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Schoolchildren Interval Study Capabilities 1986-1995, 5th Wave 1990
Influence of leisure time and school interests of schoolchildren on
development of mental capabilities.
Topics: Goals in life; moral orientations; view of future; extent of
leisure time; leisure contents and activities; use of home
electronics; possession of different media; preferred music, reading
material, films and broadcasts; preferred games; wishes for school;...
Participation in Instrumental Learning (TIAMu)
Student survey:
gender, age, time spent with parents, parental involvement in the school life of child, number of books in household. JeKI at elementary school, instrumental lessons at elementary school, period of instrumental lessons; current instrumental playing, current instrumental lessons, weekly music lessons at school.
If participating in JeKi in elementary school:...
PReTuS – Peripheral Regions, Participation and School
The project investigates how music education programmes are organised in rural areas in the context of schools, but also by extracurricular clubs and music schools. The project is investigating how the social and infrastructural conditions in rural areas affect the organisation of such programmes and how schools develop under these conditions. In a mixed methods design,...
Schoolchildren Interval Study Capabilities 1986-1995, 2nd Wave 1987
Development forms and influence factors of development of mental
achievements in childhood and adolescence (particularly at transfer
from lower grade, junior high and high school).
Topics: Test results on concentration ability, attentiveness, verbal
agility; special abilities in technical, musical, linguistic,
athletic and artistic area; support of particular...
Prerequisites for Artistic Interests, Abilities and Occupation 1986
Development conditions for artistic interests,
capabilities and achievement of young people and
the decision for an artistic occupation.
Evaluation of education conditions at the college or technical college;
effort for a personal artistic signature and interest of teachers in this;
support of students and the FDJ group by the teaching staff;
evaluation of...