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equal opportunity (185)
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Stadspanel Delft 1988 - VSO
To gather information on attitudes of the population of Delft, useful for local authorities with regard to the development, presentation and evaluation of policy. Detailed account of working situation of respondent / usage of car, bike and motorbike / quality of roads / parking facilities and their accessibility / attitude towards: pedestrian or car free town centre/ amount...
Rechtvaardigheidscriteria en inkomensongelijkheid 1987
Criteria for justification of income differences Job characteristics / satisfaction with income / income distribution in the Netherlands / income from jobs or social welfare / r.'s opinion about minimum and maximum wages / determinants of income / taxes / role of government. Background variables: basic characteristics/ household characteristics/ place of work/...
Stadspeiling Amersfoort 1996 - VSO
Opinion of inhabitants of Amersfoort about their city Respondents' perception of the city of Amersfoort / respondents' familiarity with local media [radio, tv, and newspapers], municipal information, and appreciation of the municipal information / suggestions for subjects to be included in a next city survey. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing...
Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1989-1994 (DPES/NKO 1989-1994), panel data
Assessing electoral change in the Netherlands. First wave: reading of newspapers / tv newscast exposure / most important national problems / party identification and membership / evaluation of government policy on economic situation, labour market, personal income situation / political issues (perception of main parties standpoint, own stand): abortion, nuclear plants,...
Rechtsextremisme Haarlem onderzoek 1992
Study on social and political attitudes, in particular right-wing extremism/ reading about national and international politics in daily newspapers, watching television news/ most important national problems/ which party can solve these problems best/ political participation/ importance of patriotism, obedience, national colours and anthem/ trust in politicians and democracy/...
Political Election Issues, Government Participation, Election Standard 1999
Topic: Political election issues, government participation, election standard
Election Standard Effects Austrian People's Party (ÖVP) - Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) 1999
Topic: Election standard effects Austrian People's Party (ÖVP) - Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ)
Millenniumsprojekt Politik; Österreichische Identität; Textkommentar 1996
Mehrere Bände: Thema: Millenniumsprojekt Politik; Österreichische Identität
SYRI Czech Presidential Election Panel Survey 2023
The Czech Presidential Election Panel Survey 2023 (CPEPS 2023) is a questionnaire-based survey in which a selected sample of voters in the Czech Republic was repeatedly interviewed during the presidential election campaign and shortly after the election. The aim of the survey was to map political attitudes, party and candidate preferences, and political actions in the...
Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1989 (DPES/NKO 1989)
Systematic analysis of change in political opinions and behaviour of the Dutch electorate. Pre-election wave: reading of newspapers / tv newscast exposure / most important national problems / party identification and membership / evaluation of government policy on economic situation, labour market, personal income situation / political issues ( perception of main parties...
Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1986-1989 (DPES/NKO 1986-1989), panel data
First wave: political interest / national problems / party identification and membership / voting behaviour 1986 municipal elections / political issues: income policy / abortion / nuclear energy / income differences / nuclear energy / vote intention 1986 / second wave : political interest / party identification / political efficacy and cynicism / religion / effects of and...
Nationaal Kiezersonderzoek, NKO 1971
This is the first of the series of National Election Studies. The study was designed as a two wave panel study: the first wave was carried out during the campaign, the two months preceding the election day, april 28, 1971. The second wave was conducted after the election. Data from these waves were combined into one SPSS-file. Exposure to mass-media / opinion on leadership /...
Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1972-1973 (DPES/NKO 1972-1973)
To collect data on political opinions and attitudes of Dutch citizens who have the right to vote. Data were collected in order to enlarge insight into characteristics of the Dutch political system changes that occur within the system, and degree of similarity, dissimilarity between the Dutch political system and others." This is the second of the series of National Election...
Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1977 (DPES/NKO 1977)
The purpose of the national election studies is, to collect numerous data on political attitudes, political opinions, political values and possible changes within, of the Dutch by means of extensive surveys. Pre political interest / exposure to problems in the country / causes of unemployment / inflation / evaluation of government policies / coalition preferences / cabinet...
Expert Judgement Survey of Western-European Political Parties 2000
The aim of this study was to discover opportunity structures for political parties with respect to immigration, as well as organizational aspects of political parties. It is possible to compare the results with previously conducted expert judgement surveys on political parties. Judgements of 147 political parties from the EU-countries, Norway and Switzerland. Scoring of...
Rechtsextremisme, Almelo onderzoek 1993
Study on social and political attitudes, in particular right-wing extremism / reading about national and international politics in daily newspapers, watching television news / taking part in political discussions / political participation/ most important national problems / importance of patriotism, obedience, national colours and anthem / trust in politicians / attitude to...
Amsterdamse omnibus-enquête VIII 1985
To improve efficiency in performance of municipal departments. Making use of public transport, image of car-attendants / Olympic Games in Amsterdam in 1992 / need for information with respect to municipal institutions and regulations / negative aspects of Amsterdam, in particular pollution / experience of municipal sanitation department / willingness to cooperate with...
Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1971-1979 (DPES/NKO 1971-1979), panel data
Assessing electoral change in the Netherlands. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ place of work/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ politics/ religion/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membership.The data- and documentation...
Dutch Parliamentary Election Study, cumulative data set 1971-2006 (DPES/NKO 1971-2006)
The main purpose of this data collection was to provide directly accessible information on change and stability of electoral behavior and political orientation in the Netherlands.This dataset is a compilation of common core variables included in the Dutch Parliamentary Election Studies of 1971, 1972, 1977, 1981, 1982, 1986, 1989, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2003, and 2006. However,...
Overheid en konsumentenvoorlichting 1979 : Voorlichting over de miljoenennota
Attitude to government measures on prices and taxation and estimation of consequences of these measures for household expenditures. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ education/ politics
Werklozen 1974 : Moeilijkheden bij ( her- )intreding
Unemployed: details on job history and unemployment history / preferences for working situation and job / chances and actions taken for finding a job / functioning of employment bureau / actions to be taken by government and industrial circles against unemployment / opinions on employers / attitude on working, not working / application experience. Employment mediators...