17 studies found in English from a total of 36710

Adult Learning Open University Determinants (ALOUD) study (biological part)

H.J.M. Gijselaers (Open Universiteit (NL))
Learning is crucial for everyone. The association between biological lifestyle factors (i.e., physical activity, sleep, and nutrition) and learning performance has been well established for children, adolescents and college students in traditional education. Evidence for these associations for adult distance students is lacking however. The Adult Learning Open University...
Study description available in:EN
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Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Older Cohort) 1979-1985, 1st Wave

Zentralinstitut für Jugendforschung (ZIJ), Leipzig
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social behavior as well as professional training and work habits of young people and young adults depending on social factors and social conditions. Topics: General personal orientations: introversion, extroversion; general contentment with life; satisfaction with certain areas of life; life planning, goals in...
Study description available in:DEEN
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Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Older Cohort) 1979-1985, 6th Wave

Zentralinstitut für Jugendforschung (ZIJ), Leipzig
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social conduct as well as professional training and work habits of young people and young adults depending on social factors and social conditions. Topics: General personal orientations: introversion, extroversion; general contentment with life; satisfaction with certain areas of life; life planning, goals in...
Study description available in:DEEN
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Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Younger Cohort) 1979-1985, 1st Wave 1979/80

Zentralinstitut für Jugendforschung (ZIJ), Leipzig
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social behavior as well as occupational training and work habits of young people and young adults depending on social factors and social conditions. Topics: General personal orientations: introversion and extroversion; general contentment with life; satisfaction with certain areas of life (scale); life planning...
Study description available in:DEEN
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Code/Syntax: Nachhaltiger Lebensmittelkonsum – eine Frage sozialer Differenzierung?

Trübner, Miriam ( Universität Mainz)
Nachhaltiger Lebensmittelkonsum stellt ein Kernelement bei der Bewältigung der Klimakrise dar; entsprechend geht mit der aktuellen Nachhaltigkeitsbewegung ein breites Angebot und eine steigende Nachfrage nach Bio- und Fair-Trade-Produkten einher. Soziologisch stellt sich die zentrale Frage, ob es sich bei diesen Entwicklungen um die Diffusion neuer, nachhaltiger Konsummuster...
Study description available in:DEEN
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Umfrage zum Ernährungsverhalten in Hamburg

Kley, Stefanie ( Universität Hamburg); Dunker, Alicia ( Universität Hamburg)
Anhand dieses Datensatzes kann das Ernährungsverhalten, insbesondere der Fleischkonsum und -verzicht auf individueller Ebene untersucht werden. Im Fokus der Analyse stehen insbesondere Aspekte der Nachhaltigkeit in Bezug auf Konsum (Einkaufskriterien, Fleischkonsum) als auch entsprechende Einstellungen und Motive. Außerdem gibt es diverse Variablen zum Medienkonsum als auch...
Study description available in:DEEN
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NANA: Novel Assessment of Nutrition and Ageing

Astell, A, University of Sheffield
The NANA programme of research took place over four years and comprised 42 studies organised into three phases: (1) User Needs analysis (studies 1-13); (2) Development of Integrated Measurement Toolkit (studies 14-38); (3) Full Validation of the NANA Assessment Toolkit (studies 39-42). These studies included focus groups with older adults, nutritionists and health...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Aspects of daily life - Longitudinal Data (2013-2016)

UniData - Bicocca Data Archive (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca); Istat
The survey "Aspects of Daily Life" is carried out by ISTAT and it is aimed to collect key information about the daily life of individuals and households on an annual basis. This information are focused on the habits, opinions, and attitudes of citizens regarding the main issues related to their social and family life. The sample interviewed annually is about 20,000 families,...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Aspects of daily life (2017)

The survey Aspects of Daily Life, which is part of an integrated system of social surveys – Multiscopo ISTAT – reveals the basic information relating to the daily lives of individuals and families. Since 1993, the survey is conducted annually and the information gathered provides insight into the habits of citizens and the problems they face every day. The main topics of the...
Study description available in:EN
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Aspects of daily life (2020)

The survey Aspects of Daily Life, which is part of an integrated system of social surveys – Multiscopo ISTAT – reveals the basic information relating to the daily lives of individuals and families. Since 1993, the survey is conducted annually and the information gathered provides insight into the habits of citizens and the problems they face every day. The main topics of the...
Study description available in:EN
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Aspects of daily life (2021)

The survey Aspects of Daily Life, which is part of an integrated system of social surveys – Multiscopo ISTAT – reveals the basic information relating to the daily lives of individuals and families. Since 1993, the survey is conducted annually and the information gathered provides insight into the habits of citizens and the problems they face every day. The main topics of the...
Study description available in:EN
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Height and Weight of Students of the Citadel, the Military College of South Caroline, 1878 – 1967.

Komlos, John (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München: Volkswirtschaftliche Fakultät, Seminar für Wirtschaftsgeschichte)
Aim of the study was the acquisition of the student’s nutritional condition at the military university “The Citadel” from 1878 to 1967. The following information was collected: age, birth-year, size, weight, federal state and administrative district of birth, residence.
Study description available in:DEEN
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Early childhood development: Identifying successful interventions and the mechanisms behind them

Fitzsimons, E, Institute for Fiscal Studies
A key aim of this research is to identify cost-effective and sustainable interventions to promote early childhood development. We will implement two interventions in rural Colombia in a cost effective way, by exploiting the structure and networks built up by the conditional cash transfer programme, Familias en Acción. This offers a model for scaling up of the interventions,...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Nutritional improvement for children in urban Chile and Kenya

Pridmore, P, London Institute of Education, University of London; Carr-Hill, R, London Institute of Education, University of London; McCowan, T, London Institute of Education, University of London; (3 more)
The social determinants of child malnutrition in the study sites were identified through literature reviews, semi-structured interviews (SSIs) and focus group discussions (FGDs) wth local stakeholders. Anthropometric survey and household survey conducted at baseline and post-intervention follow-up in the Kenya study and comparator sites of Mombasa. Anthropometric survey...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Multiscopo ISTAT – Aspects of daily life (2016)

The survey Aspects of Daily Life, which is part of an integrated system of social surveys – Multiscopo ISTAT – reveals the basic information relating to the daily lives of individuals and families. Since 1993, the survey is conducted annually and the information gathered provides insight into the habits of citizens and the problems they face every day. The main topics of the...
Study description available in:EN
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Aspects of daily life (2018)

The survey Aspects of Daily Life, which is part of an integrated system of social surveys – Multiscopo ISTAT – reveals the basic information relating to the daily lives of individuals and families. Since 1993, the survey is conducted annually and the information gathered provides insight into the habits of citizens and the problems they face every day. The main topics of the...
Study description available in:EN
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Aspects of daily life (2019)

The survey Aspects of Daily Life, which is part of an integrated system of social surveys – Multiscopo ISTAT – reveals the basic information relating to the daily lives of individuals and families. Since 1993, the survey is conducted annually and the information gathered provides insight into the habits of citizens and the problems they face every day. The main topics of the...
Study description available in:EN
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