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Justifications of Repressive Incidents in Morocco and Tunisia Dataset (JuRI)
The dataset is part of a project to investigate justifications of repression in North African autocracies. It was set up to answer the question to what extent and how repressive incidents were communicated and justified in Morocco and Tunisia from 2000 to 2010, before the beginning of the Arab uprising protests.
The event dataset is the first to disaggregate data on...
Legitimation Strategies of Regional Organizations (LegRO)
In an era of increasing political challenges to global and regional organizations, it is crucial to understand how they claim legitimacy and how successful they are in this respect. Yet, we know surprisingly little about the sources and consequences of legitimation in most regional organizations worldwide. In this project, we thus map the legitimation strategies of a sample...
Legitimation Strategies of Regional Organizations (LegRO)
In an era of increasing political challenges to global and regional organizations, it is crucial to understand how they claim legitimacy and how successful they are in this respect. Yet, we know surprisingly little about the sources and consequences of legitimation in most regional organizations worldwide. In this project, we thus map the legitimation strategies of a sample...
Datensätze: "Die nationalen Parlamente tragen aktiv zur guten Arbeitsweise der Union bei" - Unter welchen Bedingungen können nationale Parlamente das Legitimationsdefizit der Europäischen Union entschärfen?
Unter welchen Bedingungen betreiben nationale Parlamente in der Europäischen Union engagierte europapolitische Mitwirkung? Wie lassen sich die bestehenden Unterschiede in der europapolitischen Aktivität erklären? Um diese Fragen zu klären, sollen fünf Bedingungen anhand einer fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis daraufhin geprüft werden, ob sie notwendig und / oder...