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Finnish Voter Barometer 1974
The variables describe the following: image of the parties, party membership, interest in politics, membership in organisations, voting in the 1972 parliamentary and municipal elections, voting certainty, party choices, satisfaction with the government, necessity of new elections, forming of the cabinet, opinions on parties and politics, economic situation, agreement reached...
Finnish Voter Barometer 1979
The variables describe the following: voting patterns, party affiliation, voting in the parliamentary elections, difficulty in choosing party and candidate, household's economical position, conceptions of economical situation in general, employment and government, attitude towards politics, opinions on parties, assessment of the agreement reached through collective...
Finnish Voter Barometer 1981
The variables describe the following: voting patterns, the 1980 municipal elections, parliamentary elections, household's economical position, opinions on the general economical situation, employment, composition of the cabinet, assessment of the government, attitude towards politics, opinion on parties, municipal affairs, assessment of the agreements reached through...
Finnish Voter Barometer 1984
The variables describe the following: voting patterns, voting in the parliamentary elections, certainty of voting, future expectations, assessment of the government, attitude towards politics, opinions on parties, development of one's municipality of residence, various ways to influence matters in one's municipality of residence, assessment of the agreements reached through...
Finnish Voter Barometer 1987
The variables describe the following: interest in politics, left/right dimension, opinions on the 1987 parliamentary elections, the voting decision, matters that affected the voting decision, information sources which supported one's decision to vote, voting certainty, voting in the 1984 municipal elections, presidential elections, image of the parties, the preferred...
Finnish Voter Barometer March 1992
The survey studied the attitudes of the Finns towards different political parties. The respondents were asked how favourably or negatively they viewed the Centre Party of Finland, the Finnish Social Democratic Party, the National Coalition Party, the Left Alliance and the Green League. Views on government and opposition performance were evaluated. The respondents assessed...
Finnish Voter Barometer February 1998
The survey studied the attitudes of the Finns towards different political parties. The respondents were asked how favourably or negatively they view the Centre Party of Finland, the Finnish Social Democratic Party, the National Coalition Party, the Left Alliance, and the Green League. A number of attributes and characteristics were listed, and the respondents were asked to...
Finnish Voter Barometer October 1997
The survey studied the attitudes of the Finns towards different political parties. The respondents were asked how favourably or negatively they view the Centre Party of Finland, the Finnish Social Democratic Party, the National Coalition Party, the Left Alliance, and the Green League. A number of attributes and characteristics were listed, and the respondents were asked to...
Finnish Voter Barometer September 1998
The survey studied the attitudes of the Finns towards different political parties. The respondents were asked how favourably or negatively they view the Centre Party of Finland, the Finnish Social Democratic Party, the National Coalition Party, the Left Alliance, and the Green League. A number of attributes and characteristics were listed, and the respondents were asked to...
Finnish Local Government 2004: Non-Governmental Organisations 1996
The respondents of the survey were representatives of associations and other local non-governmental organisations in target municipalities. The aim of the survey was to study political participation and local interest groups. Most questions pertained to the activities and characteristics of associations and organisations, but the respondents' opinions were probed on certain...
Finnish Voter Barometer September 2000
The survey studied Finnish political attitudes and opinions on political parties. Respondents were asked how favourable their opinion was regarding the Finnish Social Democratic Party, the Centre Party of Finland, the National Coalition Party, the Left Alliance and the Green League. A number of attributes were listed and respondents were asked to which party they could be...
Finnish Voter Barometer Autumn 2002
The survey studied Finnish political attitudes and opinions on political parties. Respondents were asked how favourable their opinion was regarding the Finnish Social Democratic Party, the Centre Party of Finland, the National Coalition Party, the Left Alliance and the Green League and how tempted respondents would be to vote for these parties. A number of attributes (e.g....
Finnish Voter Barometer April 2002
The survey studied Finnish political attitudes, and opinions on political parties. Respondents' views on the constitutional reform of the year 2000 were also probed. Respondents were asked how favourable their opinion was regarding the Finnish Social Democratic Party, the Centre Party of Finland, the National Coalition Party, the Left Alliance and the Green League and how...
Finnish Voter Barometer 1975
The variables describe the following: image of the parties, party membership, interest in politics, important sources of information in view of voting decision, voting in the 1972 municipal elections, voting certainty, party choices, satisfaction with the government, forming of the new cabinet, opinions on parties and politics, economic situation, agreement reached through...
Finnish Voter Barometer 1977
The variables describe the following: satisfaction in the government, conceptions about the economical development, opinions on labour market agreements on wages, interaction between voters and the parties, voting in the 1975 parliamentary elections and the 1976 municipal elections, use of suffrage, reasons for abstaining, changing one's party, important information sources...
Finnish Voter Barometer 1978
The variables describe the following: satisfaction in the government, opinions on the economic development, opinions on labour market agreements, opinions on the tax reform and the government's work, interaction between voters and the parties, voting in the 1975 parliamentary elections, in the 1976 municipal elections, and in the 1978 presidential elections, changing one's...
Finnish Voter Barometer November 1982
The variables describe the following: expectations concerning the economical situation, the most urgent reforms needed, changes in the political life during the last 12 months, satisfaction in the government's actions, political alienation, grading the present government's actions, interest in politics, left/right dimension in politics, various coalition combinations of the...
Finnish Voter Barometer 1983
The data were collected in two rounds. In the first round, before the 1983 parliamentary elections, the respondents were asked how they had voted in the 1982 presidential elections and in the 1980 municipal elections, and how they were going to vote in the forthcoming parliamentary elections. In the second round, after the elections, the respondents were asked whether they...
Finnish Voter Barometer 1986
The variables describe the following: household's economic situation, satisfaction in the government's action, opinions on the agreement reached through collective bargaining, interest in politics, political alienation, parties' principles and orientation towards the future, left/right dimension, definition and changing of one's party, voting in the 1984 municipal elections,...
Finnish Voter Barometer 1988
The variables describe the following: interest in politics, left/right dimension, voting in the parliamentary elections, voting in the 1988 municipal elections, important issues in society, party leader's significance to party support, attitude towards the actions of the parties, satisfaction in the government, political activity, participation in environmental action, and...
Finnish Voter Barometer 1990
The variables describe, among other things, the respondents' current concerns, interest in politics, position on the left-right scale, voting intentions in the next parliamentary elections and voting in the 1988 municipal elections. The respondents were asked about the influence of the party leader on party support, attitude towards political parties and satisfaction in the...
Parties and Municipal Democracy 1996: Candidates
In this survey, candidates in the 1996 municipal elections were compared with electors, party members and councilmen. Major part of the questions were addressed to the candidates of both constituency associations and parties. One set of questions, about the independent's role and relationship to political parties, was asked only of the candidates of constituency...
Finnish Voter Barometer January 1999
In the survey, the Finns' attitudes towards the various political parties were under observation. The respondents were asked how favourably or negatively they view the Centre Party of Finland, the Finnish Social Democratic Party, the National Coalition Party, the Left Alliance, and the Green League. In addition, a host of attributes were listed, and the respondents were...