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LISA Dutch Company Data
The LISA company data contain information on Dutch companies, aggregated on a municipal or other level, or in the form of microdata. The data have a geographical (location) and socioeconomic component (employment in a sector).
Personaleinsatz aktiv gestalten
Im Rahmen des durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) geförderten Sonderforschungsbereichs 882 „Von Heterogenitäten zu Ungleichheiten“ wurde die qualitative Betriebsbefragung „Personaleinsatz aktiv gestalten“ als Bestandteil des Teilprojektes B4 „Betriebe und Ungleichheit: Synchrone und diachrone Ungleichheitseffekte zeitweiser Entlassungen (Recalls)“ durchgeführt....
Acquisition and Application of Occupational Qualifications 1998/99 (Qualification and Course of Employment)
Description of work responsibilities, working conditions,
job stress and possible changes of the situation at work.
Occupation education and further education as well as
individual mobility conduct.
1.) Cross-section part:
occupation practiced
(classification of occupation according to the occupation codes of the Federal Bureau of the Census of 1992);
assessment of...
Youth, Education and Training
Information on choice of occupation and occupation learned. Judgement
on education situation and future job possibilities.
Topics: Positive or negative feelings on selected terms and areas of
life; information on training occupation; company size; activities
after completion of school; begin of employment and expected date for
chamber of commerce final examination; number...
The Role of the Safety Engineer in the System of Company Job Safety
The occupational situation, position in the company and work demands of
the safety engineer in the FRG before the job safety law goes into
Topics: Institutionalization of maintenance of industrial health and
safety standards in the company; position of respondent in business;
personnel deployment in the safety system; start of safety activities
in the company;...
Qualification and Course of Employment 1985/86
Determination of qualification and course of professional career.
The investigation is divided into the following sections:
1. Current employment
2. Education and training
3. Further education and retraining
4. Mobility
Topics: 1. Current employment: working hours; professional position;
branch of economy and area of economy; company size and occupation...
Acquisition and Application of Occupational Qualifications 1991/92 (Qualification and Course of Employment)
Qualification, description of activity and career course.
Topics:1. Current or last employment: average time worked each week;
occupational activity; economic area; area of business; company size;
occupational position; since when self-employed; judgement on the
economic situation of the company; limited or unlimited terms of
employment; ABM position {job creation measure};...
Betriebliche Gelingensbedingungen einer partnerschaftlichen Aufteilung von Erwerbs- und Familienarbeit
Wie kann Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie gelingen – und zwar sowohl bei Frauen als auch bei Männern? Ziel des Forschungsprojektes „Betriebliche Gelingensbedingungen einer partnerschaftlichen Aufteilung von Erwerbs- und Familienarbeit“ war es herauszufinden, unter welchen Bedingungen sich Väter und Mütter Erwerbs- und Familienarbeit ausgewogen aufteilen. Die im Rahmen des...