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masscommunication (55)
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Mediagedrag etnische groepen in Nederland 1986
Exposure to radio and tv of ethnic minorities in the Netherlands / exposure to special ethnic programmes / reasons respondent don`t watch or listen / comments / exposure to ethnic programmes on foreign or local tv or radio / items respondent would like to see on ( ethnic ) tv or radio or in brochures / Dutch and own language papers and magazines they read, how many, how...
Binding van de lezers aan hun krant 1977-1979 : Regionaal en landelijk lezen in de regio
To supplement media-research with information about readers' attitudes possibly important for granting subsidies, loans to newspapers with financial problems. Commitment to regional daily newspaper ( "Dagblad van het Oosten" ) before and after change in ownership / details on reading habits / changes in subscription / satisfaction with all newspapers / preference for...
Nachtuitzendingen van Hilversum III 1974
Opinions on and experiences with late night programs of Dutch national broadcasting corporation ( NOS ). Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ education/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure
Nationaal onderzoek persmedia, 1982
Assessing mass-media readership related to consumption patterns. Presence of consumer goods: general / consumer electronics / leisure goods / consumption of video cassettes / detailed data on house: heating / insulation / rebuilding / redecorating / furniture / food consumption / pets / pet food / animals / readership of monthly magazines, bi-weekly magazines, weekly...
Changes in the Dutch broadcasting system : Centerdata Telepanel
This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to compose tailor-made datasets. Opinions concerning changes in the Dutch broadcasting system Background Variables: Age, year of birth / Sex Ownership of house Nr. of children living with family/household...
Kijk- en luisteronderzoek, 1972
Continuous monitoring of radio and tv audience and viewing behaviour / program preferences / exposure to radio / leisure activities / political interest and knowledge / reading of daily newspapers / preferences for broadcasting corporations / sense of political efficacy / anomy / opinion leadership / detailed data on occupation / social participation. Background variables:...
Kopen van oorlogsobligaties in de Verenigde Staten, 1943
Social psychology of a war bond drive/ a study in mass persuasion on the occasion of the Kate Smith marathon, September 21th 1943. General views on and effects of a long radio broadcast by Kate Smith to stimulate the buying of war bonds / patriotism / opinions on and knowledge about the radio-program of Kate Smith / previous campaigns / listening to radio broadcasting /...
Medicus, televisie, en gezondheidsvoorlichting 1965
Gaining insight in the potential of tv as a medium for health information and education G.P.'s attitude to television / attitude to tv-course on health information and education: / other channels through which such information and education: should be given through school, books, courses, media / suitable subjects like cancer, alcoholism, sex, suicide / institutes which...
Lezerskring konsumenten onderzoek 1967
Newspapers and magazines / consumption of durables / influences on buying decisions / opinion on leadership / attitude towards innovation of mass-media / image of broadcasting corporations. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ religion/ consumption of durables/ readership,...
Kijk- en luisteronderzoek, 1978
Continuous monitoring of radio and television audience and viewing behaviour / program preferences / exposure to radio / leisure activities / political interest and knowledge / reading of daily newspapers / preferences for broadcasting corporations / sense of political efficacy / anomy / opinion leadership / detailed data on occupation / social participation. Background...
Kijk- en luisteronderzoek, 1977
Continuous monitoring of radio and television audience and viewing behaviour / program preferences / exposure to radio / leisure activities / political interest and knowledge / reading of daily newspapers / preferences for broadcasting corporations / sense of political efficacy / anomy / opinion leadership / detailed data on occupation / social participation. Background...
Media-uitrusting, media-exposure en mediagebruik in Nederland, 1989 - MASSAT 1989
What respondent experiences as most important in life / how many times respondent is watching tv, to which stations / motivations of respondent to watch and listen to tv and radio / watching alone or with other people / which kind of programs is respondent watching / if respondent using a video recorder / if respondent is member of a broadcasting corporation / how many...
Gebruik van massa-media 1963
Patterns of interest and attitude towards mass-media / leisure activities / authoritarianism / impressions made by advertisements, news items, comics and other aspects of newspaper content. Background variables: basic characteristics/ education/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure
Brievenanalyse 'van onderen' 1973
Content analysis of the letters / attitude regarding copartnership of workers / causes and consequences of no co-partnership / expectations and means to reach more participation of workers. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ occupation/employment
Use of new media in 1995 : Centerdata Telepanel
This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to compose tailor-made datasets. Use of new media in communication: CD-ROM, DC-I, Bulletin Board System, computer networks, interactive television, teletext, videoconference, videotex, telebanking,...
Mediagebruik bij koop duurzame gebruiksgoederen 1968
The use of mass-media / influences on decisions on the purchase of durables / opinion leadership / tendency to buy new things / sociability / social integration / membership of organizations. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ religion/ consumption of durables/...
Nederland, museumland, 1988
Attitudes of Dutch and foreign visitors to Dutch museums, before and after the national promotion campaign of Dutch museums in 1988. Reason(s) for visiting museums / frequency of visiting museums / visiting various categories of museums / preferred type of museum / spending money in museum restaurant and-or museum shop / how respondent gets information about collections and...
Open het dorp 1962 : Marathon radio en tv campagne
Recording of contents of tv program / people appearing in program / motives for gifts charity, solidarity, imitation, feelings of guilt etc. / numbers of minutes of presentation / identification of gifts and donators. Presentation / cooperation of artists / gift in match-box / motivation for gift / opinions on reactions other people / motivation of others to give. Views on...
Mensen en boeken 1961
Bookreading and -buying habits / use of libraries / leisure activities / attitude towards the reading of books. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ education/ social class/ religion/ consumption of durables/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure
Nederlander en zijn boek 1974
books / attitude to bookshops / information about books / lending books in a library / attitude to book-reading and to books generally / attitude to book-tokens / going to the cinema / going to the theatre / comparisons between experiences with cinema last time, the latest book read and best tv-program seen lately
Kijk- en luisteronderzoek, 1976
Continuous monitoring of radio and television audience and viewing behaviour / program preferences / exposure to radio / leisure activities / political interest and knowledge / reading of daily newspapers / preferences for broadcasting corporations / sense of political efficacy / anomy / opinion leadership / detailed data on occupation / social participation. Background...
Beeld van tv-aktualiteitenprogramma's 1972 : Rol voor Tweede Kamer-verkiezingen
Relation between different radio- and tv-current affairs programmes and their audiences in a period before parliamentary elections. Acquaintance with current affairs programmes / frequency of watching, listening / image of current affairs programmes / detailed evaluation of current affairs programmes of four different broadcasting companies / political information by...
Nos journaal 1976
Survey in september 1975 tv and radio exposure / reading newspapers and weekly papers and magazines / exposure to tv news and special programs / special current affairs programs / evaluation of these programs / idem for radio / reading pattern of daily newspapers / importance of media and other sources for getting types of information / evaluation ( comparative ) of daily...
Kijk- en luisteronderzoek, 1975
Continuous monitoring of radio and television audience and viewing behaviour / program preferences / exposure to radio / leisure activities / political interest and knowledge / reading of daily newspapers / preferences for broadcasting corporations / sense of political efficacy / anomy / opinion leadership / detailed data on occupation / social participation. Background...
Communication effects on attitudes towards India 1960
Effects of motion pictures dealing with India on stereotypes regarding to India. With control groups from other countries like the Philippines, Spain, Japan, Canada, measured with the Thurstone and Likert attitude scales, Bogardus social distance scale and Osgood procedures 5 and 7 points scales / construction of attitude scale. Background variables: basic characteristics/...
Kijk- en luisteronderzoek, 1973
Continuous monitoring of radio and tv audience and viewing behaviour / program preferences / exposure to radio / leisure activities / political interest and knowledge / reading of daily newspapers / preferences for broadcasting corporations / sense of political efficacy / anomy / opinion leadership / detailed data on occupation / social participation. Background variables:...
Relatie publiek en journalistiek 1987-1988
Opinions of the public on journalists and journalism/ journalists' thoughts about how the public thinks about them. Part I: Public: variables concerning journalists and journalism: reading newspapers, frequency of reading / is this language understandable / are names with the articles important / r felt need to react to something in the paper/ wrote letters, about what / r...
Filmpubliek in Nederland, najaar 1983
Behaviour and attitudes of the Dutch population regarding professional motion-pictures/ in particular the Dutch film-going public. Frequency of visiting cinema or film club and some other outdoor activities / reasons not going more often / changes in frequency of watching films / last visit when, what film/ opinion of film/ company/ choice of film/ advising others to visit...
Meningen over media 1975
Tv watching / sense of political efficacy / sense of local efficacy / exposure to news commentaries on the radio / political interest / opinion on leadership / political information. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ politics/ religion/ consumption of...
Use of new media in 1996 : Centerdata Telepanel
This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to compose tailor-made datasets. Use of new media in communication: CD-ROM, DC-I, Bulletin Board System, computer networks, interactive television, teletext, videoconference, videotex, telebanking,...