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Living Conditions and Way of Life of Schoolchildren from the View of Parents 1979 (Large City)
Value orientations, leisure habits, school achievements,
common relations in school class and family relations.
Topics: Educational goals; independence of young people; character
traits of young people; sex of one's own child; influence in choice
of circle of friends; room for decision-making regarding of "going
out"; frequency of common leisure events; common leisure...
Living Conditions and Way of Life of Schoolchildren from the View of Parents 1980 (Country)
Value orientations, leisure habits, school achievements,
common relations in school class and family relations.
Topics: Educational goals; independence of young people; character
traits of young people; sex of one's own child; influence in choice
of circle of friends; room for decision-making regarding "going out";
frequency of common leisure events; common leisure...
Structure Analysis of the School (Parents Survey)
Education aspiration, school image and child-raising habits of parents
with a child in the 10th grade of a high school.
Topics: reasons for transfer to the higher school; parental plans
after completion of the 10th school year and agreement here with the
child; occupation ideas of parents; financial sacrifice of parents for
school attendance of child; significance of high...
Structure Analysis of the School (Teacher Survey)
Social structure of the school as well as professional image, job
situation and education practices of teachers in North
Topics: 1. Survey of all teachers: reasons for the choice of the
teaching occupation; occupational socialization and work satisfaction;
subjects; pedagogical concept; number of hours each week; points of
view in grading and promoting;...
Living Conditions and Way of Life of Schoolchildren from the View of Parents 1977 (Medium-Sized City)
Value orientations, leisure habits, school achievements,
common relations in school class and family relations.
Topics: Educational goals; independence of youth; character traits of
young people; sex of one's child; influence on choice of circle of
friends; room for decision-making regarding "going out"; frequency of
common leisure events; common leisure activities...
Living Conditions and Way of Life of Schoolchildren from the View of Teachers 1979 (Large City)
Value orientations, leisure habits, school achievements,
common relations in school class and family relations.
Sex, school achievement, attitude, characteristics and FDJ membership
of the schoolchild with the most influence;
relationship of schoolchildren among themselves;
schoolchildren with few contacts;
reasons for lack of contact;
social status of...