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Culturele activiteiten en sociale omgeving Utrecht 1986
The survey concentrates on many aspects of social background and educational attainment to get an indication of social mobility of people in Utrecht. first school type after primary education / doubled years at school / school results of primary education / employed, if not to which social group does respondent belong / employed in the past / name of employer (present and...
Publiek van de Nederlandse musea 1989
The public and the approach of the public in Dutch museums. This survey is based on existing data on visitors of museums, from surveys that were held during the period of 1954-1988. In addition a new survey was done in 1989: staff members of the museums were questioned about the situation in their museum at the time of the earlier surveys. Description of visitors / size of...
Recreatieve betekenis van het nationale park De Hoge Veluwe 1986
Recreational importance of the national park "de Hoge Veluwe". R's nationality, residence / distance from ( temporary ) residence / frequency of visiting "de Hoge Veluwe" and in which season / duration of stay / visited areas and facilities, recreational activities / means of transport / reason for not visiting the museum "Kroeller-Mueller" / attractiveness and quality of...
Vrijetijdsbesteding te Wageningen 1971
Watching television football game, other sport / reading books / going to pub, restaurant, dancing, disco bar, party, movies, performances ( theatre ) / making music / sports, hobbies / lack of recreation possibilities in Wageningen.Background variables: basic characteristics/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ religion/...