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Cultural Education and Cultural Participation in Germany (KuBiPaD)
Objective: The longitudinal study "Cultural Education and Cultural Participation in Germany (KuBiPaD)" examines patterns of cultural participation in Germany on the basis of a standardized population survey. The study was launched as a cross-sectional survey in 2018 and was expanded into a panel study in 2021. Cultural participation encompasses the consumption, reception and...
How Are You, Slovakia?, April 2020
The survey covers the second month of quarantine measures after the first diagnosed case of COVID-19 in Slovakia on March 6 2020. A week before the fieldwork, the measure limiting movements between administrative regions (SK: okres) of Slovakia during Easter holidays - the most limiting quarantine measure so far - has been lifted. The survey monitors fears of the disease,...
How Are You, Slovakia?, May 2020
The survey covers the third month after the first diagnosed case of COVID-19 in Slovakia on March 6 2020. It was fielded in a period of gradual lifting of quarantine measures. The survey monitors fears of the disease, agreement and compliance with the introduced quarantine measures, changes of behavior at times of the epidemic and the approval of government strategies, state...
How Are You, Slovakia?, September 2020
The survey covers the period of new growth of COVID-19 cases after the summer and relaxed epidemiological measures. The survey monitors fears of the disease, agreement and compliance with the introduced quarantine measures, changes of behavior at times of the epidemic and the approval of government strategies, evaluation of how summer time was spent and views on living...
How Are You, Slovakia?, January / February 2021
The survey covers the period of a strict post-New year lockdown and generally high levels of cases and hospitalization with COVID-19. The survey was fielded after completion of the first round of mass screening in January 2021. At the time of the survey a second round of screening was carried out in the half of the districts of Slovakia with highest prevalence. Fears of the...
How Are You, Slovakia?, March 2021
The survey covers the period of a gradual decline from the record levels of hospitalization at the end of February and a decline in new daily cases. During the fieldwork a the curfew rules became stricter and forbade a walk in nature after 8 pm. Travel abroad for holidays was also forbidden. Fears of the disease, agreement and compliance with the introduced quarantine...
How Are You, Slovakia?, March 2020
The survey covers the first weeks of quarantine measures after the first diagnosed case of COVID-19 in Slovakia on March 6 2020. At the time of the fieldwork - on March 24 2020 - Slovakia introduced obligatory wearing of face mask outside of home. Before the fieldwork schools have been closed as well as shops and services (with the exception of groceries, chemists, medical...
How Are You, Slovakia?, October / November 2020
The survey covers the period of new lockdonw measures connected with the pilot round of mass testing in northern districts of Slovakia. The survey was fileded at the time og the first round of the country wide mass testing for COVID-19 using lateral flow tests. The survey monitors fears of the disease, agreement and compliance with the introduced quarantine measures, changes...
How Are You, Slovakia?, December 2020
The survey covers the period of new growth in infections after a short decline after the country wide mass testing which occurred at the end of October and beginning of November. The survey monitors attitudes on the at the time discussed re-opening of schools, which never materialized. Also fears of the disease, agreement and compliance with the introduced quarantine...
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1994/2
Topics, covered by survey are: VALUES: national pride, acquisition of citizenship, affiliation (political, local, national, professional, etc.), attitude toward immigration, social distance, relations with marginal groups, and economic situation in Slovenia; SOCIO-ECONOMIC SITUATION AND TRANSITION: unemployment, family economic status, standard of living, assessment of...