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Gehandicapten 1969
Attitude towards disabled people working in organizations / definition of disabled / motivation ( not ) to employ disabled people / the types of work they could ( not ) do / job performance of various types of disabled people. Background variables: occupation/employment
Psychosociale stress en langdurige arbeidsongeschiktheid 1975-1977
The influence of psychosocial stress, personal factors, environmental factors and nature of illness on prolonged absence from work/ which factors either prolonged or reduced the period of absence from work. Reason of sick report / medical treatment / kind of doctors, hospitals/ opinion about medical treatment / experience of illness and future expectations / education,...
Gehandicapten wel geteld 1971
Nature of handicap / medical care and facilities / organizations for the handicapped / housing situation / traffic / public transportation / accessibility of buildings / leisure / occupation / doing homework / education / financial situation / attitude to being handicapped and its consequences in terms of social psychological factors / use of and need for aid / contact with...
Open het dorp 1962 : Marathon radio en tv campagne
Recording of contents of tv program / people appearing in program / motives for gifts charity, solidarity, imitation, feelings of guilt etc. / numbers of minutes of presentation / identification of gifts and donators. Presentation / cooperation of artists / gift in match-box / motivation for gift / opinions on reactions other people / motivation of others to give. Views on...
Obstakels voor gehandicapte Hagenaars 1973
Different ways of going outdoors / with or without help of other people / problems with traffic, visits to department stores, shopping in neighbourhood, exposure to sports and hobbies outdoor, visits to friends and family, at school, at work / education particularly for handicapped people / membership of unions for the handicapped or other unions / habitation / presence of...
Doorstroming in de intramurale zwakzinnigenzorg 1969
Description of population of institutions for mentally handicapped: age, sex, place of birth, kind of handicap, age of admission to institution, type of institution, multiple handicapped, degree of being handicapped / same data for those who left or entered an institute between '59 and '69. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/ residence/...
Sportieve recreatie door lichamelijk gehandicapten 1981-1982
Study on the impact of sport on the well-being of disabled persons. Phase I: description of r's physical handicap / to what extent is r.'s handicap an obstacle for functioning in particular to practice sports / wish to participate in open sports days for handicapped people organized by the Free University of Amsterdam, preferred types of sport / actual leisure activities,...
Zentrale Herausforderungen im Alltag aus Sicht von Menschen mit Schwerbehinderung
Menschen mit Schwerbehinderung stoßen in ihrem Alltag häufig auf Barrieren. Diese Barrieren können in unterschiedlichen Bereichen auftreten und vom jeweiligen Lebensabschnitt der betroffenen Person abhängig sein. In der vorliegenden Studie werden daher drei zentrale Forschungsziele verfolgt. Zunächst wird untersucht, wie Menschen mit Behinderung den Stand der Inklusion...
Kinderen met epilepsie 1976-1981
The impact of an epileptic child on family life. P0847a: both father and mother of epileptic child interviewed: medical history of child, detailed descriptions of epileptic attacks and medical treatment / relation between parents and epileptic child, feelings, extra protection, permissiveness / behaviour of child, disturbance of family life / consequences of epilepsy at...
Evaluatie beroepsopleidingen gehandicapten 1981-1983
Evaluation study of two experimental vocational training- courses for handicapped people. Handicap / educational career / professional career / job problems caused by handicap / periods in hospital or physical rehabilitation centre / social benefit / selection procedure and evaluation of experimental vocational courses / experiences with employment bureau and medical bureau...
Faktoranalyse 1974-1975 : Vaardigheidscursus data-analyse
A course on data analysis/ in particular factor analysis. For secondary analysis the datasets of two different surveys are used. One of these is also completely stored at Steinmetz Archive under number P0221. The other survey concerns the legal status of underaged persons.
Psychosociale hulpverlening aan demente ouderen 1987
Effectiveness of a psychomotor group therapy for patients with Alzheimer Syndrome Cognitive and social performance, coping with invalidity, the missing home emotions, self esteem, social relations / scales and scores concerning physical and mental conditions. Background variables: basic characteristics
Attitudes van maatschappelijk gehandikapten 1981
Differences in mentality of long-staying psychiatric patients and half way home-inhabitants and homeless men / distinguishing of subgroups. Scale items for balance, cheerfulness, melancholy, social and personal evaluation, zest for life, weariness of life, sociability, social anxieties, anomy. Background variables: basic characteristics / residence / housing situation
Visually handicapped people 1980
To determine expectations of and opinions on Bartimeus. Social functioning of former residents of Bartimeus as evaluation of institute's policy. Details on visual handicap / participation in organizations for visually handicapped / religious and political interest / details on occupation / job satisfaction / working conditions / unemployment / housing and neighbourhood...
Arbeidsmarktgedrag van werklozen 1968
Perception of the situation / optimism versus pessimism / taking initiatives / unemployment history / family situation and social control / occupational history / financial situation / social integration / consequences for marriage and family life / mental stress / anomy / acceptability of another job in another place at lower salary if more travelling, another training and...
Werken met mensen voor mensen 1975
Expectations and motivations regarding working situation with pupils who are mentally handicapped / attitude to these pupils. Background variables: basic characteristics/ characteristics of parental family/household/ occupation/employment/ education
Beeld en gebruik van kruisverenigingen 1972
The cross organizations / use of the services of the organizations / evaluation of the maternity nurse / visiting the health service with young child / evaluation of the health service / opinion on general practitioner / visiting the infants bureau / problems related to handicap / help of the district nurse / evaluation of the courses / visiting meetings of the cross...
Inventarisatie ernstig probleemgedrag bij geestelijk gehandicapten 1990
Inventory of magnitude of problematic behaviour and the applied corrective measures. classification of PIGG ( Patient registration Intramural Care of mentally handicapped ) * duration of residence of patient in several institutions * application for SGLGG ( Serious Behaviour disturbed Slightly Mentally Handicapped ) place * advice consultation teams * history of patient *...
Verplaatsingsgedrag en verplaatsingsbehoefte bij gehandicapten 1979
Mobility of handicapped people who cannot make use of public transport on their own. Actual transport behaviour / means, purpose, length, costs, destination of moving / possibilities of transport / need of transportation concerning work/ shopping/ education/ visiting relatives/ family / health, doctors, hospital / leisure theatre, restaurant, bar, sport / day-trips / church...
Loopbaan en herkomst van maatschappelijk gesteunden 1953
Reasons for receiving benefits for illness, unemployment / occupational and educational history of respondent and family members / social, religious and geographical background. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/ residence/ household characteristics/ characteristics of parental family/household/ occupation/employment/ education/ religion
Begeleiding van ouders van geestelijk gehandicapte kinderen 1976
Reaction of parents upon discovery that child was mentally handicapped / contacts with institutes / how were parents, mother informed / content of first talk about child's condition / advice / different sets of questions for different categories of children / children on special school for children with learning problems / children in day centre / day centre for older...