328 studies found in English from a total of 36805
gevangenschap (Cogis trefwoorden) 

Lives sentenced: The punishment careers of persistent offenders, Round 1

Schinkel, M, University of Glasgow
The data consists of 37 interview transcripts from the first round of Lives Sentenced research. Interviews with thirteen incarcerated men, nine men in the community, twelve incarcerated women and three women in the community are included. The interviews explore the changing meaning of the accumulation of sentences in their lives, and the interactions of these meanings with...
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Data access:Restricted
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Stranger and acquaintance violence trends, 1991 - 2013/14

Tseloni, A, Nottingham Trent University; Ganpat, S, Nottingham Trent University
Syntax files for estimating trends in stranger and acquaintance violence, based on the Office for National Statistics' Crime Survey for England and Wales data files from 1992 to 2013/14. The primary research question was what the role is of population group- and context- specific changes in personal security and routine activities in explaining the decline in stranger and...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Open
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Interviews with corporate finance lawyers on client relationships and their practices 2013-2016

Vaughan, S, University of Birmingham
Semi-structured interviews with lawyers practising in corporate and finance teams in 30 of the UK's top 100 law firms covering issues including: (a) lawyer-client relationships and the balance of power between lawyers and clients; (b) the nature of their jobs; (c) professional ethics; (d) professional regulation; (e) the influence of the 'public interest' on the work of...
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Law in children's lives project data

Watkins, D, University of Leicester; Lai-Chong Law, E, University of Leicester
The Law in Children’s Lives (LICL) project has sought to investigate how far, if at all, children are aware of the various legal provisions that apply to them, and to assess in particular how far children perceive themselves to be empowered by these laws in their day to day lives. An unusual and pioneering feature of this study has been the creation and use of a digital...
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Data access:Restricted
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Triaging Values: How NGOs make decisions about resource allocation, 2013-2017

Krause, M, London School of Economics and Political Science
Qualitative interviews with managers in human rights NGOs (n=36), conservation organisations (n=44), and churches and mission agencies (n=30) about practices of prioritization. Our research aimed to address the following questions: How do these organizations allocate resources to specific areas, and specific groups of beneficiaries and specific types of activities? What are...
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Regional crime trends, local authority and community safety partnership crime trends data for Scotland, England and Wales: Violence and burglary

Bates, E, University of Edinburgh
This dataset provides police recorded crime counts and related resident population estimates for all violence and burglary (housebreaking in Scotland) (data on burglary and violence is provided separately) for the financial years 2004-5 to 2015-16. This is a longitudinal data set with data aggregated by year to financial years (1st April in one year to 31st March in...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Open
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EU Rights Project data collection

O'Brien, C, University of York
The EU Rights Project was a legal action research project - in which the lead researcher had a dual role, of both advising EU nationals in the UK on their welfare rights, and doing case work and advocacy on their behalf, and secondly, documenting the obstacles encountered, through field notes. The project was supported through focus groups and interviews, to help shape the...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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The financial aspects of the trade in counterfeit products

Antonopoulos, G, Teesside University
This collection contains transcripts or notes from interviews with experts on the financial aspects of the trade in counterfeit products. This exploratory project's key objectives have been to: (1) identify the various forms and sources of financing that are being used to trade in counterfeit goods, payment settlements, costs for doing business, profits and investment of...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Parenting young offenders: Shaping and re-shaping social networks following custody 2016-2017

McCarthy , D, University of Surrey
Data consists of qualitative interview data comprising a total of 31 transcripts. These consist of primary caregivers (majority mothers) related to young men (aged 15-22) in prison. Because of the sensitivity of this research, a number of transcripts have been omitted, including cases where interviewees did not want their data to be archived. Transcripts have been carefully...
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Data access:Restricted
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Historic droughts inventory of references to legal regulation 1976-2012

Lange, B, University of Oxford; Golomoz, C, University of Oxford
This is a collection of extracts from both House of Commons and House of Lords Debates about the legal regulation of water resources in the UK during five key drought episodes, i.e. 1976, 1984, 1995, 2003-6 and 2010-12. The data extracts are coded with reference to core concepts developed during the Historic Droughts Project, i.e. Drivers, Impacts of and Responses to...
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Data access:Open
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Justice, inequality and gender based violence project: Victim/survivors experiences and views of justice 2015-2018

Hester, M, University of Bristol; Williamson, E, University of Bristol; Robinson, A, Cardiff University; (12 more)
The research project was designed to enable analysis of data relating to a range of experiences of GBV and the positioning of individuals as victim/survivor in relation to various forms of inequality (thereby enabling exploration of issues relating to intersectionality). It also enables us to look at implications of recent changes in the formal and informal justice systems...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Making law in rural Kenya

Heald, S, London School of Economics
The data set consists of a 65 minute video which provides direct insight into the origin and current functioning of the iritongo vigilante movement in Kuria East District in 2008/9 and the beginning of a state of war in the neighbouring District of Kuria West. In addition, a number of interviews with key personnel have been transcribed and translated into English. These...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Evaluating police behavior to examine variations in public evaluations of police conduct

Waddington, P, University of Wolverhampton
The aim of this research was to advance academic understanding of how the public constructs police legitimacy by: (1) examining the criteria employed in approving / disapproving of police behaviour; (2) Identifying those features of police-public encounters that promote favourable or unfavourable assessments from the public; (3) Compare similarities and differences between...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Consolidated standards of reporting trials of social and psychological interventions: CONSORT-SPI

Montgomery, P, University of Oxford; Mayo-Wilson, E, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Grant, S, RAND Corporation
This collection involves data from a project to develop Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials of Social and Psychological Interventions: CONSORT-SPI. Namely, two phases of the project involved the collection of new data: an online Delphi process and a consensus meeting. The online Delphi process aimed to develop and refine a prioritised list of reporting items to...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Open
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Breach and compliance with community supervision in Scotland

Barry, M, Personal/Independent Researcher/Consultant
This study of breach and compliance in Scotland uses quantitative and qualitative data to explore how offenders and professionals interpret compliance and breach; what factors relating to policy, practice and offender characteristics affect compliance and breach; and how breach policy and practice can be enhanced so as to encourage the cessation of offending. A literature...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Assuming identities online: Experimental chatlogs

Grant, T, Aston University
Research taking a computational approach to the analysis of online communications has thus far focused overwhelmingly on the structural elements of Computer Mediated Discourse (CMD), such as typography, orthography and other low level features, with little to no attention being paid to the socially situated discourses in which these features are embedded. The Centre for...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Marine protected areas in the UK: law and society

Pieraccini, M, University of Bristol
The dataset contains transcripts of semi-structured interviews conducted in each of the case study area of the project with sea-users, conservation bodies and regulators and also elite interviews with regulators and Statutory Nature Conservation bodies in England and Scotland.This socio-legal project focused on the on-going efforts to establish an ecologically coherent...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Lay and institutional knowledges of domestic violence law: Towards active citizenship in rural and urban Cambodia

Brickell, K, Royal Holloway University of London
Mixed method data collection on experiences of domestic violence and its potential for redress through law in Cambodia. Specifically, the collection includes information on quantitative household questionnaires; interviews; and participatory video workshops held in rural and urban case study communities in two provinces. The research was carried out to understand the...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Health and Safety in the British Regulatory State, 1961-2001: the Health and Safety Commission, Health and Safety Executive and the Management of Occupational Risk in Britain

Sirrs, C, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
This oral history project forms part of a doctoral thesis exploring the historical development of the British system of occupational health and safety regulation. Engaging with recent historical scholarship on occupational health and safety, the thesis explores the social, cultural, political and economic conditions that shaped the development of the British system of...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Open
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The implementation of the Transforming Rehabilitation agenda in one case study area

Millings, M, Liverpool John Moores University; Burke, L, Liverpool John Moores University; Robinson, G, University of Sheffield
This research draws on observation and interview-based research that took place between March 2014 until June 2015 to capture, in one case study area, the experience of staff during this period of unprecedented organisational change through the creation, early development, and sale of a CRC. The project capitalised on a unique opportunity to observe this period of profound...
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Data access:Restricted
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Youth justice workers' views on implementing policy: Interview data

Phoenix, J, University of Leicester; Kelly, L, Liverpool John Moores University
This set of transcripts consists of interviews with youth justice workers in two local authorities. It describes their day to day working lives, their understanding of the relationship between policy and practice and their training and training needs. Ways of dealing with young people in trouble with the law have been the object of (often intense) popular and political...
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Data access:Restricted
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Interviews on refugees/displacement in Latin America

Cantor, D, School of Advanced Study, University of London
This collection consists of interview data on refugees/displacement and organised crime in Latin America. This project uses multi-disciplinary methodology to investigate and influence the ways in which Latin American States use transnational structures and interventions to address new security and justice challenges resulting from forced migration flows. The recent trend of...
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Labour law and poverty alleviation datasets

Deakin, S, University of Cambridge
This data collection consists of (1) a leximetric dataset coding for labour laws in 117 countries for the period 1970-2013, consisting of a PDF document setting out the coding methodology and sources, and an Excel spreadsheet with the data; and (2) qualitative datasets based on interviews in Cambodia, China, South Africa and India;The aim of the project was to understand...
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Data access:Restricted
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From Coercion to Consent: Social Identity, Legitimacy, and a Process Model of Police Procedural Justice, 2018-2021

Stott, C, Keele University; Bradford, B, University College London; Jackson, J, London School of Economics; (5 more)
This data collection includes quantitative data obtained during the three research strands of this project. Consent for publicly sharing the qualitative data is not in place and retrospective consent is not feasible, and accordingly a waiver has been granted for these data. Keele University strand: One interview study and one wider ethnographic study (including field...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Open
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The Drug Policy Voices Survey, 2018-2021

Askew, R, Manchester Metropolitan University; Bone, M, University of Leicester
The Drug Policy Voices project was funded by the ESRC between 2018 and 2021. The aim of the project was to engage people who use drugs (PWUD) into debates about drug policy reform. This was the first UK project designed to understand experiences and opinions, as well as improve knowledge about drug policy issues. A survey was conducted in 2020 to collect data on alcohol and...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Healthy Relationships Knowledge Exchange Fellowship, 2022

Ewing, J, University of Exeter; Barlow, A, University of Exeter
The data deposited consists of interview transcripts (with identifying information obscured) from two samples of intact couples, the collection of which was made possible by the secondment of the Knowledge Exchange Fellow, Jan Ewing (University of Exeter) to the Relationship Support charity, OnePlusOne. Sample 1 consists of the 24 of 33 married couples interviewed separately...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Code for Merging Waves of the Crime Survey of England and Wales and the British Crime Survey, 1982-2020

Blom, N, City, University of London
This code merges multiple years of Crime Survey of England and Wales (CSEW) and/or the British Crime Survey (BCS). The purpose of these code is to help researchers to quickly and easily combine multiple survey sweeps of the CSEW and BCS. By combining multiple survey sweeps, people are able to look at, for instance, trends in violence. Furthermore, using such a combined file...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Open
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Human Rights Big Data and Technology: Digital Policing and Human Rights, 2023

McGregor, L, University of Essex; Fussey, P, University of Essex
The main project aims were to examine the human rights implications of rapidly developing technologies. As noted above, in an increasingly digitised world, technological developments and the collection, storage and use of 'big data' pose unprecedented challenges for the protection of human rights. The aim of the project was to examine the intersection of such technological...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Metadata for the Beastly Business Project: Illegal Wildlife Trade, 2021-2023

Duffy, R, University of Sheffield; Iordachescu, G, University of Sheffield; Hutchinson, A, University of Sheffield; (3 more)
The Beastly Business Project focused on IWT in European species, specifically the trade in European brown bears, European eels and songbirds. It delivered new empirical data and a novel analytical framework that synthesises the strengths of two key approaches – political ecology and green criminology. Europe is a key area for sourcing, consuming and transporting wildlife,...
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A Verbatim Film-Research Collaboration Seeking To Raise Awareness of Prison Suicide, 2020-2024

Tomczak, P, University of Nottingham; Buck, G, University of Chester
This is qualitative data collection of semi-structured interviews conducted between June-July 2023, and online surveys conducted throughout 2022, within a study that examined how the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman (seek to) effect change in prisons following prisoner suicides and how verbatim film can help to increase the impact of research findings. The study ran from...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Open
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