344 studies found in English from a total of 36716
drug use (317) 

Microcensus 2001, 3. quarter: Questions on Families (SUF edition)

Statistics Austria (Statistik Austria)
Full edition for scientific use. The topic of the Microcensus survey in September 2001 is about family-related topics. It is more or less a repetition of the survey conducted in June 1991. Then as well as now the Microcensus questions give additional information, important for social research, to the one gathered in the population census. These questions are on the size,...
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Mikrocensus 1976, 2. quarter: Birth-Biography

Statistics Austria (N/A)
In the year 1975 the death rate has been higher than the birth rate for the first time since the end of the war. This means that our country has now the same problem as the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic namely a declining population. A decline in the birth rate is a phenomenon that could be observed in many industrialised countries since the...
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Mikrocensus 1991, 2. quarter: Questions on Families

Statistics Austria (N/A)
The family is currently in a state of flux. The birthrate today is much lower than in past times. The number of new marriages is declining while the number of young people who stay single increases. Many people live in extramarital life partnerships. These new trends create problems, which politics, administration and various non-governmental organisations such as family...
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Mikrocensus 1981, 2. quarter: Additional Questions for the Population Census 1981

Statistics Austria (N/A)
This survey consists of 6 parts: - migration: data on migration, i.e. immigration and emigration of households or individual; this information is important for population forecasts and the evaluation of the development of the individual geographic area - handicaps: reasons for including questions on this topic are the “year of handicapped persons” (1981), proclaimed by the...
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European Values Study 2018 Austria (SUF edition)

Kritzinger, Sylvia (University of Vienna: Department of Government); Aichholzer, Julian (University of Vienna: Department of Government); Glavanovits, Josef (University of Vienna: Department of Government); (3 more)
Full edition for scientific use. The EVS 2018 Austria study is part of a EVS 2018 study that focuses on values in European countries. This is the 4th wave, adding to the 1990, 1999 and 2008 surveys carried out in Austria and other European countries. The dataset includes an additional sample of participants with migration background either from Former Yugoslavia or from Turkey.
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Social Survey Austria 2003 (SUF edition)

Schulz, Wolfgang (Institute for Advanced Studies); Haller, Max (University of Graz); Grausgruber, Alfred (University of Linz)
Full edition for scientific use. This is the dataset of the third wave of the Austrian Social Survey that investigates changes in the social structure, living conditions, social attitudes and values of the residential population of Austria. In addition to the Autrian questionnaire part, the dataset includes the module ISSP-2002 "Family and Gender Roles".
Study description available in:EN
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The European Values Study - Austrian COVID-19 Special Edition 2021-22 Including Youth Oversample (SUF edition)

Kritzinger, Sylvia (University of Vienna: Department of Government); Willmann, Johanna (University of Vienna: Department of Government); Rohs, Patrick (University of Vienna: Deparment of Practical Theology); (3 more)
Full edition for scientific use. The COVID-19 pandemic has dealt a heavy blow to many people’s lives and interrupted their normal course of life. The present study thus examines the impact of these changes upon people’s values and attitudes concerning work, partnership and models of femininity, politics, diversity and solidarity, and religion.
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Huishoudens in Nederland 1995 - HIN'95

H.B.G. Ganzeboom (Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht * Utrecht, Sociologie); H.M. Weesie (primary investigator) (Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht * Utrecht, Sociologie); M. Kalmijn (Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht * Utrecht, Sociologie)
A survey of the composition, characteristics and internal organization of Dutch households, with particular emphasis on married and cohabiting couple relationships.Education and training / occupational careers / income and savings / family business / dating / relationship history / marriage and cohabitation / housing careers / fertility history / investments in children...
Study description available in:EN
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Social and Psychological Factors of Family Planninig 1975

Boh, Katja (Institute of Sociology)
The purpose of the survey is to analyse the issue of human reproduction and family planning. Main part is dedicated to contraception and different social, psychological, and cultural factors that encourage or hinder its application. Simultaneously authors tie problematic of contraception to the idea of family planning.The purpose of the survey is to analyse the issue of...
Study description available in:ENSL
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European Values Study 2009: Finnish Data

Pehkonen, Juhani (TNS Gallup Finland); Kääriäinen, Kimmo (Church Research Institute)
The survey charted a variety of values, attitudes and life situations of Finnish people. The respondents rated the importance of various domains in life (e.g. family, work, leisure time). The survey also investigated whether the respondents belonged to any voluntary organisations and participated in their activities. In addition, the respondents indicated whether they...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
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Men Living without a Steady Relationship 2018-2019

Kinnunen, Anu (Tampere University)
The dataset consists of 17 texts, written by men aged 25-64 who were living without a steady relationship. In the invitation to write, men who were living without a steady relationship either of their own will or for other reasons were asked to describe their experiences and perceptions regarding the matter as extensively as possible. The participants could, for example, be...
Study description available in:ENFI
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European Values Study 2018-2019: Swedish-Speaking Finns

von Schoultz, Åsa (Helsingfors universitet); Himmelroos, Staffan (Helsingfors universitet); Vento, Isak (Helsingfors universitet)
The European Values Study is a population-level study charting Finnish moral views, religious and social attitudes and values. The 2018-2019 EVS survey charted the views and attitudes of Swedish-speaking Finns and was conducted in Swedish. The survey focused on equality between groups of people, tolerance, religious behaviour, democracy and citizenship. Data collection was...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Parish Employee Survey 2015

Ketola, Kimmo (Church Research Institute); Church Research Institute
The 2015 church employee survey studied the views of people working in the parishes of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. Main themes of the survey included the future of work in the church, structural changes and strategic planning in parishes, ordination of women, the amended Marriage Act entering into force in 2017, and Christian values and ethics. First, the...
Study description available in:ENFI
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European Values Study 2017: Finnish Data

European Values Study Group
The European Values Study is a population-level study charting Finnish moral views, religious and social attitudes, and values. The 2017 EVS survey focused on equality between groups of people, tolerance, religious behaviour, democracy, and citizenship. First, the respondents were asked what they considered to be the most important things in their lives, and how they...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
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Marriage and the Lutheran Church 2017

Helander, Eila (University of Helsinki)
This study charted Finnish attitudes toward same-sex marriage and the right of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland to marry couples. The study was funded by the Church Council. First, the respondents were asked whether they were members of the Church or some other religious community. The most important reasons for being a member of the Church were charted (e.g. faith...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
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World Values Survey 2005: Finnish Data

World Values Study Group; Social Insurance Institution of Finland; Church Research Institute; (2 more)
World Values Survey 2005: Finnish Data studies the respondents' values, attitudes and situation in life with various questions. The data include an oversample of Swedish-speaking population. The respondents rated the importance of various domains in life (e.g. family, work, leisure time). Views were probed on happiness, objectives, satisfaction with life, and whether the...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) - Wave 2

Generations and Gender Programme
The Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) is an individual-level survey which aims to improve understanding of family life, such as partnership formation and dissolution, fertility and intergenerational solidarity. The GGS provides detailed information on: household composition, biological and non-biological children, current and previous partnerships, household organisation...
Study description available in:EN
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World Values Survey 2000: Finnish Data

World Values Study Group; Church Research Institute; Gallup Finland
World Values Survey 2000: Finnish Data studies the respondents' values, attitudes and situation in life. Respondents evaluated the importance of various domains of life (e.g. family, work, leisure). They were asked whether they belong to any voluntary organisations, participate in these organisations' activities or in any other voluntary work. They were asked about...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
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Family Barometer 1997: Conceptions of Family

Reuna, Veera (Finnish Family Federation. Population Research Institute)
The survey studied Finnish attitudes, values and ideas of family, and the importance of family in Finland. The use and adequacy of various social security benefits were also studied. Married respondents were asked how long they and their spouses have lived together, and why they chose to get married. Co-habiting respondents were asked whether they were planning to get...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Unfaithfulness in Steady Relationships 2001

Räty, Reetta (Helsingin Sanomat. Weekly supplement Nyt)
An online survey conducted by a Finnish newspaper in 2001. First, a structured question was asked on whether it is acceptable to cheat on one's partner when in a relationship. Next, an open-ended question asked the respondents to give reasons for their response to the first question. Volunteer sample; young people were the most active in responding and 79% of the respondents...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Experiences of Domestic Violence 2001

Räty, Reetta (Helsingin Sanomat. Weekly supplement Nyt)
An online survey conducted by a Finnish newspaper. The data consist of responses to open-ended questions about domestic violence. The respondents were asked whether they had punished their children or had themselves been punished as children. Both abusers and the abused described partner violence. The respondents were asked whether they thought the violence had been...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Familienleitbilder in Deutschland (FLB II) - Welle 2

Schneider, Norbert F. ( Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung); Diabaté, Sabine ( Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung); Ruckdeschel, Kerstin ( Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung); (5 more)
Familienbezogene Leitbilder. Panel, zwei Wellen, Erst- und Wiederholungsbefragung derselben Personen (2012, 2016). Erfassung von sowohl individuellen Leitbildern als auch von den wahrgenommenen kollektiven Leitbildern. Der Fragebogen umfasst verschiedene Themen aus den Bereichen Partnerschaft, Familie, Kinder und Elternschaft. Zudem wurden über reine soziodemographische...
Study description available in:DEEN
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Family, Work and Leisure in the London Region, 1970 : Main Study

Young, M., Institute of Community Studies; Willmott, P., Institute of Community Studies
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this survey was to examine the relationship between work, home and leisure in order to explain changes in family patterns; to provide demographic, social/behavioural and economic data for the analysis of family life.Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions Present and preferred...
Study description available in:EN
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Child Development Research Unit Longitudinal Study: Composite File Including Ages One, Four, Seven, Eleven and Sixteen, 1958-1978

Newson, J., University of Nottingham, Child Development Research Unit; Newson, E., University of Nottingham, Child Development Research Unit
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aim of this longitudinal survey study was to investigate parent/child relationships in developmental sequence in order to understand the process of child-rearing as it happens in a fairly typical English urban community. To achieve a detailed picture of the child's behaviour in the home and its...
Study description available in:EN
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General Household Survey, 1972

Simister, J., University of London, Birkbeck College
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The General Household Survey (GHS), ran from 1971-2011 (the UKDS holds data from 1972-2011). It was a continuous annual national survey of people living in private households, conducted by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The main aim of the survey was to collect data on a range of core topics,...
Study description available in:EN
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Women in Relation to Political Science Teaching, 1978-1979

Lovenduski, J., Loughborough University of Technology, Department of European Studies
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To determine the extent and the cause of women's apparent low presence and achievement in political studies in the United Kingdom. The postal surveys were sent to all the women in Political Studies academic posts in the UK who were located by a population study conducted by the Political Studies...
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Buckinghamshire Child Survey, 1961 and 1978

Mitchell, S., University of Stirling, Department of Sociology
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between childhood behaviour and subsequent adult career. The original childhood data was collected in 1961 when information was obtained from the parents and teachers of a 1 in 10 random sample of children aged 5 - 15 years attending local...
Study description available in:EN
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Enumerators Returns for County Antrim, 1851

Macafee, W., New University of Ulster, Education Centre; Morgan, V., New University of Ulster, Education Centre
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this study was to transcribe and code the surviving enumerators' returns from the Irish census of 1851, and to analyse this data in order to gain evidence about the demographic and social structure of parts of County Antrim during the mid-nineteenth century.Main Topics:Variables Details of...
Study description available in:EN
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