8 studies found in English from a total of 36841
memorials (knowledge, role, funding, keeping) 

PROTECT: The impacts of the UN's Global Compacts on Migration and Refugees on the governance of international protection: legal norms, procedures and institutional architectures of asylum determination

Sicakkan, Hakan G. (University of Bergen)
This database aims to assess the impacts of different inter-institutional architectures of asylum decision making on the human rights of asylum seekers. It is geared towards finding new institutional architectures of asylum determination instrumental to achieving high standards of asylum policy. It maps the different institutional compositions in asylum decision-making in...
Study description available in:ENNO

Religious Law and Everyday Life: Shifting Practices of Mahr (Islamic Dower) in Legal Pluralistic Norway, 2019

Bøe, Marianne Hafnor (Universitetet i Bergen)
This research project examines the challenges that the combination of state law and the practice of religious legal issues represent in a welfare state like Norway, where the relationship between state and religious law is being redefined. Mahr holds socio-economic importance for the individual, the couple, the family and society at large, and is entangled in the everyday...
Study description available in:ENNO

A corrupção participada em Portugal, 2004-2008

De Sousa, Luís (ICS-ULisboa); Calca, Patrícia (CIES-Iscte); Lima, Inês Simões; (2 more)
O projecto pretende contribuir, de uma forma geral, para o conhecimento científico do fenómeno da corrupção através da análise dos processos instaurados nos diversos Serviços do Ministério Público junto dos Tribunais de comarca, a nível nacional, bem como nos DIAP’s regionais e DCIAP, por factos suscetíveis de integrarem crimes de corrupção; participação económica em negócio...
Study description available in:EN
Access study

Evaluation of welfare laws - Nationwide survey on experiences with the Child Welfare Act in municipalities.

Offerdal, Audun (UiB)
When the new Child Welfare Act was adopted in 1992, the Norwegian Parliament requested an independent evaluation of the law. This project was one of several research projects initiated for this purpose. The project aims to investigate the attitudes, perceptions, and experiences of the employees in municipalities based on their implementation of the laws. The survey was...
Study description available in:ENNO

Legal Standards and Professional Judgment in Educational Leadership - LEXEL, 2015

Møller, Jorunn (Universitetet i Oslo)
"Legal Standards and Professional Judgment in Educational Leadership - LEXEL, 2015" examined how leaders at various levels in the education system interpret and enforce legislation when they are working with adapted education, the students' psychosocial environment and special education. The project addressed key aspects of the legalization of the education system and the...
Study description available in:ENNO

Transnational Police in Local Context: A Study of Global Policing, Tasks, Organisation and Professionalisation, 2015

Gundhus, Helene Oppen Ingebrigtsen (Politihøgskolen)
The project "Transnational Police Work Locally" examined what competencies and insights about police methods transnational police work requires at the global, national and local level. It was especially police control at Europe's borders that was investigated, including the interplay between the goal of crime control and the goal of migration control. A key issue is to...
Study description available in:ENNO

Norwegian Police Citizen Survey 2022 og 2023

Mathisen, Jonas Rekdal (Politidirektoratet)
The Police Citizen Survey is an annual assessment of the public’s perceptions of the police in Norway. The survey measures citizens' trust and impressions of the police, feelings of safety, concerns about crime, as well as various aspects of interactions between the police and the public. The results from the Police Citizen Survey are used to guide the development and...
Study description available in:ENNO

PROTECT: the external dimension of the EU's migration and asylum policy

Longo, Francesca (University of Catania)
The data and documentation in this study is an innovation project that is a part of "PROTECT The Right to International Protection: A Pendulum between Globalization and Nativization?". This is an EU-funded research project launched on 1 February 2020. The impacts of the UN's Global Compacts on Refugees and Migration are studied, which are two non-binding frameworks promoting...
Study description available in:ENNO