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Kopen van oorlogsobligaties in de Verenigde Staten, 1943
Social psychology of a war bond drive/ a study in mass persuasion on the occasion of the Kate Smith marathon, September 21th 1943. General views on and effects of a long radio broadcast by Kate Smith to stimulate the buying of war bonds / patriotism / opinions on and knowledge about the radio-program of Kate Smith / previous campaigns / listening to radio broadcasting /...
Macro-economic role of military expenditure in OECD countries 1978-1979
A consistent set of economic time series for 12 variables and 14 OECD countries for the years 1953-1973 were assembled to test various hypotheses on the macro-economic role of military expenditure.
Meningen over kernwapens 1981
Opinions about nuclear arms and the stationing of cruise missiles on Dutch territory. Party preference / opinion on nuclear weapons in general and in the Netherlands / nuclear balance between East and West / political interest and participation regarding nuclear weapons / stationing of cruise missiles in the Netherlands. Background variables: basic characteristics/...
Kontinu-onderzoek (wave 09, june 1975 )
Continuous items for most waves watching tv / reading papers / taking part in discussions on political issues / political knowledge / political participation / party preference / questions concerning importance of different political issues / left and right in politics. Wave 9: Motivation to vote / attitude to the army and armament, atomic weapons, defence spending, foreign...
Kontinu-onderzoek ( wave 04, may 1973 )
Continuous items for most waves watching tv / reading papers / taking part in discussions on political issues / political knowledge / political participation / party preference / questions concerning importance of different political issues / left and right in politics. Wave 4: Attitude to trade union for the military conscripted ( VVDM ) / opinions about army regulations /...
World handbook of political and social indicators III 1982
Indicators of 155 countries in the world from the fields of politics, economy, public finance, demography and society/ World Handbook III is a continuation for the years 1970 and 1975 of World Handbook II that covered 1950, 1955, 1960, and 1965/ for some selected variables the time-series were continued up to 1978. Revenues and expenditures of central government in...
Verkiezingsonderzoek Brandpunt 1970-1971
Interest and exposure to mass-media / political problems / government spending and taxation / political preference / ( 1 ) threat to freedom / opinions on military service and military spending / ( 2 ) opinions on pornography / definition of porno / opinions on homosexuality / abortion / public order and behaviour of police / politicians in favour of law and order / ( 3 )...
Publieksonderzoek technologische vernieuwingen, 1985
Measuring attitudes of the Dutch population towards technological innovations. Attitude towards, knowledge of, information ( channels used ) about technology in general and its specific fields nuclear energy, automation ( robotization ), environment ( ecological ) technology, computer technology, military technology, dna technology, communication technology, in vitro...
Interaction and national data on the European system 1945-1980 (INDES )
Studying interaction of political and economical processes within and between countries and their influence on international relations since world war II. National file: demographic data / economic data: production / capital formation / imports / exports / expenditures / revenues / consumption / transportation / telecommunication / military personnel and equipment /...
Aggregate dataset Eastern Europe 1970-1980
Aggregate data of economical, military, demographical, social and political indicators concerning 7 Eastern European communist countries. ( Theme 1: population and society ) population density / population growth 1970-1978 / infant mortality and life expectancy / degree of urbanization / amenities running water, central heating etc. / housing conditions / hospital beds and...
European morale survey 1951
Opinions and information on the armament of Western Europe / perception of military threat of USSR / USA policy in case of an attack on Western Europe / attitude towards war and NATO. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ education/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure
Wapenbeheersingsonderhandelingen USA-USSR, 1986
Comparative research of public communication in 23 countries about arms control talks between USA and USSR in 1986. Importance of USA and USSR signing treaty on arms control / heard or read about restart of arms control talks / influence of arms control talks on chance of a nuclear war: own opinion and perceived opinion of most people in own country / frequency of talking...
Dienstweigeren 1980
Public opinion on refusal of military service. Opinions on refusal of military service / refusal to serve in UN-army in the Lebanon / refusal to guard nuclear weapons by both regular soldiers and conscripted soldiers / consequences of refusal. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ education/ social class/...
Vrouw in de Nederlandse krijgsmacht 1979
Opinions of the Dutch people on the integration of women in the military force. Statements on women in the army, differences with other segments of society / equal rights means equal duties / opinions of women on fighting, combat function / absolute necessity of the army / combat function for women with adequate training / acceptance of equal role of women by men / women are...
Kontinu-onderzoek ( wave 30, januari 1985 )
Continuous items for most waves left, right in politics / watching tv / reading newspapers / taking part in discussions on political issues / political knowledge / political participation / party preference / questions concerning importance of different political issues / reasons not voting for different political parties / knowledge about the position of political parties...
Kontinu-onderzoek ( wave 31, oktober 1985 )
Part of trend study on various political topics. Continuous items for most waves: left, right in politics / watching tv / reading newspapers / taking part in discussions on political issues / political knowledge / political participation / party preference / questions concerning importance of various political issues. Left, right rating of political parties / concern about...
Het conflict in Kosovo : Centerdata Telepanel
This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to compose tailor-made datasets. Opinion concerning NATO air attacks on Serbian targets in Yugoslavia / opinion about Dutch participation / expected effects of the attacks / participation of ground forces,...
Kontinu-onderzoek ( wave 05, sept. 1973 )
Continuous items for most waves watching tv / reading papers / taking part in discussions on political issues / political knowledge / political participation / party preference / questions concerning importance of different political issues / left and right in politics. Wave 5: Effect of political partisanship / structure of local council, and second chamber of parliament /...
Kontinu-onderzoek ( wave 03, dec. 1972 )
Continuous items for most waves watching tv / reading papers / taking part in discussions on political issues / political knowledge / political participation / party preference / questions concerning importance of different political issues / left and right in politics. Wave 3: Attitude to foreign policy / matters of military defence commitments / consumer attitude related...
Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1983 - CV'83
Trend study of changes in general opinions and attitudes of ( parts of ) the Dutch population.Media exposure to news and politics / job satisfaction / prosperity / government duties on education, housing, pollution, defence expenditures, art-subsidies / feeling lonely, having fears / worrying about politics, money, health, future, unemployment, family / measures in case of...
Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1982 (DPES/NKO 1982)
Systematical analysis of change in political opinions and behaviour of the Dutch electorate. Fresh sample and 4th wave: political interest / national problems of importance to respondent / party identification and membership / left and right in politics / voting behaviour 1982 / coalition preference / political issues unemployment, income policy, women's liberation,...
Tekenen voor vrede 1985-1986
P1182A: representatives of local platforms of the peace movement have been questioned about their organization / area covered by platform / genesis / organizations and persons involved / method of working / finances / activities / national, regional and local contacts / activities in connection with the organization of the people's petition against the deployment of cruise...
Navo-enquête 1967
Opinions and information on NATO / political information / perception of communist threat / opinions on undemocratic NATO members / should the Netherlands remain a member of NATO. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural'...
Vrede en veiligheid 1974
Membership of political parties, attitude to armament and violence of countries / cold war / NATO / Warsawpact / nuclear weapons / policy of the Netherlands in NATO armament race / detente / policy of the United States, the Soviet Union and China / disarmament by the Netherlands / data on discussion group on peace and security. Background variables: basic characteristics/...
Politieke verkenningen Brandpunt, 1981 : Defensie, minderheden, energie, werkloosheid, kiesgedrag
Producing statistics for a KRO-Brandpunt news-reel. Voting behaviour / how is the economic crisis to be controlled / integration of foreigners into Dutch society / contacts with foreigners. Background variables: basic characteristics/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ politics/ religion
Publieke opinie over krijgsmacht en defensie 1982
Study of public opinion concerning actual themes of military force and defense. Necessity and quality of army / war and peace / quality of soldiers / necessary freedom for soldiers / professional, voluntary and compulsory service / NATO and Warsaw- pact / East-West detente / arms reduction / nuclear weapons / neutron bomb / role United States in defense of Europe. Background...
Annual data on economic and military characteristics of 78 nations, 1948-1983
An empirical basis for the Sire model: simulation of international relations for Europe. Statistics of 78 countries for each year during the period of 1948-1983: consumer price index, exchange rate of national currency to US dollar, total exports and imports, government revenues and expenditures, capital formation, defence expenditures, GNP, population and total military...
Kontinu-onderzoek ( wave 17, june 1978 )
Continuous items for most waves watching tv / reading papers / taking part in discussions on political issues / political knowledge / political participation / party preference / questions concerning importance of different political issues / left and right in politics. Wave 17: Motivation to watch tv / most important problem / attitude to the army and armament, atomic...