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economic crisis (48)
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Politbarometer 2011, Slovenia
The survey is part of continuous telephone surveys, designed to monitor satisfaction with the work of state bodies and assessing the situation in the country. The survey also measures the level of confidence in the key institutions of the system and party preferences. Monthly surveys included questions about reforms in Slovenia, questions about referendum on Law on small...
Politbarometer 2012, Slovenia
The survey is part of continuous telephone surveys, designed to monitor satisfaction with the work of state bodies and assessing the situation in the country. The survey also measures the level of confidence in the key institutions of the system and party preferences. Monthly surveys included issues on family code, on Public Finance Balance Act, the state guarantee for TEŠ6...
Politbarometer 09/12, Slovenia
The telephone survey Politbarometer runs continuously over the years. Its purpose is to measure attitudes and estimates towards the government and the state institutions through the perspective of public opinion. The majority of the questionnaire in the survey is longitudinal. Minor part of the questionnaire is dedicated to the current (daily) social and political topics or...
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1984
First interviewees compare their standard of living with that of five years previous. Next bloc focuses on political system in general, role of League of Communists, and membership in political organizations. Questions on attitudes toward work, compensation, and values follow next. Interviewees also give their satisfaction with pay, express their view on justification of...
Slovenian Pulse 4/2009
The study focuses on perception of person's own material conditions and satisfaction with it relatively to evaluation of material conditions of Slovenia in general, assessment of Slovenian society class structure on the basis of self-classification in social classes. Perception of economic crisis with its fears and suspense can be analysed related to the distribution of...
Slovenian Pulse 1/2011
The survey examined what impact has knowledge today on incomes, job security and opportunities for a better job, how much formal education helps at work today at all, how many people further educate and in what way, what are their reasons and what barriers they face with. The survey this time also pays much attention to current events in Slovenian politics. Thus was...
Slovenian Pulse 1/2015
The study investigates the perception of knowledge on income, employment security and chances for better employment. It was also studied how formal education helps at work nowadays, how many people attend additional training and in what way, which are the reasons for participation and what kind of obstacles they face. The survey shed a lot of focus on actual events in the...
Politbarometer 2011, Slovenia
The survey is part of continuous telephone surveys, designed to monitor satisfaction with the work of state bodies and assessing the situation in the country. The survey also measures the level of confidence in the key institutions of the system and party preferences. Monthly surveys included questions about reforms in Slovenia, questions about referendum on Law on small...
Politbarometer 10/11, Slovenia
The survey is part of continuous telephone surveys, designed to monitor satisfaction with the work of state bodies and assessing the situation in the country. The survey also measures the level of confidence in the key institutions of the system and party preferences. The topical theme in this Politbarometer also includes questions about the affair 'patria' and the economic...
Politbarometer 2012, Slovenia
The survey is part of continuous telephone surveys, designed to monitor satisfaction with the work of state bodies and assessing the situation in the country. The survey also measures the level of confidence in the key institutions of the system and party preferences. Monthly surveys included issues on family code, on Public Finance Balance Act, the state guarantee for TEŠ6...
Politbarometer 09/12, Slovenia
The telephone survey Politbarometer runs continuously over the years. Its purpose is to measure attitudes and estimates towards the government and the state institutions through the perspective of public opinion. The majority of the questionnaire in the survey is longitudinal. Minor part of the questionnaire is dedicated to the current (daily) social and political topics or...
Slovenian Pulse 4/2009
The study focuses on perception of person's own material conditions and satisfaction with it relatively to evaluation of material conditions of Slovenia in general, assessment of Slovenian society class structure on the basis of self-classification in social classes. Perception of economic crisis with its fears and suspense can be analysed related to the distribution of...
Slovenian Pulse 1/2010
The study investigates perception of formal and informal knowledge, its usefulness at work and relation to further education. Perception of obstacles in acquiring knowledge and expectation that individuals have can be analysed related to the political party preferences and to some other topical questions.
Slovenian Pulse 1/2013
The study investigates the influence of knowledge on income, employment security and chances for a better employment. It also measures people's opinion on how education nowadays helps people at work, how many people are involved and how they are involved in complementary training/education, what are reasons for that and which are related obstacles. The study again...
The 2011 political parties expert survey in Greece
The aim of this study is to estimate the ideological and policy positions of political parties in Greece during the 'Great Recession'. The survey includes expert estimates regarding parties' positions on general ideological and specific policy scales (Left-Right, social and moral issues, state intervention in the economy, environment, immigration, European and foreign...
Kwalitatieve analyse: kunst én kunde - dataset bron 08. “EC ALDE workshop on financial crisis”
Formaat: MP4Omvang: 47,2 Mb27 February 2008Online beschikbaar: [01-12-2014]Standard Youtube LicenseUploaded on Jun 11, 2008Video summary of the ALDE workshop "The International Financial Crisis: Its causes and what to do about it?"Event date: 27/02/08 14:00 to 18:00Location: Room ASP 5G2, European Parliament, BrusselsThis workshop will bring together Members of the European...
Kwalitatieve analyse: kunst én kunde - dataset bron 03. “Financial Crisis, Africa's Permanent Damage, and Aid Effectiveness”
Formaat: Blogpost (HTML) (47 items)Omvang: 502 KbPosted by Kaufmann on Wed, 2009-06-10 21:41Blogpost niet online meer beschikbaar. Blog afkomstig van versie van de Blogpost is beschikbaar op: [06-01-2015]
Kwalitatieve analyse: kunst én kunde. Deel II. Bijlage bij A. Dorst: Crash, brunch, carriage - crisismetaforen in nieuwsteksten
In dit hoofdstuk wordt een metaforenanalyse van de artikelen uit de Guardian besproken. Als bijlage bij het hoofdstuk is het Excel bestand beschikbaar, dat de auteur heeft gemaakt tijdens haar analyse.
Kwalitatieve analyse: kunst én kunde
De dataset bestaat uit drie onderdelen:I: bijlagen bij de hoofdstukken uit deel I van het boek.II: bijlagen bij de hoofdstukken uit deel II van het boek, bestaande uit ATLAS.ti bestanden, verslagen van sparringbijeenkomsten of analyseproducten in Excel van de respectievelijke auteurs.III: een beschrijving van de 17 databronnen die gebruikt zijn door de auteurs aan deel II...
Kwalitatieve analyse: kunst én kunde - dataset bron 13. "Larry Elliott and Dan Atkinson on how the excesses of banks, big business and the super-rich have shattered our economic system"
Larry Elliott and Dan Atkinson on how the excesses of banks, big business and the super-rich have shattered our economic systemFormaat: PDFOmvang: 141 kbOnline beschikbaar: [01-12-2014]This article appeared on p10 of the G2 section of the Guardian on Wednesday 4 June 2008. It was published on the Guardian website at 00.01 BST on Wednesday 4 June 2008. It was last modified...
Kwalitatieve analyse: kunst én kunde - dataset bron 02. “There is no financial crises in a gift economy”
Formaat: Blogpost (HTML) (4 items)Omvang: 35 KbPosted: June 21st 2008Oorspronkelijk webadres: Blogpost niet online meer beschikbaar. Blogpost bevat geen copyright statement / signature.Blogpost niet online meer beschikbaar. Blogpost bevat geen copyright statement / signature.
Kwalitatieve analyse: kunst én kunde - dataset bron 07. "Economic outlook 2009-2010"
Formaat: Adobe FlashOmvang: 52,5 MbDuur: 13:28Ian McCaffertyNiet online beschikbaar.Geen details mbt auteursrecht beschikbaar.
Kwalitatieve analyse: kunst én kunde - dataset bron 17. "The Financial Crisis Explained"
Formaat: AVIOmvang: 22,7Duur: 2:42Online beschikbaar: [01-12-2014]Uploaded on Oct 6, 2008If you're confused as to why the U.S. economy is going down the drain, this should clear things up for you.Written by Doug Moe - by Phelps Harmon - http://www.celebritydarwinism.comCastDad.........................Doug...
Kwalitatieve analyse: kunst én kunde - dataset bron 16. "Larry Elliott. Obama and Darling too soft on bankers"
Formaat: PDFOmvang: 71 KbThis content has been removed as our copyright has expired.Tekst online beschikbaar: [01-12-2014]
Kwalitatieve analyse: kunst én kunde. Deel II. Bijlagen bij E. Willeboordse: Tripod Beta analyse van meningen over de kredietcrisis.
In dit hoofdstuk wordt de Tripod Beta analyse geïllustreerd die de auteur deed van de artikelen uit de Guardian en de weblogs. Als bijlagen bij het hoofdstuk zijn verschillende verslagen van twee sparringsessies beschikbaar (bijlagen I en II) die tijdens de analyse gehouden zijn. Ook is een lijst met codes beschikbaar (bijlage III) en het ATLAS.ti bestand als copybundle.
Slovenian Pulse 1/2015
The study investigates the perception of knowledge on income, employment security and chances for better employment. It was also studied how formal education helps at work nowadays, how many people attend additional training and in what way, which are the reasons for participation and what kind of obstacles they face. The survey shed a lot of focus on actual events in the...
Politbarometer 01/13, Slovenia
The telephone survey Politbarometer runs continuously over the years. Its purpose is to measure attitudes and estimates towards the government and the state institutions through the perspective of public opinion. The majority of the questionnaire in the survey is longitudinal. Minor part of the questionnaire is dedicated to the current (daily) social and political topics or...
Politbarometer 06/14, Slovenia
The telephone survey Politbarometer runs continuously over the years. Its purpose is to measure attitudes and estimates towards the government and the state institutions through the perspective of public opinion. The majority of the questionnaire in the survey is longitudinal. Minor part of the questionnaire is dedicated to the current (daily) social and political topics or...
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1984
First interviewees compare their standard of living with that of five years previous. Next bloc focuses on political system in general, role of League of Communists, and membership in political organizations. Questions on attitudes toward work, compensation, and values follow next. Interviewees also give their satisfaction with pay, express their view on justification of...
Slovenian Pulse 1/2011
The survey examined what impact has knowledge today on incomes, job security and opportunities for a better job, how much formal education helps at work today at all, how many people further educate and in what way, what are their reasons and what barriers they face with. The survey this time also pays much attention to current events in Slovenian politics. Thus was...