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Anansi Masters - Aruba H02 - Valles Hermoso, Milly Patricia - Nanzi and the King
Nanzi and the King told by Milly Patricia Valles Hermoso, recorded on video for the Anansi Masters project on Aruba.Subject: Finding a way to do an impossible job.Description: Nanzi finds extra strength by speaking in a peculiar way.Content: Nanzi is sent for by the King. He wants Nanzi to move a giant rock from one place to another place in the garden. Nanzi thinks not even...
Photographic Data of Urban Gardening and Making Zimnina in Sofia, 2017-2018
The project was designed with societal, policy and research impact in mind. The target audiences of the project included local authorities, the urban poor and other practitioners (such as engineers and NGOs) and researchers. Societally, the primary beneficiaries of the project are expected to be urban practitioners (policy-makers/planners, engineers/designers, service...
Anansi Masters - Curacao G13 - Abath, Magno, B. - Nanzi and the spotted cow
Nanzi and the spotted cow told by Magno Abath, recorded on video for the Anansi Masters project in Curacao.Subject: Using your wit to get an impossible job done.Description: Nanzi is not allowed to scratch himself when he cleans the King's garden. He thinks of a clever way to dodge this rule.Content: Nanzi learns that the King gives a fat cow as a reward for cleaning up his...