
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this study was to assess public attitudes to Parliament and to Members of Parliament.Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions Respondents were asked for information about newspaper readership and interests, television viewing and interest, favoured subjects for discussion with family...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

House of Commons Parliamentary Debates, 1979-2019

Blumenau, J, University College London
How do politicians make political arguments? What has changed in the substantive agenda of the House of Commons over time? How do MPs represent the interests of their constituents? Such questions can only be answered with rich data on the behaviour of politicians across a wide variety of policy areas. To this end, this submission contains data on all parliamentary debates...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Open
Access study

Survey among members of National Assembly

Zajc, Drago (Faculty of Social Sciences)
Main goal of this survey was to discover what role does National Assembly play in Slovene political system. Main emphasis were on interests presenting function, solving conflicts and on legislative function.
Study description available in:ENSL
Access study

Training Data for German Sentiment Analysis of Political Communication (SUF edition)

Haselmayer, Martin (University of Vienna); Jenny, Marcelo (University of Innsbruck)
Full edition for scientific use. The dataset contains 125871 sentences extracted from Austrian parliamentary debates and party press releases. Press releases were collected under the auspices of the Austrian National Election Study (AUTNES) and cover 6 weeks prior to each national election 1995-2013. Data from parliamentary debates stem from a random sample of sentences...
Study description available in:EN
Access study

Survey among members of National Assembly

Zajc, Drago (Faculty of Social Sciences)
Main goal of this survey was to discover what role does National Assembly play in Slovene political system. Main emphasis were on interests presenting function, solving conflicts and on legislative function.Main goal of this survey was to discover what role does National Assembly play in Slovene political system. Main emphasis were on interests presenting function, solving...
Study description available in:ENSL
Access study

The Slovene Parliament - Functions and Efficiency

Zajc, Drago (Faculty of Social Sciences)
Main goal of this research was to discover what role does National Assembly play in Slovene political system.Main goal of this research was to discover what role does National Assembly play in Slovene political system.
Study description available in:EN
Access study

Parliamentarism and Democracy in Austria 1993

Sozialwissenschaftliche Studiengesellschaft (N/A)
No abstract available
Study description available in:EN
Access study

Social Partnership 1995

Sozialwissenschaftliche Studiengesellschaft (N/A)
No abstract available
Study description available in:EN
Access study

Austrian Daily Politics 1995

Sozialwissenschaftliche Studiengesellschaft (N/A)
No abstract available
Study description available in:EN
Access study

Representativeness of Institutions 1995

Sozialwissenschaftliche Studiengesellschaft (N/A)
No abstract available
Study description available in:EN
Access study

Austrian Daily Politics 1996

Sozialwissenschaftliche Studiengesellschaft (N/A)
No abstract available
Study description available in:EN
Access study

Corruption and Political Institutions in Botswana and Austria 2009-2012

Groop, Catharina (Åbo Akademi University. Department of Political Science)
The study investigated views on accountability and the connection between corruption and political institutions in Botswana and Austria. The data consist of transcriptions and notes of interviews conducted in English. The interviewees represented different influential political bodies and actors studying or monitoring such bodies. These bodies and actors include, for...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Britain and the Seventies, 1973; Phase 2

Social and Community Planning Research; Centre for Sample Surveys Ltd
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aim of the survey was to monitor changes in attitudes of the British public towards the EEC since 1971 and to analyse the factors behind such changes.Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions Attitudes to the Common Market and Britain's relationship with other EEC countries: 1) Economic factors...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

MORI State of the Nation Poll, 1991

Gosschalk, B., MORI; Worcester, R. M., MORI
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.A public opinion poll carried out in Great Britain on behalf of the Rowntree Reform Trust
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

The National Council in political system of the Republic of Slovenia

Lukšič, Igor
Research captured standpoints of councillors of the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia about their work in past mandate, manner and method of work as well as it gathers estimations of effectiveness and successfulness of their work and particular formations of the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia.
Study description available in:ENSL
Access study

Work of parliament

Batagelj, Zenel (CATI, Marketing, Media and Social Research & Consulting, d.o.o.)
Goal of this survey was to find out standpoints of interviewed individuals about work of Slovene parliament, to compare its work from this to previous structure and to mention its weaknesses.Goal of this survey was to find out standpoints of interviewed individuals about work of Slovene parliament, to compare its work from this to previous structure and to mention its...
Study description available in:ENSL
Access study

The National Council in political system of the Republic of Slovenia

Lukšič, Igor
Research captured standpoints of councillors of the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia about their work in past mandate, manner and method of work as well as it gathers estimations of effectiveness and successfulness of their work and particular formations of the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia.Research captured standpoints of councillors of the...
Study description available in:ENSL
Access study

Work of parliament

Batagelj, Zenel (CATI, Marketing, Media and Social Research & Consulting, d.o.o.)
Goal of this survey was to find out standpoints of interviewed individuals about work of Slovene parliament, to compare its work from this to previous structure and to mention its weaknesses.
Study description available in:ENSL
Access study

The Slovene Parliament - Functions and Efficiency

Zajc, Drago (Faculty of Social Sciences)
Main goal of this research was to discover what role does National Assembly play in Slovene political system.
Study description available in:ENSL
Access study

Austria and National Socialism 1995

Sozialwissenschaftliche Studiengesellschaft (N/A)
No abstract available
Study description available in:EN
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