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God in Nederland 2006
Vervolg longitudinaal onderzoek uit 1966, 1979, 1996 naar religie in Nederland, uitgevoerd in opdracht van de KRO.De vragenlijst bevat vragen over de volgende thema’s:- Waarden- Maatschappelijke relevantie kerken- Rol die religie mag spelen in het openbare leven- Persoonlijke levensbeschouwing- Religieuze ervaringen- Gebruik van media gericht op religie- Kerklidmaatschap
God in Nederland 1966
Religious attitudes / orthodoxy / pillarization - compartmentalization / confessionalism / conformism to church rules / tolerance / most important things in life / superstitions / the image of God, Christ, Christmas, Easter / psychological versus social functions of church-going / the political and social role of the church / clergy / stereotypes regarding people with...
God in Nederland 1979
Opinions of Dutch citizens about religion, church and clergy. Matters of religion / church and clergy / general issues contraceptives / apartheid / homosexuality / mixed marriage / nuclear weapons / abortion / divorce / euthanasia / affinity with sects and movements. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/...
Religious Fundamentalism and Radicalization Survey
The "Religious Fundamentalism and Radicalization Survey (RFRS)" is a large-scale cross-sectional survey conducted among Muslims, Christians, Jews, and non-believers in Cyprus, Germany, Israel, Kenya, Lebanon, the Palestinian territories, Turkey, and the USA. The survey is designed specifically to test hypotheses related to determinants of religious radicalization. It...
Domestic Violence Met by Educated Women 2015
This survey study charted domestic violence met by highly educated women in Finland. The study focused on the forms, prevalence and effects of domestic violence. The survey also examined the importance of faith as a coping resource in abusive relationships. The study was carried out as a part of a Master's thesis, and it is also a part of the international "Domestic Violence...