67 studies found in English from a total of 36716
organization (67) 

Met andere ogen 1970 : Vakbondsleden over bedrijvenwerk

Laterveer, R., Industriebond NVV * Amsterdam (primary investigator)
Ideal power-structure in firm / perception of, attitude to the general structure of society / capital versus labour / influence / equal chances / the role of trade-unions / activities in own trade-union / ideal power-structure in the trade-union ( Industriebond NVV ) / opinions and evaluation about the work of the union within firms / opinions about the union's organization...
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Academici in het bedrijfsleven 1972

Bosch-Zuidgeest, F.M. van den, Montfort, P.J.H., Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam * Rotterdam, Fac. sociale wetenschappen, Stichting stuurgroep sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek * Den Haag (primary investigator)
Interview relation between study and job position / capacities learned during study / detailed description of job function ( independence ) / ideal task structure / requirements for job / can function be fulfilled by non-academic person / following additional courses / delegation / work at lower level than capacity of r. / creativity in job / structure around the function /...
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Oudere werknemers 1980-1981 : Beleving van werk en verzuim

Koningsveld, D.B.J. van, Hullenaar, R.J.H. van 't, Stichting GITP * Nijmegen (primary investigator)
Disability of older industrial workers/ influence of individual characteristics, e.g. experienced physical weight of work, experience of work and personal well-being, on long-term absence from work and disability to work. Ability to work / nature of illness / duration of absence / working situation in past and present / kind of occupation / why this kind of work / other...
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O in het MOB ( Medisch Opvoedkundig Bureau ) 1973

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen * Groningen, Instituut voor onderwijskunde (primary investigator)
Employees of "M.O.B." ( consultation bureau for children with education and socialization problems ) / questioned on kind of working activities and preferable accent on psychological or educationalist activities of bureau / relationship of bureau, schools and parents. Background variables: basic characteristics
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Meetbaarheid van burokratiserings- en professionaliseringsgraad op ziekenhuisafdelingen 1976

Pool, J.J., Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Vakgroep sociale psychologie (primary investigator)
Bureaucratization / professionalization / bureaucratic attitude and professional attitude of nurses / professional versus bureaucratic role orientation / therapeutic behaviour / communication with superior / hospital / development of measuring instrument. Background variables: basic characteristics/ occupation/employment
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Personeelsverloop Academisch Ziekenhuis Rotterdam 1975

Pelkman, S., Sparreboom, A., Blume, P., Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam * Rotterdam, Fac. sociale wetenschappen (primary investigator)
Acquaintance with activities of personnel clubs like P.C.O. and O.P.A.R. And with the journal the monitor / opinion on workers' participation and treatment of complaints / opinion on work situation in ward / kind of work / opinion on behaviour of supervisor / independence in work / possibilities for getting another job / possibilities to make career in hospital / evaluation...
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Kwaliteit van arbeid 1977

Zanders, H.L.G., Berkel, J.J.A. van, Buchem, A.L.J. van, Katholieke Hogeschool Tilburg * Tilburg, Instituut voor sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek, IVA * Tilburg (primary investigator)
Details on job situation and quality of work evaluation / job history / characteristics / level of job / challenges / financial rewards / resource adequacy / relations with co-workers and boss / leadership / control / danger / conditions / satisfaction / work attitude / mobility / participation / opinions on the labour market / health / the trade-union / discrimination /...
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Ervaringen van gebruikers met automatisering in de dienstensector 1985

Warning, J., Dienstenbond FNV * Woerden, Aal, E., Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht * Utrecht, Sociologisch instituut (primary investigator)
Evaluation of impact of automation in service industries. Involvement with introduction of automation / additional skills / changes in work, working conditions, employment / evaluation of automation, complaints. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of work/ occupation/employment
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Patronen van kommunikatie en hun organisatorisch verband bij de landbouwvoorlichting in Suriname 1967-1969

G. Kalshoven (Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen WUR * Wageningen, Vakgroep sociologie en sociografie der niet-westerse gebieden)
The organization of communication patterns in agricultural information service / assistants were asked about the farmers in their districts / contacts with the farmers / the extent to which advice is accepted and implemented / progressive versus traditional farmers / the influence of politics ( patronage ) / relationship with personnel / characteristics of staff / time...
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Aanzetten tot de herprogrammering binnen de theologische fakulteit 1974

Bartelds, J.F., Joostens, T., Centrum voor onderzoek wetenschappelijk onderwijs, COWOG * Groningen (primary investigator)
Study motives at the beginning of study and at present / opinions on the ideal versus actual theology training / essential items of the theology training / causes of discrepancies between ideal situation and reality / detailed information about objectives of students and teachers. Background variables: basic characteristics/ occupation/employment/ education/ religion
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Levens- en werkpatroon van de Nederlandse directeur 1967-1968

Stok, Th.L. (primary investigator)
Portrait of Dutch managers. Content of work / working hours / external contacts / type of leadership / background information on business and manager / personal information concerning work and leisure. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of work/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ politics/ religion/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural'...
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Nieuwe beloningsstruktuur Ballast-Nedam 1978

C.P. Middendorp; N.V. Westerop (primary investigator)
Opinions on, and experiences with new reward structure, function descriptions and function groups / effects of objections, petitions against new structure / assessment of individual achievements / transfer to the new system / role of works council.Background variables: basic characteristics/ household characteristics
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Arbeidsomstandigheden in het vrijwilligerswerk 2001

Evers, G.E., Fester, M.S. de, TNO Arbeid (primary investigator)
Policy of organizations for volunteer work regarding working conditions of voluntary workers. Description of organization / nature of risks, occurrence of accidents / know-how about working conditions within the organization or from external professionals / assessment of risks, plans, actions for improvements / level of priority to working conditions policy / giving...
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Raden van overleg Hoogovens 1968-1969

Dongen, H.J. van, Hoogovens * IJmuiden, Psychologische Dienst (primary investigator)
Opinion on 'councils of consultation' / contacts with council member / functions of the council / relation with management ( direct supervisors and general management ) and workers / satisfaction with the operation of the council / power of the council in decision-taking / organization of the council and relation to other groups / membership of the council / evaluation of...
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Lerarenopleiding nieuwe stijl in Zeeland 1973

Stichting provinciaal opbouworgaan Zeeland * Middelburg (primary investigator)
Perspectives of further education after secondary school / motivations to become a teacher ( type of teacher ) / should there be one educational teaching institute for all levels in the province of Zeeland. Background variables: basic characteristics/ religion
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Schoolgrootte en welbevinden van leerlingen 1977

Jonge, J. de, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Instituut voor toegepast sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek, ITSWO (primary investigator)
Pupils participation in and satisfaction with school activities ( sports, excursions, parties ) / contacts with other pupils and teachers / teaching methods / calculation of marks / motivation to visit school / choice of subjects / contacts between school and parents / opinions about school-building / teachers contacts / information / perception of pupils opinions on the...
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Inventarisatie van problemen en behoeftes aan onderwijskundige informatie 1975

J.A.A.M. Bevers (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen * Nijmegen, Instituut voor onderzoek van het wetenschappelijk onderwijs); L.A.M.M. Wolters (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen * Nijmegen, Instituut voor onderzoek van het wetenschappelijk onderwijs)
The use of audiovisual media / use of formative tests / number of 'contact hours' / experience with providing education and preparation / problems with lectures, course structure, essays and period as trainee / assistance with practical work / preliminary examinations.
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Teacher and the 'middle' school ( Dutch experimental comprehensive school ) 1977

Moor, R.A. de, Heunks, F.J., Katholieke Hogeschool Tilburg * Tilburg (primary investigator)
Getting insight into the opinion of teachers at secondary schools about the "middenschool": integrated education for pupils aged 12-16. Career as a teacher / how was r. informed about "middenschool" / consequences of relations and, or differences between talents / motivation / achievements, social class and level / quality and differentiation in teaching / different ways of...
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Flexibele arbeid 1988-1990 : Vormen, motieven en effecten

Gravesteijn-Ligthelm, J.H., Koning, J. de, Koss, M. (primary investigator)
Motifs of employers to use flexible constuctions for employment in their business. Type of business / number of working hours in full-time working week / number of employees with full-time contract and part-time contract / employees working at home / use of temporary workers, callable employees, outworkers, free-lancers, employees with a temporary employment contract /...
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Doorstroming in de intramurale zwakzinnigenzorg 1969

Brekelmans, C., Vermeulen, A., Poppel, J. van, Katholieke Hogeschool Tilburg * Tilburg, Instituut voor sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek, IVA * Tilburg (primary investigator)
Description of population of institutions for mentally handicapped: age, sex, place of birth, kind of handicap, age of admission to institution, type of institution, multiple handicapped, degree of being handicapped / same data for those who left or entered an institute between '59 and '69. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/ residence/...
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Attituden, meningen, en verwachtingen m.b.t. de ondernemingsraad 1962

Drenth, P.J.D., Pyl, C.W. van der, Laboratorium voor psychodiagnostische bedryfspsychologische research * Amsterdam, Koning, J. de, Sociologisch instituut van het convent der christelyk-sociale organisaties * n/a, Schilfgaarde, P. van, Sillevis, E.A., Nederlandse stichting voor psychotechniek * n/a, Struik, A.H.M., Gemeenschappelijk instituut voor toegepaste psychologie (primary investigator)
Participation in works council / opinion on workers' participation in general / knowledge of structure, tasks and methods of works council / attitudes of works council / opinion on methods and tasks of works council / data on the organization and its works council. Background variables: basic characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ politics/...
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Clienten over samenhang in de maatschappelijke dienstverlening 1983

H. van den Berg (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Subfac. sociaal-culturele wetenschappen, Vakgroep sociologie van de hulpverlening); A. Bouman (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Subfac. sociaal-culturele wetenschappen, Vakgroep sociologie van de hulpverlening); H. Goede (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Subfac. sociaal-culturele wetenschappen, Vakgroep sociologie van de hulpverlening); (1 more)
Judging the coherence of welfare facilities in the public assistance.Frequency of contacts with assistance / reason for contact, kind of problems / kind of assisting institution / previously consulted institutions/ why was respondent not adequately helped there / experiences with being sent to other institutions / own initiatives, coping behaviour / evaluation of different...
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Onvrede en klachten van werknemers 1975

Stichting wetenschappelijk onderzoek vakcentrales * Utrecht, Instituut voor toegepaste sociologie, ITS * Nijmegen (primary investigator)
( phase 1 ) Relation between wage costs and capital costs / labour turnover / personnel manager / sort of company / staff recruitment / wage system / leadership / wage agreements / the works-council / union work / complaints / turnover / absenteeism / production manager / building up of organization / problems of employees with work situation / contentment with employees /...
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Potentiele kursisten voor part-time onderwijs op tertiair niveau 1977

M.P.M. de Goede (Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht * Utrecht, Instituut voor pedagogische en andragogische wetenschappen, IPAW); R.A.C. Hoksbergen (Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht * Utrecht, Instituut voor pedagogische en andragogische wetenschappen, IPAW (primary investigator))
Motivations to begin an evening course at university level / reason not to realize plans / interest in evening university / desired form of open evening university / opinions on didactics and work formats / use of modern media / location and organization of 'evening university'.
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Sociaal therapeutisch gedrag van verpleegkundigen 1977-1982

Pool, J.J., Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Vakgroep sociale psychologie (primary investigator)
Purpose of this study is to gain insight in the socio-therapeutic behaviour of the nursing staffs of general Dutch non-academic hospitals. P0751a: working conditions / most important goals of hospital / job satisfaction / decision structure / promotion / strictness of rules / expressing emotions / socio-therapeutic behaviour stimulation, information, active interest /...
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Weekenddienst in Nederland 1974

Eijk, J. van, Gubbels, J.W., Koning, D. de, Nederlands huisartsen genootschap * Utrecht (primary investigator)
General practitioners opinions on, experiences with weekend service / frequency, duration of weekend duty / cooperation with colleagues in "weekend duty organization" / exchange of information about patients / opinion on weekend patients / number and geographic location of patients / differences in treatment of patients / ( dis )satisfaction of patients with treatment / data...
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Integratie arbeiders-beambten Hoogovens 1965-1967

Meilof-Oonk, S., Berg, J. van der, Hoogovens * IJmuiden, Psychologische Dienst (primary investigator)
Opinions regarding to the integration of blue and white collar workers / evaluation of reorganizations. Background variables: basic characteristics/ occupation/employment
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Kindercentra 1975

Ministerie van CRM, Stafbureau statistiek * Rijswijk (primary investigator)
Detailed information on child centres / organization / type / accommodation / staff / children / opening time / attendance / capacity / financial structure. Background variables: basic characteristics/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ education
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Medezeggenschap in kleine ondernemingen ( 10-35 werknemers ) 1984-1986

Verstegen, R., Andriessen, J.H.T.H., Instituut voor sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek, IVA * Tilburg (primary investigator)
Measuring degree of, and opinions on workers-participation in small firms. Knowledge of legal obligation of instating a 'personeelsvergadering' ( employees council ) / application of laws about participation of employees in management, how / how much participation of employees when law is not applied / opinion of employees about their means of participation / perception of...
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Organizational climate study 1971

Gorman Liam, Irish management institute * Dublin, Eire (primary investigator)
Perception of real versus ideal situation / difficulty to change and the importance of many aspects of the organizational structure and functioning / delegation of responsibility / is power based on competence / rewards and sanctions / feedback systems / quality of problem solving / attitude towards risk taking and innovation / trust and collaboration / opportunities for...
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