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Rechtvaardigheidscriteria en inkomensongelijkheid 1987
Criteria for justification of income differences Job characteristics / satisfaction with income / income distribution in the Netherlands / income from jobs or social welfare / r.'s opinion about minimum and maximum wages / determinants of income / taxes / role of government. Background variables: basic characteristics/ household characteristics/ place of work/...
Best practices in sharing individual level health research data in low and middle income settings: A qualitative study of views of stakeholders in India
Transcripts of in-depth interviews and group discussions with managers, researchers, ethics committee members, field data collectors and community members on the issues around ethical data sharing in the context of research involving women and children in urban India. We interviewed researchers, managers, and research participants associated with a Mumbai non-governmental...
Exploring urban agriculture, social cohesion and environmental justice
Interviews and conversations collected between March 2011 and November 2013 on urban agriculture, social cohesion and environmental justice. Respondents were urban agricultural projects' leaders, allotment officers, sustainable food strategies designers, landless people, allotment holders and various policy makers.
This research project aims to investigate emerging forms of...
Justice in ICC OTP Public Communications
This database contains all press releases and public statements placed on the ICC website's 'News' section and attributed to the Office of the Prosecutor between 24 April 2003 and 2 November 2018.The ICC website is dataset allows:1. The user to see whether 'justice' refers to victims or a defendant; or whether it refers to doing 'justice'...
4. World Vision Kinderstudie 2018
Die World Vision Kinderstudien geben Kindern eine Stimme und machen deutlich: Kinder sind Expertinnen und Experten ihrer Lebenssituation. Die Kinder wurden gefragt: Was sind ihre Wünsche, Sorgen und Ängste? Wo fühlen sie sich ernstgenommen und beteiligt? Wo begegnen Kinder geflüchteten Menschen? Wie nehmen sie sie war? Wie ist die Bereitschaft zu teilen?
Die Kinderstudie...
Daten und Code/Syntax: Merit, Need, Entitlement? Investigating Fairness of Housing Evaluations
Dataset from "Konstanzer Bürgerbefragung", wave autumn 2022.
Uploaded here is a subset of the original data, containing only variables and cases that were used for the analysis in the ZfS article.
Author of ZfS article and Stata code/syntax: Dr. Felix Wolter, LMU Munich (and formerly University of Konstanz)
Author of the original data: Prof. Dr. Thomas Hinz, University of...
Gender and preferences in a random sample - A combined experiment and survey study focusing on gender and economic preferences
The data is from an experimental study of a simple random sample of about 1000 adults from the Swedish population. The sample is similar by gender, age, income and education to this population. In addition, we have a high response rate, and can detect no differences between non-response and response groups by the comparison variables we have access to. In all relevant...
Conservation, markets and justice - Part 2: Ethnographic participatory video data
Our project on Conservation, Markets and Justice explores conceptions of environmental justice as a means to understand the tensions between biodiversity conservation and local livelihoods of people in the tropics. It does so through a three-pronged methodological approach, including semi-structured surveys, experimental games and ethnographic studies (including...
Conservation, markets and justice - Part 3: Survey data
This data collection contains questionnaire responses; two local justice questionnaire templates (one market version and one non-market version), the questionnaire sampling method and the test images. The semi-structured questionnaire was designed to explore local conceptions of distributive, procedural and recognition justice, across Bolivia, China and Tanzania.
This survey...
Efficiency, equality, and labelling: An experimental investigation of focal points in explicit bargaining
We investigate Schelling’s hypothesis that payoff-irrelevant labels
(“cues”) can influence the outcomes of bargaining games with
communication. In our experimental games, players negotiate over
the division of a surplus by claiming valuable objects that have
payoff-irrelevant spatial locations. Negotiation occurs in continuous
time, constrained by a deadline. In some games,...
Rethinking environment and development in an era of global norms: An exploration of forests and water in Nepal, Sudan and Uganda
There are three Excel files containing data arising from household surveys of two villages in Lamjung district of Nepal and four settlements near Merowe Dam in Sudan. The data include social profile of these villages (including livelihood strategies) and information with regard to access to natural resources and project impacts. Data from Khasur village in Lamjung district...