3 studies found in English from a total of 36841

Database on cargo flows in the port of Rotterdam, 1880-2000

dr F.M.M. Goey, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam; Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication - ESHCC
This dataset was created for the research project: Rotterdam-Antwerp, a century and a half of port competition, 1880-2000. The aim of the project was to investigate different variables that influence competition between these ports and their overall effect on cargo flows. This dataset only contains statistics on Rotterdam. (Dataset D0095 contains the data collected on the...
Study description available in:EN
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Curaçaose cijferreeksen 1828 - 1955

Dr. Jaap van Soest
Tussen 1972 en 1980 werden de onderzoeksgegevens verzameld, die o.a. werden verwerkt in de volgende publicaties 'Olie als water - de Curacaose economie in de eerste helft van de twintigste eeuw' (Curacao 1976, Zutphen 1977), in 'Trustee of the Netherlands Antilles - a history of money, banking and the economy with special reference to the Central Bank of the Netherlands...
Study description available in:EN
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Port of Antwerp, 1900-2000

R. Loyen, Center for Economic Studies, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
The database contains time-series on maritime (sea-borne) and continental (hinterland) througput in the port of Antwerp. Also, data on shipping movements, infrastructure and superstructure of the Antwerp port have been included. The database was composed in the framework of a Ph.D. on functional shifts in the port of Antwerp. Website where data set is available: ...
Study description available in:EN
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