257 studies found in English from a total of 36716
ethnic minorities (257) 

Our Society 2017 - March

Public Opinion Research Center (Sociological Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences); Červenka, Jan (CVVM, Sociological Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences); Pešková, Veronika (CVVM, Sociological Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences); (3 more)
Research was conducted by the Public Opinion Research Center (CVVM) of the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences as a part of the research "Our Society 2017". Data collection was secured by the interviewer network of CVVM. Please note that this research is an English version / translation of materials from research "Naše společnost březen 2017"
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Children´s voices, 2012

Sedmak, Mateja (University of Primorska, Science and Research Centre Koper, Public Opinion Centre); Medarić, Zorana (University of Primorska, Science and Research Centre Koper, Public Opinion Centre); Kralj, Ana (University of Primorska, Science and Research Centre Koper, Public Opinion Centre); (5 more)
The study Children's voices deals with the incidence of violence based on ethnicity (language, culture and / or race) among children and adolescents in primary and secondary schools. Study recognizes wide forms of violence among children, both physical and psychological as well as institutional violence, which is reflected in the current legislation, school regulations and...
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Comparative analysis of Slovenian minority in Italy and Italian minority in Slovenia

Sedmak, Mateja (University of Primorska, Science and Research Centre Koper)
The main goal of the project was a comprehensive comparative analysis of the Slovenian minority in Italy and Italian minority in Slovenia and analysis of the importance and role of the Slovenian minority in forming a unified cultural space. For this purpose, many and varied dimensions of minority issues have been studied, namely: 1) level and quality of minorities relation...
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Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1993/1

Toš, Niko (Faculty of Social Sciences)
The study represents core SJM survey questions repeated from previous surveys, among those also the questions forming the SJM Politbarometer series. The emphasis is also on attitudes towards European integration; foreign investment and openness toward world in economic and cultural field, Slovene independence, and future integration plans. Current affairs contain the...
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Slovenian Pulse 10/2010

Makarovič, Matej (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Rončević, Borut (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Tomšič, Matevž (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); (1 more)
The research focuses on the local elections and the attitude of Slovenians towards people of other cultures. Just before the local elections respondents answered to questions on if they intended to participate in the elections and which political party and local political group they intended to vote for. The study concentrated on response to the recent flooding and also to...
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Slovenian Pulse 10/2014

Makarovič, Matej (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Rončević, Borut (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Tomšič, Matevž (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); (3 more)
Actual political questions were related to government support and political party preferences, the new team of Ministers, the new government and the EU Commissionaire candidate. The set of questions about intercultural relations examined how often Slovenians travel to other countries, how far their personal (family or business) contacts stretch and if there is less trust in...
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Competencies to participate in life : measurement and the impact of the school 1999-2000

Marieke van der Wal, ICS, Universiteit Groningen (primary investigator)
Survey among students of 15 years old about how they perceive themselves in general, and their academic, social and civic competence in particular. Self perception of academic competence / self-perception of social competence / general self-concept like feelings of being satisfied with oneself and experiencing feelings of well-being, dissatisfaction with the self / civic...
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Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nijmegen, 1997

J. Hendrickx (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen); H. Westerik (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen); P.L.H. Scheepers (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen); (1 more)
Survey among the inhabitants of the city of Nijmegen. Whether r. parents were born in the Netherlands / nr. of years living in Nijmegen / r. ecclesiastic involvement and Christian persuasion / being attracted to yoga, reincarnation, astrology, transcendent mediation, anthroposophy, zen, and new age movement / r.'s opinion concerning characteristics of the Dutch / use of...
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Rechtsextremisme, Almelo onderzoek 1993

Holsteyn, J.J.M. van, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden * Leiden, Vakgroep politieke wetenschappen (primary investigator)
Study on social and political attitudes, in particular right-wing extremism / reading about national and international politics in daily newspapers, watching television news / taking part in political discussions / political participation/ most important national problems / importance of patriotism, obedience, national colours and anthem / trust in politicians / attitude to...
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Sociale positie en voorzieningengebruik van allochtonen 1998 - SPVA 1998

Martens, E.P. , Erasmus Universiteit, ISEO, Tesser, P. , Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (primary investigator)
This longitudinal survey concentrates on the socio-economic and socio-cultural position of the four largest ethnic minority groups in the Netherlands: Turks, Moroccans, Surinamese and Antillians/Arubans. It can also give insight in the differences between those groups, and a comparison in time. This study covers a wide range of topics. Education: in Netherlands or abroad,...
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Opkomst en partijvoorkeur van migranten tijdens de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen 1994

Tillie, J., Nederlands centrum buitenlanders, NCB * Utrecht (primary investigator)
Survey of the participation in the municipal elections in the Netherlands in 1994 of ethnic minorities. voted for political party at actual municipal elections / voted for other person also / voted for municipal elections in 1990, which party / possibility to vote for: VVD, PvdA, GroenLinks, CDA and D66 Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/...
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Rechtsextremisme Haarlem onderzoek 1992

Holsteyn, J.J.M. van, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden * Leiden, Vakgroep politieke wetenschappen (primary investigator)
Study on social and political attitudes, in particular right-wing extremism/ reading about national and international politics in daily newspapers, watching television news/ most important national problems/ which party can solve these problems best/ political participation/ importance of patriotism, obedience, national colours and anthem/ trust in politicians and democracy/...
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Netherlands Kinship Panel Study - Wave 1 - 2002-2004: A Multi-Actor, Multi-Method Panel Study on Solidarity in Family Relationships

P.A. Dykstra (NIDI); M. Kalmijn (Tilburg University - Sociologie); G.C.M. Knijn (Utrecht University - FSS); (3 more)
The Netherlands Kinship Panel Study (NKPS) involves the development of a database that allows the examination of family and kinship in the Netherlands from a dynamic multi-actor perspective. The increasingly complex nature of contemporary family relationships has posed society and policymakers with a series of new and challenging questions, but the lack of institutional and...
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Onderzoek Toekomstverwachtingen 2004 - TOS2004

Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (primary investigator)
Future expectations of the Dutch population for the year 2020. Expectations with regard to national and global developments, leisure time, politics and democracy, ethnic minorities and migration to and from the Netherlands, labourmarket, living situation, work and childcare, safety and crime, education, diseases and health care, social security, use of computers and the...
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Stadspeiling Nijmegen 1996 - VSO

Schattenberg, G., Moeniralam, H., Zonneveld, J., Gemeente Nijmegen * Nijmegen, Afd. Sociaal Economisch Onderzoek, Star, M. van der, GGD Regio Nijmegen * Nijmegen (primary investigator)
Facilities in the neighbourhood / quality of life, housing and safety victimization / police / social integration and participation in neighbourhood / Nymegen passport: special facilities for lower income groups / the multicultural city / health, eating and drinking habits, smoking, sports, weight and height. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/...
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Kwaliteitskaart Voortgezet Onderwijs 1998

Inspectie van het Onderwijs * Utrecht (primary investigator)
Statistics collected by the Dutch Education Inspectorate from schools for secondary education regarding examination results ( data for 663 schools ) and intake, school-leaving and transfer of pupils ( data for 660 schools ). P1382A: identification data and addresses per ( sub- )location of the schools / denomination / educational ideology / total number of pupils...
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Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 2000 - CV'00

J.W. Becker (Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP) (primary investigator))
Trend study on changes in general opinions and attitudes of the Dutch population regarding a wide range of topics.r.'s opinion on the role of the government concerning redivision of income, environment, trade and industry, housing, education, arts, children's day-care centres, welfare / knowledge of basic science / trust in science, traditional and alternative medicine /...
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Surinaamse kleine zelfstandige ondernemers in Amsterdam 1983

Boissevain, J.F., Grotenbreg, H., Choenni, A., Universiteit van Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Antropologisch-sociologisch centrum (primary investigator)
Social and economic backgrounds in Surinam/ family relations, stimulation by parents, businesses / migration into the Netherlands: motives, financial and organizational aspects, reception in the Netherlands, help from friends, relatives / occupational career in the Netherlands / way of starting own business, firm / motives to become a self-employed businessman, woman /...
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Survey Integratie Minderheden - SIM 2011 versie 3

Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS)
De Survey Integratie Minderheden is opgezet om inzicht te krijgen in de integratie van de vier belangrijkste minderheidsgroeperingen (Turkse, Marokkaanse, Antilliaanse en Surinaamse Nederlanders). Aan deze groepen en aan een vergelijkingsgroep van autochtone Nederlanders zijn vragen gesteld over onder meer onderwijs, arbeid, sociale contacten, culturele integratie,...
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Postmemory of Family Separation 2021

Turjanmaa, Elina (University of Oulu)
The survey explores the mental wellbeing of descendants of Ingric people who have experienced forced emigration, ethnic persecution and family separation in Finland today. The data focuses on the descendants' family relationships and their connection to their Ingric background, as well as on wartime experiences. First, the survey asked about the respondent's family...
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Data access:Restricted
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Significance of Minority Language Media to Minorities in Russian Karelia 1995

Skön, Kirsi (University of Tampere); Torkkola, Sinikka (University of Tampere)
The study charted the Russian Karelian ethnic minorities' views on the significance of radio and television programmes broadcast in their mother tongue and opinions on the programming in minority languages provided by the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. The respondents were first presented with statements about radio and television programmes which...
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Data access:Restricted
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Ethnic heterogeneity and ethnic conflicts 2003-2010

Vanhanen, Tatu
This database on the measures of ethnic heterogeneity and ethnic conflicts in 176 contemporary countries is connected with Tatu Vanhanen's long-term research project on the causal relationship between ethnic nepotism and the extent of ethnic conflict and violence in the world. The measures are: Ethnic Heterogeneity (EH) that measures to some extent the significance and...
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Data access:Open
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Ethnic Conflicts and Ethnic Nepotism 2003-2011

Vanhanen, Tatu
The data are part of Professor Tatu Vanhanen's long-term research on ethnic nepotism and ethnic conflicts. The data contain 176 states and two measures: the estimated scale of ethnic conflicts (EEC) is used to measure the relative extent and significance of ethnic conflicts in a country during the period 2003-2011 and the measure of ethnic heterogeneity (EH) is used to...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Open
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Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 2002 - CV'02

J.W. Becker (Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, SCP * Den Haag (primary investigator))
Trend study on changes in general opinions and attitudes of the Dutch population regarding a wide range of topics.Face to face interview: Opinion on government plans to postpone retiring age / working without financial necessity / sidejobs of pupils and students / working after age 65 / early retirement - VUT - schemes / expected retirement age / volunteer work / most...
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Sociale positie en voorzieningengebruik van allochtonen 1988 - SPVA 1988

Veenman, J., Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam * Rotterdam, Instituut voor sociologisch-economisch onderzoek, ISEO (primary investigator)
This survey was undertaken in 1988 to gather data on the socio-economic situation of the members of four main ethnic minority groups in the Netherlands: Turks, Moroccans, Surinamese and Antileans and compare them with a native Dutch sample. The main part of the data (P1234A) was obtained by interviewing male or female heads of family with a household questionnaire. Relevant...
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The Integration of the European Second Generation in Amsterdam and Rotterdam (TIES-NL), 2006-2007.

N.E. Hornstra (Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)); G. Groenewold (Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)); L. Lessard-Phillips (Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI))
The TIES-NL data, as part of the overall TIES Project (see also the TIES website), surveyed respondents aged 18-35 who are native-born children of Turkish and Moroccan immigrants (the second generation) and their peers without an immigration background (the ‘comparison group’) in two main Dutch cities, Amsterdam and Rotterdam. The overall aim of the project is to collect...
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Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nijmegen 1998

P.M. de Graaf (primary investigator) (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, sectie Sociologie)
Survey among the inhabitants of Nijmegen concerning life in general, politics, opinion about society, television, parents and partner Occupation and occupational history / religious matters / ecclesiastical activities / aspects of living in Nijmegen / watching tv and tv programs / reading national and regional newspapers, and news magazines / Radio Nijmegen / environmental...
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Survey Integratie Minderheden - SIM 2015 versie 3

Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP)
De Survey Integratie Minderheden is opgezet om inzicht te krijgen in de integratie van de belangrijkste minderheidsgroeperingen. In 2006 en 2010/2011 bestond de doelpopulatie uit Turkse, Marokkaanse, Antilliaanse en Surinaamse Nederlanders; in 2015 zijn daar Poolse en Somalische Nederlanders aan toegevoegd. Aan deze groepen en aan een vergelijkingsgroep van autochtone...
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Survey Integratie Minderheden - SIM 2011 versie 2

Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS)
*** Let op: dit is niet de meeste recente versie van deze data, zie relations voor de update ***De Survey Integratie Minderheden is opgezet om inzicht te krijgen in de integratie van de vier belangrijkste minderheidsgroeperingen (Turkse, Marokkaanse, Antilliaanse en Surinaamse Nederlanders). Aan deze groepen en aan een vergelijkingsgroep van autochtone Nederlanders zijn...
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Disputes in the Charitable Sector in England and Wales, 1979-2002

Fitzgerald, R., National Centre for Social Research
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Disputes can be very costly to charities. They may lose staff, income and their reputation. Further, any cases that end up in court can undermine the legitimacy of the sector as a whole, especially in the light of public concerns over charities’ administration costs. This research investigates disputes...
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Data access:Restricted
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