2 studies found in English from a total of 36805
number of family members 

Velenje in Year 2000

Mlinar, Zdravko (Faculty of Social Sciences)
The main research of the research project Velenje 2000 was homonymous research Velenje 2000 - Residents on development problems in municipality Velenje. This research represents the complete sociological view within the main research projects in which were included also economical, economic, architecture, etc. views on development of community and city Velenje. Main goal of...
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Problem of social inequality between students of FSPN

Makarovič, Jan (Faculty of Social Sciences)
The analysis of problem of student's social inequality originates from Faculty of Economics at the University of Ljubljana. In the beginning of the academic year 1981/82 first survey was carried out with aims to enlighten the socioeconomic conditions of students at the marticulation. Temporary strained economic affairs threatened the student's conditions for normal studying....
Study description available in:ENSL
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