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Survey on mass communications in Slovenia (MKS) 1962
Survey on mass communications in Slovenia (MKS) extends in an area of media and communication studies. Questionnaire begins with a large section of demographic questions. These are followed by questions regarding newspapers and magazines: which newspapers and magazines do respondents read, which headlines are of their greatest interest, when they usually read newspapers, and...
Tijdsbestedingsonderzoek 2006 nieuwe stijl - TBO 2006 nieuwe stijl
In opdracht van het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP) heeft Socialdata in 2006 het Tijdsbestedingsonderzoek (TBO) in nieuwe stijl uitgevoerd. Hierbij is het TBO voor het eerst als zogenaamd “Maatwerk” in het kader van het Mobiliteitsonderzoek Nederland (MON) verricht. Het MON (sinds 2010 het OVIN - Onderzoek Verplaatsingen in Nederland) vormt de nationale verkeersenquête...
Sport Survey 2001-2002: Adult Population
This survey investigated the sporting activities of Finnish people aged 19-65: how much Finns exercise (exercise habits), in what sports they take part in and what services and facilities they use in their hobbies. Respondents' willingness to participate in different types of sport and their interest in sports organisations were also charted. Firstly, respondents were asked...
Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (JYLS): Interviews of 14-Year-Olds 1974
The data are part of the Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (JYLS), in which the same individuals have been followed over 30 years. At this research stage, 14-year-olds' social behaviour and living circumstances were explored. The research stage also includes peer nominations and teacher ratings (FSD2073), and parent interviews (FSD2074). The...
Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (JYLS): Self-Ratings and Free Time Activities of 20-Year-Olds 1980
The data are part of the Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (JYLS), in which the same individuals have been followed over 30 years. In this data collection wave, some of the respondents, who were 20 years old at the time, were invited to participate in a theme interview. This dataset contains three self-rating questionnaires and a free time...
Tijdsbestedingsonderzoek 1990 - TBO 1990
Gaining insight into the way the Dutch population, over 12 years old, spends its time. For a one week period respondents reported in a diary the time spent (in units of 15 minutes) on 284 separate activities, grouped in the following categories: work, job, professional activities (including necessary travelling, commuting) / domestic work (including gardening, repairs) /...
Tijdsbestedingsonderzoek 1995 - TBO 1995
Way in which the Dutch population, from the age of twelve years and older, are spending their time. The data were collected by means of an interview and the distribution of time budget diaries among the same respondents. During one week respondents had to use the time budget diary to report about the time spent at the following types of activities: work (travelling time...
Tijdsbestedingsonderzoek 2011 - TBO 2011 v2
Dit is versie 2 van het TBO 2011. De wijzigingen t.o.v. versie 1 staan beschreven in 'Documentatierapport Dans TBO 2011.pdf' (tabblad Data files).-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Het tijdsbestedingsonderzoek (TBO) is een onderzoek naar de besteding van het tijdsbudget van de Nederlandse bevolking. De deelnemers van het...
Finnish Memories of Game Music 2020
The dataset consists of 177 texts written on memories and experiences related to games and game music. The data were collected as part of the Game Music Everyday Memories (GAMEM) project, funded by Kone Foundation. The writing guidelines instructed the writers to discuss important and meaningful memories related to game music. The participants were asked to write about,...
Amateur Naturalism and Technology 2020-2021
The dataset consists of texts by nature enthusiasts on utilising technology in their nature-related hobbies. The data were collected for a study on the impact of technology on people's connection with nature and knowledge of nature. The invitation to write was aimed at all nature enthusiasts who had experiences of or opinions on technology, even if they had not utilised...
Playing Video Games during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Interviews 2020
The dataset consists of 10 transcribed interviews that investigated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on everyday life and collected information about the interviewees' gaming experiences and time use. Data collection was conducted as part of a research project funded by the University of Jyväskylä and the Academy of Finland (project number 312397). Interviewees were...
Playing Video Games during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Survey 2020
The survey charted different digital gaming cultures. Questions examined digital gaming and related phenomena, such as livestreaming games and following e-sports and sports, during the coronavirus pandemic in Finland and China. First, the respondents were asked how often they had played digital and non-digital games in the past year and which games they had played the most....
Parish Employee Survey 2015
The 2015 church employee survey studied the views of people working in the parishes of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. Main themes of the survey included the future of work in the church, structural changes and strategic planning in parishes, ordination of women, the amended Marriage Act entering into force in 2017, and Christian values and ethics. First, the...
Narratives of Everyday Life during the COVID-19 Pandemic 2021
The dataset consists of self-administered written texts on everyday life during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study aimed to collect information on how people experienced life during the corona pandemic. Participants were invited to write about their future expectations and their lives before and during the pandemic. They were also asked to write about any topics that had been...
Views of Psychologists and Psychology Students on Digital and Problematic Gaming 2021
The dataset consists of interviews with psychologists and psychology students on their attitudes and opinions towards digital gaming, problematic gaming, and the recent addition of gaming disorder to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). The interviewees themselves were not required to have experience with gaming or problematic gaming. Interviewees were...
Amateur Researchers as Authors of Finnish Academic Journals 1841-1939
The dataset contains information on the status and roles of authors of Finnish scholarly journals in the period 1841-1939. It contains data from articles published by the oldest Finnish learned societies that accepted amateurs as members, namely the Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica (SFFF), the Finnish Literature Society (SKS) and the Finnish Antiquarian Society (SMY). The...
Gerontological Regional Database (GERDA) Survey 2021-2022
The data includes a survey collected by the Gerontological Regional Database (GERDA), which has mapped the health and living conditions of Finnish people aged 65 and over. The themes of the survey include activities, civic engagement, social contacts and well-being. First, respondents reported on their social contacts and their use of the internet. Next, respondents were...
Sport and Exercise Survey for Tampere Universities 2012
The study investigated the exercise behaviour of the students and personnel in higher education institutions in Tampere (Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Tampere University of Technology and University of Tampere). In the spring of 2012, there were plans to provide common sports services with a single fee to students and personnel of all higher education institutions...
Young People in Helsinki 2011
The study investigated the leisure time, hobbies, interpersonal relationships, school life and future plans of young people attending schools located in Helsinki, Finland. The dataset is part of City of Helsinki's longitudinal study in which surveys have been conducted every ten years since 1980. The respondents were first asked questions about their leisure time and...
Culture and Leisure in Finland 2007
The study extensively charted the culture and leisure time activities of Finnish people. The respondents were asked how often they watched different television channels, how often they watched television and what kind of programmes they watched. Relating to cinema, questions investigated the preferred genres and interest in the movies of certain directors. With regard to...
Tampere City Region Youth Survey 2014
The survey was used to collect information on the leisure time, well-being and capacity to influence of young people in the Tampere City Region. The target population included young people on grades 7-9 of basic education in Tampere, Kangasala, Lempäälä, Nokia, Orivesi, Pirkkala, Vesilahti and Ylöjärvi. The respondents were first asked questions about home and family life....
Finnish Youth Survey 2015
The theme of the Finnish Youth Survey 2015 was time management and time use. Questions charted hobbies, management of everyday life, sleep patterns, future, money and sources of income. First, the respondents were asked questions about hobbies and exercise as well as presented statements about satisfaction with themselves and their life. Management with everyday life (e.g....
Enhancing Leisure Time Activities: Survey for Seventh-Graders Autumn 2013
The survey charted the perceptions, hopes and experiences of seventh-graders in Helsinki regarding their leisure time, well-being and relationships. The study is part of the Good Leisure Time Development and Research project by Helsinki City Youth Department. The research project followed the same students during their lower secondary school education between 2013 and 2017....
Enhancing Leisure Time Activities: Survey for Seventh-Graders Spring 2014
The survey charted the perceptions, hopes and experiences of seventh-graders in Helsinki regarding their leisure time, well-being and relationships. The study is part of the Good Leisure Time Development and Research project by Helsinki City Youth Department. The research project followed the same students during their lower secondary school education between 2013 and 2017....
Enhancing Leisure Time Activities: Survey for Eighth-Graders Autumn 2014
The survey charted the perceptions, hopes and experiences of eighth-graders in Helsinki regarding their leisure time, well-being and relationships. The study is part of the Good Leisure Time Development and Research project by Helsinki City Youth Department. The research project followed the same students during their lower secondary school education between 2013 and 2017....
Enhancing Leisure Time Activities: Survey for Ninth-Graders Spring 2016
The survey charted the perceptions, hopes and experiences of ninth-graders in Helsinki regarding their leisure time, well-being and relationships. The study is part of the Good Leisure Time Development and Research project by Helsinki City Youth Department. The research project followed the same students during their lower secondary school education between 2013 and 2017....
Cable television and its development - A survey of the public in Lund in autumn 1983
This dataset is the result of the first step in a survey with the aim of describing and analyzing the introduction of cable TV in Sweden.
During the autumn of 1983 the Swedish Telecommunications Administration (Televerket) put trial networks for cable television into operation in Lund. One of the reasons that Lund was chosen as the first test area was its relatively...
Sport Survey 2005-2006: Young People and Children
The survey investigated the sporting activities of Finnish children and young people. The respondents were asked about where they exercise and in what sports they participate. Attitudes towards sports organisations in Finland were also charted. Parents answered on behalf of children under 12 years old, and young people aged between 12 and 18 were interviewed in person....
Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (JYLS): Interviews of Teachers of 14-Year-Olds 1974: Text Data
The data are part of the Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (JYLS), in which the same individuals have been followed over 30 years. At this research stage, data were collected using teacher ratings, theme interviews (FSD2305), peer nominations (FSD2073), and parent interviews (FSD2074). The teacher interviews covered topics such as the...
Tampere Afternoon Activity Project: Club Leaders 2007
In the Tampere Afternoon Activity project (Harrastava Iltapäivä) initiated in 2007, the city of Tampere organized voluntary afternoon club activities for pupils from the third grade to the ninth. The activities were organized in co-operation with various organizations, clubs, and churches. In this mid-evaluation, the realization of the goals and practices of the project...