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education, higher (61)
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Experimenteren in het propedeuse onderwijs 1970
Effects of introduction on knowledge about study / opinions on introduction and lectures / frequency of attending lectures / purpose of lectures / ( intended ) changes in subsidiary or principal subject / opinions on experimental study arrangement / examination results / reasons for failing in first year. Background variables: basic characteristics/ education
Studenten en studeren in de PSF 1963
Study results in period 1947-1962. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ religion/ organizational membership
Onderzoek studieduur 1963
Study efficiency / study habits / evaluation of study / relation to staff / membership of organizations / social participation / data on work and on family background. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ occupation/employment/ education/ religion
Funkties van juristen 1973
Detailed occupational characteristics / detailed function description / degree of independence / evaluation of academic education. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of work/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education
Vrouwelijke pioniers 1988-1990 : Vrouwen en mannen met een mannelijke beroepsopleiding aan het begin van hun loopbaan.
Investigation into the existence of differences in first job between female and male graduates of male advanced vocational courses and explanation of these differences. First, an inventory was made up at the end of 1988 of the situation of the 1988-graduates of six disciplines of higher vocational training. This concerned: job situation / size of firm / salary / type of...
Aanzetten tot de herprogrammering binnen de theologische fakulteit 1974
Study motives at the beginning of study and at present / opinions on the ideal versus actual theology training / essential items of the theology training / causes of discrepancies between ideal situation and reality / detailed information about objectives of students and teachers. Background variables: basic characteristics/ occupation/employment/ education/ religion
Loes projekt 1974
Motivation to study in general and sociology in particular / planned professional career / personality scales / study habits / satisfaction / conditions to study / students with part-time job / support from employer / time spent on travelling / work and study. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ occupation/employment/ education/ social class/ religion/...
Minikursus effektief vragenstellen 1974
Scores on 13 aspects of teaching behaviour dealt with in mini course 'effective questioning' / various forms of training have been used / aspects are e.g. negative reactions, repetition, focusing, explanation, relating etc..
Arbeidsmarktpositie van afgestudeerden aan Letterenfaculteiten 1988-1989
Possibilities for influencing labourmarket position of graduates of Arts Faculties. discipline of graduation, main subject studied, which university / starting year / 'old' or 'new' style / with credit ( Cum Laude ) / teaching degree / extra courses taken / practical training in study, in what field / practical or theoretical focus in study / other university or polytechnic...
Onderzoek 'Steun Vrije Universiteit' 1965
Religious attitude and behaviour / financial support, interest, attitude to Vrije Universiteit. Background variables: basic characteristics/ occupation/employment/ education/ politics/ religion/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membership
Op weg naar de avonduniversiteit van Nederland 1975
Students following evening courses in Utrecht / motivations / conditions that have to be fulfilled / relation to day courses / perspectives / contacts / opinions about contents of course / relation of course to job / attitude to planned evening university in Utrecht / expected participation.Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ place of work/ income/capital...
Propedeuse-onderzoek ekonomie Vrije Universiteit 1974
Appeal of subjects / experience with propaedeutic studies / study planning and study results / passing tests / preparation preliminary examinations / continuation of studies. Background variables: occupation/employment
Studie-enquête Machiavelli ( FSW-a ) Universiteit van Amsterdam 1965
Study results and attitude to field of study / the programs / evaluation of organization / study behaviour / organizational membership. Background variables: basic characteristics/ housing situation/ income/capital assets/ education/ organizational membership
Lerarenopleiding nieuwe stijl in Zeeland 1973
Perspectives of further education after secondary school / motivations to become a teacher ( type of teacher ) / should there be one educational teaching institute for all levels in the province of Zeeland. Background variables: basic characteristics/ religion
Inventarisatie van problemen en behoeftes aan onderwijskundige informatie 1975
The use of audiovisual media / use of formative tests / number of 'contact hours' / experience with providing education and preparation / problems with lectures, course structure, essays and period as trainee / assistance with practical work / preliminary examinations.
Stemmingspeiling over de plannen voor de psychologie studie 1971
Attitude towards 3 plans for reorganization of the study in psychology / comparisons to present situation. Background variables: education
Werkgelegenheid van sociologen en antropologen 1973
Specialization ( s ) / job preferences / present job / registered at provincial employment office. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets
Behoefte aan bibliotheek faciliteiten onder het wetenschappelijk personeel en de studenten van de Vrije Universiteit 1982
Need for library facilities among scientific staff and students of the VU. Frequency of visiting the university library / preferred service of the university library concerning opening-hours, information in catalogues and availability of different kinds of publications. Background variables: basic characteristics
Studenten als beoordelaars van het onderwijs 1968
Relation between students and teachers / evaluation of the organization of the study / perception of the causes of success in study / stimulating versus inhibiting factors. Background variables: basic characteristics/ education
Positie en positiebeleving van de kandidaatsassistent 1969
Data on working as a student-assistant / satisfaction / influence on, consequences for study and career / relation with other students and with staff / participation in restructuring process of the university / activism. Background variables: basic characteristics/ occupation/employment/ education/ organizational membership
Mogelijke oorzaken en achtergronden van relatief slechte resultaten centraal schriftelijk examen 1976
( file 1 ) Study program of pupils / evaluation of subjects / difficulty of physics / motivation for choosing physics. ( file 2 ) experience of teachers / kind of school / physics program at school / difficulty of final exam in physics / number of errors found in exams / teaching methods / books used / opinion on final exam / opinion on organization of final exam / opinion...
Potentiele kursisten voor part-time onderwijs op tertiair niveau 1977
Motivations to begin an evening course at university level / reason not to realize plans / interest in evening university / desired form of open evening university / opinions on didactics and work formats / use of modern media / location and organization of 'evening university'.
Verg(r)uisde universiteit 1968-1976
Present-day political behaviour of students influenced by changes in society / university and students / details on students' political views / various study orientations / relationship between political activity and judgement of study and university / personal concerns having a positive or negative view on life and study / drug habits. Background variables: basic...
Studenten over kwaliteit in het hoger onderwijs 1993
The importance of several aspects of quality of higher education and the evaluation of quality of education followed by respondent. period longer then six months without education after secondary education and/or higher education, activities in that period / doing another study before actual study / minimal time needed to finish study / time spend on several elements of...
Knopen tellen of kiezen 1980 : Keuze van studie en universiteit
Concern about the diminishing nr. of first-year students ( since 1975 ) that has chosen the Vrije Universiteit as first preference in the system of distributing freshmen between the different fields of study and universities. Examination / field of study / preference for university ( first and second choice ) / aversion to specific universities / motives / images of the...
Gezondheidsonderzoek 1970
Health study / physical complaints / stress / neuroticism / general satisfaction / tendency to consult a doctor / psychiatrist / tendency to stay in bed / illness behaviour / health history past year / study experiences / attitude to study success / personal problems interfering with study success. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/ residence/...
Funkties en carrierepatronen van ekonomen 1968
Job opportunities for economists / occupational history and job structure / social background / interest in post-graduate course / motivation for occupational choice. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ organizational membership
Studie en studie-omstandigheden studenten van de klassieke sectie 1965
Study behaviour / opinions on study program / student organizational memberships. Background variables: basic characteristics/ housing situation/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ organizational membership
Wageningse eerstejaars studenten 1975
Motivation for study ( scientific interest, occupational perspective, general education ) / other studies considered / future direction of study / perceived features of university of Wageningen / preferred occupations after study / educational purpose of first year / occupational perspectives. Background variables: basic characteristics
Konflikt en radikalisme 1970
Attitude towards the university / political attitude / family background / relation to parents with regard to education / authoritarianism of parents / experiences in high school / perspectives of future / judgement of work in general / motivations for choice of study / status of higher occupations / perception and individual judgement / opinions on the study program /...