10 studies found in English from a total of 36744

Survey among members of National Assembly

Zajc, Drago (Faculty of Social Sciences)
Main goal of this survey was to discover what role does National Assembly play in Slovene political system. Main emphasis were on interests presenting function, solving conflicts and on legislative function.Main goal of this survey was to discover what role does National Assembly play in Slovene political system. Main emphasis were on interests presenting function, solving...
Study description available in:ENSL
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The Slovene Parliament - Functions and Efficiency

Zajc, Drago (Faculty of Social Sciences)
Main goal of this research was to discover what role does National Assembly play in Slovene political system.Main goal of this research was to discover what role does National Assembly play in Slovene political system.Main goal of this research was to discover what role does National Assembly play in Slovene political system.
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The attitudes of deputies of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, 2008

Zajc, Drago (Centre for Political Science Research)
The survey reveals deputies’ views on the functioning of the National Assembly and gives insight into the views of members of Parliament on some fundamental elements of parliamentarism in modern liberal democracies. In this way, the perception of representation’s interests, which is one of the fundamental components of a parliamentary mandate, is in detail observed. The...
Study description available in:ENSL
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The attitudes of deputies of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, 2006

Zajc, Drago (Centre for Political Science Research)
The survey reveals deputies’ views on the functioning of the National Assembly and gives insight into the views of members of Parliament on some fundamental elements of parliamentarism in modern liberal democracies. In this way, the perception of representation’s interests, which is one of the fundamental components of a parliamentary mandate, is in detail observed. The...
Study description available in:ENSL
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The attitudes of deputies of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, 2004

Zajc, Drago (Centre for Political Science Research)
The survey reveals deputies’ views on the functioning of the National Assembly and gives insight into the views of deputies on some fundamental elements of parliamentarism in modern liberal democracies. In this way, the perception of representation’s interests, which is one of the fundamental components of a parliamentary mandate, is in detail observed. The entire structure...
Study description available in:ENSL
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The attitudes of deputies of the Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, 1991

Zajc, Drago (Centre for Political Science Research)
The survey on the views of deputies’ on the functioning of the Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia gives insight into the views of deputies on some of the basic elements of parliamentary democracy in a country in transition and within the institution, which is in the process of its transformation. In this way, perception is observed in more detail representation of...
Study description available in:ENSL
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The attitudes of deputies of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, 1998

Zajc, Drago (Centre for Political Science Research)
The survey reveals deputies’ views on the functioning of the National Assembly and gives insigh into the views of deputies on some fundamental elements of parliamentarism in modern liberal democracies. In this way the perception of representation's interests, which is one of the fundamental components of a parliamentary mandate, is in detail observed. The entire structure of...
Study description available in:ENSL
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Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1988

Toš, Niko (Univerza v Ljubljani = University of Ljubljana, Fakulteta za sociologijo, politične vede in novinarstvo = Faculty of Sociology, Political Science and Journalism)
Particularities of the present survey are questions connected with role of army in Yugoslav society and Kosovo events. Questionnaire begins with assessment of economic situation of that time. Next, questions that cover constitutional changes probe respondents' knowledge of constitution and proposed changes. In next bloc interviewees express their trust in political...
Study description available in:ENSL
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Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1990

Toš, Niko (Univerza v Ljubljani = University of Ljubljana. Fakulteta za sociologijo, politične vede in novinarstvo = Faculty of Sociology, Political Science and Journalism.)
Topics or thematic coverage include also evaluation of the socio-economic and political situation; attitudes towards and perceptions of political pluralism; opinions about the communist alliance and political opposition in Slovenia; political efficacy; trust in political leadership; party preference and membership; knowledge about parties; voting intention before first...
Study description available in:ENSL
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Datensätze: "Die nationalen Parlamente tragen aktiv zur guten Arbeitsweise der Union bei" - Unter welchen Bedingungen können nationale Parlamente das Legitimationsdefizit der Europäischen Union entschärfen?

Czeppel, Julian ( TU Dresden)
Unter welchen Bedingungen betreiben nationale Parlamente in der Europäischen Union engagierte europapolitische Mitwirkung? Wie lassen sich die bestehenden Unterschiede in der europapolitischen Aktivität erklären? Um diese Fragen zu klären, sollen fünf Bedingungen anhand einer fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis daraufhin geprüft werden, ob sie notwendig und / oder...
Study description available in:DEEN
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