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Monitoring School Leavers 2006
The research project Monitoring is dedicated to the various aspects of educational and occupational choices of high-school graduates and freshmen. Since 1995 high-school students who were in their senior year and college and university freshmen have been interviewed (telephone interview or written interview) in the form of representative surveys. The question topics were...
Job Situation of University Graduates in Austria 2000
The aim of the study is to gain an overview of the employment situation of university graduates from their point of view. Relevant questions are biographical data, course of education, usability of education, strategies for finding a job and career entry strategies, first professional experience and course of the occupational career, jobs and job descriptions, job...
Monitoring Universities 2005
The research project Monitoring is dedicated to the various aspects of educational and occupational choices of high-school graduates and freshmen. Since 1995 high-school students who were in their senior year and college and university freshmen have been interviewed (telephone interview or written interview) in the form of representative surveys. The question topics were...
Finnish Youth Survey 2019
Main themes of the Finnish Youth Survey 2019 included employment and entrepreneurship. First, the respondents were asked what they thought of as work and employment (e.g. paid and unpaid work, doing research on grants, being a freelancer). If the respondents were in paid employment or worked as entrepreneurs, they were asked whether their current work tasks corresponded to...
Classroom Teacher Students' Views on Reasons to Not Pursue Teacher Training 2019
The dataset consists of self-administered written texts in which the participants discuss possible reasons for not pursuing classroom teacher training. The participants are first-year classroom teacher students, and the texts were collected in lectures for first-year students at two different universities. The writing guidelines directed participants to write about whether...
Substance Abuse Treatment: Inpatient Treatment Therapist Responses to Frame Stories 2008
The data are part of Substance Abuse Treatment series, which comprises datasets that can be used in both quantitative and qualitative research. The respondents were drug and alcohol counsellors who worked in inpatient treatment facilities and who had a minimum of one year's experience in substance abuse treatment. The data consist of written responses to five different frame...
Substance Abuse Treatment: Reasons for Career Choice 2008
The data are part of Substance Abuse Treatment series, which comprises datasets that can be used in both quantitative and qualitative research. This dataset comprise 20 transcribed interviews. In them, therapists working with people with substance abuse problems were interviewed about the reasons, factors and motives for their career choice, such as childhood experiences,...
Substance Abuse Treatment: Therapists' Gender Roles 2008
The data are part of Substance Abuse Treatment series, which comprises datasets that can be used in both quantitative and qualitative research. This dataset was collected as an internet survey for drug and alcohol counsellors in Finnish outpatient clinics. The survey included four sections. The first section focused on the respondents' background. Questions covered the...
Substance Abuse Treatment: Background Information for Therapists' Career Choice 2008
The data are part of Substance Abuse Treatment series, which comprises datasets that can be used in both quantitative and qualitative research. This dataset contains responses to the background questionnaire that was collected from the therapists interviewed in FSD2692. The respondents were first asked which treatment method or approach they themselves mostly used and how...
Journalism Students' Survey 2015
The Journalism Students' Survey 2015 was part of an international comparative study entitled Journalism Students Across the Globe (JSG), which was conducted simultaneously in more than 30 countries. In Finland, six educational institutions that provide studies in journalism were selected to participate. International comparisons enable, among others, to examine how...
Interval Study Capabilities: Older Cohort 1985-1995, 4th Wave 1989
Development of mental capabilities in older school age depending on
school requirements, family conditions and leisure activity fields.
Topics: Goals in life; moral orientations; interest in politics;
attitudes to socialism and the GDR; models; achievement readiness in
instruction and social evaluation; self-image of personal
capabilities; interest in individual school...
Interval Study: Development Factors and Development Forms of Young People in the GDR (1968-1980) IS I - 1969 (2nd Wave)
Typical forms and courses of development of personality and social conduct
of young people depending on social factors and conditions.
Frequency of reading regional and national newspapers and preferred topics;
frequency of watching or listening to special broadcasts on radio and
television of the GDR (scale);
frequency of listening to or watching broadcasts of...
Interval Study: Development Factors and Development Forms of Young People in the GDR (1968-1980) IS I - 1970 (3rd Wave)
Typical forms and courses of development of personality and social
conduct of young people depending on social factors and conditions.
Topics: Frequency of reading regional and national newspapers and
preferred topics;
frequency of watching or listening to special broadcasts on radio and
television of the GDR (scale);
frequency of listening to or watching broadcasts of...
Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Older Cohort) 1979-1985, 2nd Wave
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social behavior
as well as occupational training and work habits of young people and
young adults depending on social factors and social conditions.
General personal orientations:
introversion, extroversion;
general contentment with life;
satisfaction with certain areas of life;
life planning, goals in...
Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Younger Cohort) 1979-1985, 2nd Wave 1980/81
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social conduct
as well as conduct in occupational training and work of young people and
young adults depending on social factors and social conditions.
General personal orientations:
introversion and extroversion;
general contentment with life;
satisfaction with certain areas of life (scale);
Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Younger Cohort) 1979-1985, 4th Wave 1982/83
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social conduct
as well as of occupational training and work habits of young people and
young adults dependening on social factors and social conditions.
General personal orientations:
introversion and extroversion;
general contentment with life;
satisfaction with certain areas of life (scale);
Occupation 1984
Effects of occupation counseling on ties to occupation and
achievement of apprentices and young skilled workers.
size of company;
attitude to ability of men and women to achieve;
life goals;
concepts of the future of the world;
political-ideological attitudes and convictions;
desired occupation;
occupational counseling, problems, help with choice of...
The Stewardesses of the German Lufthansa
Investigation of the structure of the occupation of stewardess in view
of occupational orientation, character of training as well as degree of
Topics: Recommendations and criteria in choice of occupation;
occupational self-image; occupational prestige and prospects of
promotion as stewardess; occupation of father, grandfather and mother;
The Cologne Students
Studies and occupational socialization at the university.
Topics: Social origins; study plans and occupation expectation;
attitudes to future occupation; opinions on occupational situation;
motives for studies; attitude of relatives to studies; contacts within
and outside of the university; assessment of social rank of the
individual faculties; self-image of the academic;...
Academics in Afghanistan
Education, professional situation, foreign contacts and political views
of Afghan academics about the social development of their country.
Topics: job satisfaction; chances for promotion; activities preferred;
long-range professional goal; professional activity appropriate to
education; evaluation of profession; jobs held since finishing
education; decision process in...
Occupation Achievement Comparison (1964)
The content of the study is identical to that of ZA Study No. 0475.
Demography: age (classified); sex; school education.
Senior Year Longitudinal Section (Panel 1969-1978)
The socialization and development of attitudes relevant to occupation of high school graduates in the course of later studies.
Topics: Most of the scales or tests in part repeated on every wave have been collected in the form of indices.
The following questionnaires were used: statistics questionnaire on determination of demography; questionnaire on choice of occupation,...
Young Adults in the Labour Market, 1983
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To explore educational, employment, unemployment and training experiences of the 18-24 age group. To relate their experiences and aspirations to general shortages in their local labour markets, and to possible demands for labour in the future. To assess their attitudes to and willingness to undertake...
Social Change and Economic Life Initiative Surveys, 1986-1987
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The principal emphasis of the programme was to examine the attitude of the population to changes in the employment structure of British society, including occupational structure changes in the gender composition of the workforce, increased unemployment and increases in the use of casual employment. These...
Labour Market Experiences of Miners Following Colliery Closure, South Wales, 1985-1987
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To describe and explain what happened to the workforce following the closure of Markham colliery in the South Wales coalfield in 1985.
It is essentially a labour market study where the labour market responses of former miners are analysed: their initial redundancy/relocation decision, their assessment of...
Woman Lawyer: Areas of Strain in the Professional Career, 1979-1981
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.(i) To illuminate the difficulties and strains involved and the accommodations made when women embark on careers in a male-dominated profession.
(ii) To identify the factors which enable women to perform the professional role successfully in a male-dominated profession.
(iii) To identify the...
Girls into Science and Technology: Initial Survey, 1980
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.GIST is an Action Research project aiming to improve girls' participation in scientific and technological studies at school when these become optional. The initial survey was conducted with 2065 first year children in ten co-educational comprehensive schools in Greater Manchester. Eight of these were...
Trends in Higher Education in Northern Ireland and in the Social and Spatial Mobility of Northern Ireland Undergraduates, 1980 and 1985
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This study comprises the data from two ESRC-supported research projects. The first, carried out in 1980, surveyed by postal questionnaire, all entrants who received a higher education grant from the Northern Irish Education and Library Board in 1973 and 1979. In addition, the 1973 cohort, who by 1980 had...
Student Life at Three Universities
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To form a general picture of student life and more particularly to see what factors affect the level of participation in student activities.Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions
Information on attitudes to student life and to relative importance of each of several advantages of university...
Essex Student Survey, 1964
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To investigate the background characteristics, attitudes and goals of Essex undergraduate students on entry, and to follow up these data with data on the reactions of graduating students to their experience of university and their responses to certain questions on political and religious attitudes that...