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Climate knowledge on the road? Scientific knowledge, transdisciplinarity and the performance of expertise, 2009
Assumptions about climate changes may have considerable impact on investments in and the management and maintenance of transport infrastructure and the transport industry in Norway. Thus, the development and diffusion of knowledge about climate changes and their potential impact on the transport system will be of crucial importance to be able prepare for such changes. This...
Policing the Illegal Trade in Wildlife, 2015
The doctoral dissertation is a study of police activities aimed at illegal trade of endangered species of flora and fauna in Norway and Uganda. The overall issue of the project is how police and customs face the global phenomenon of illegal trade of endangered species, and what challenges does this place on the local police and customs organization? The informants are...
Development of Business Centers in Oslo/Akershus, 1989.
This project included a survey of the development of business centers in Oslo and Akershus. The purpose was to look at structural changes, productivity and capacity utilization of labor in connection with capacity expansion in the retail sector in the Oslo/Akershus area in the period 1988-1990.
The Hidden Companies of the Global Economy: The Development of Global Commodity Traders 1945-2015, 2016
The project aims at examining the development of global commodity trading in the period 1980-2015 and its role in the changing position of China in the global economy. The study seeks to open up a part of global economic history that has not previously been explored by scholars. The ambition of the project is to understand the rise of China by investigating the flow of raw...
KEU Pre-survey 2004
Oxford Research is carrying out the customer impact survey for Innovation Norway (IN) in collaboration with Samfunns- og Næringslivsforskning (SNF). The surveys include companies that have received services from Innovation Norway in the years from and including 2003. For each cohort, a pre-survey is carried out one year after the service was provided and a follow-up survey...
KEU Pre-survey 2005
Oxford Research is carrying out the customer impact survey for Innovation Norway (IN) in collaboration with Samfunns- og Næringslivsforskning (SNF). The surveys include companies that received services from Innovation Norway in the years 2003, 2004 and 2005. For each cohort, a pre-survey is carried out one year after the service was provided and a follow-up survey four years...
Women og Finance, 2016
This study was the result of three surveys designed to study women who were working in front-end finance and how they experienced their work situations. To complement these views a poll of women who had left front-end finance were collected. In addition, a separate extensive poll of students at the three main business universities NTNU, BI and NHH were collected. The study...
KEU Follow-up Survey 2006
The current follow-up survey is based on interviews with 1168 companies distributed across 21 different services and programmes. The 21 services and programs are divided into four main groups. Group 1 is Loans, group 2 is Grants, group 3 is Programs that offer both financing, advice and networking, while group 4 is Scholarships. It is important to emphasize that Innovation...
KEU Follow-up Survey 2007
The present follow-up survey is based on interviews with 1,016 companies distributed across 21 different services and programmes. The 21 services and programs are divided into four main groups. Group 1 is Loans, group 2 is Grants, group 3 is Programs that offer both financing, advice and networking, while group 4 is Scholarships. It is important to emphasize that Innovation...
AquaAccept - developing novel socio-environmental indicators and management tools for a sustainable aquaculture
Around the world, there is an increasing governmental emphasis on developing the aquaculture industry in an environmentally, economically and socially sustainable manner and Norway is moving in the same direction. The main objective of the proposed project is to investigate the acceptable impacts of aquaculture on marine coastal systems. Focus will be on biological...
KEU Pre-survey 2003
Oxford Research conducts customer impact surveys for Innovation Norway (IN) in collaboration with Social and Business Research (SNF). The surveys include companies that have received services from Innovation Norway in the years from and including 2003. For each year, a pre-survey is conducted one year after the service was given and a follow-up survey four years...
Exploring the Potential for Making Sea Containers Go All the Way (A-Z) Through the Supply Chain, 2019
If the typical organization of container supply chains from China to Norway could be changed in the way described in this project proposal, this could reduce emissions from freight transport and reduce logistics costs for Norwegian retailers. It would also strengthen the competitive position of maritime service providers. The key issue is to explore what it would take to...
KEU Follow-up Survey 2003
The present follow-up study is among those who participated in the preliminary survey in 2004 (2003 cohort) and is based on interviews with 759 companies distributed across 21 different services. The 21 services are divided into three main groups, where group 1 is financial services, group 2 offers both financing, advisory, and networking services, while group 3 is...
Travel and Holiday Survey 2017, 4th Quarter, Person File
Travel and Holiday Survey is a continuance of Statistics Norway's Omnibus Survey (1992-2004). Data has been gathered through four projects per year. The main goal of the survey is to map out Norwegians' travel habits, as well as to gather other official statistics. This means that the Travel and Holiday Survey also captures other themes than travel.
This is the person...
Management Control in Emerging Network Organizations: Case of the Petroleum Supply Industry in the Barents Region, 2015
The overall purpose of this research was to study how management control practices develop in the context of emerging industrial networks. Throughout the project I have implemented four major studies: A theoretical study of relational control problems, namely interlink of trust and control in business relationships and networks; A longitudinal study of the role of...
KEU Pre-survey 2013
Innovation Norway (IN) was established on 1 January 2004, and is a merger of the former Norwegian Business and Regional Development Fund (SND), the Norwegian Export Council, the Norwegian Tourist Board and the Norwegian Inventors Guidance Office. Innovation Norway offers products and services that will contribute to developing the rural areas, increase innovation in business...
KEU Follow-up Survey 2008
The present follow-up survey is based on interviews with 1,583 companies distributed across 22 different services and programmes. The 22 services and programs are divided into four main groups. Group 1 is Loans, group 2 is Grants, group 3 is Programs that offer both financing, advice and networking, while group 4 is Scholarships. It is important to emphasize that Innovation...
KEU Pre-survey 2008
Innovation Norway (IN) was established on 1 January 2004, and is a merger of the former Norwegian Business and Regional Development Fund (SND), the Norwegian Export Council, the Norwegian Tourist Board and the Norwegian Inventors Guidance Office. Innovation Norway offers products and services that will contribute to developing the rural areas, increase innovation in business...
KEU Customer impact surveys 2002
At the establishment of the Norwegian Business and Regional Development Fund (SND), emphasis was placed on developing a goal- and results-reporting system that could enable the new institution to develop in a unified manner. After thorough work, a system was implemented in 1994 that would measure effects, activity, and productivity. This system essentially covered all the...
The Goodwill Agreement's Effect on R&D in Business and Institutes, 1992
The objective of this project was to study projects under The Goodwill Agreement and their implications for the Norwegian partners, as well as how R&D was affected, especially in relation to the coming EEA Agreement. The registry data gave an overview of recipient companies and the sum of receipts from The Goodwill Agreement for each year from 1983 to 1991. The material...
KEU Follow-up Survey 2004
The present follow-up survey is based on interviews with 961 companies divided into 22 different services and programmes. The 22 services and programs are divided into four main groups, where group 1 is Loans, group 2 is Grants and group 3 is Programs that offer both financing, advice and networking, while group 4 is Scholarships (Founder and Incubator stipends). It is...
Success Factors for New Products, 1991.
This project examines new products, and what determines whether they will be a success. The survey was conducted by the Norwegian Institute for Research in Marketing and funded by NORAS.
Modelling of Car Ownership for Integration, 1992.
"Modelling of Car Ownership for Integration, 1992" includes data on car ownership, car use, selling cars, requirements for cars (properties) and outlook on/knowledge of cars with alternative fuel for the purposes of modeling.
KEU Pre-survey 2009
Innovation Norway (IN) was established on 1 January 2004, and is a merger of the former Norwegian Business and Regional Development Fund (SND), the Norwegian Export Council, the Norwegian Tourist Board and the Norwegian Inventors Guidance Office. Innovation Norway offers products and services that will contribute to developing the rural areas, increase innovation in business...
KEU Customer impact surveys 1995
When the Statens Nærings- og Distriktutviklingsfond (SND) was established, emphasis was placed on developing a target and result reporting system that could make the new institution develop in a uniform manner. After thorough work, a system was implemented in 1994 to measure both effects, activity and productivity. In principle, this system included all the instruments...
KEU Customer impact surveys 1999
During the establishment of the State Industrial and Regional Development Fund (SND), emphasis was placed on developing a goal- and results-reporting system that could help the new institution develop in a unified manner. After thorough work, a system was implemented in 1994 that would measure effects, activity, and productivity. In principle, this system covered all of...
KEU Customer impact surveys 2000
Upon the establishment of the Norwegian Business and Regional Development Fund (SND), emphasis was placed on developing a goal and results reporting system that could help the new institution develop in a unified manner. After thorough work, a system was implemented in 1994 that would measure both effects, activity, and productivity. This system, in principle, covered all...
Work Load and Muscular Fatigue Among Female Workers in the Fishing Industry, 1990
The aim of the project was to evaluate the burdens and development of work load and muscular fatigue among workers in the fishing industry and assess the variation of the strain parameters that were examined. The units for the survey were 31 female workers in the fishing industry. The workers were interviewed in order to map out the extent of muscular fatigue, production...
KEU Customer impact surveys 2001
At the establishment of the Norwegian Business and Regional Development Fund (SND), emphasis was placed on developing a goal- and result-reporting system that could help the new institution develop in a unified manner. After thorough work, a system was implemented in 1994 that would measure both effects, activity, and productivity. This system basically covered all the...
KEU Follow-up Survey 2010
The current follow-up survey is based on interviews with 1,914 companies divided into 26 different services and programmes. The 26 services and programs are divided into four main groups. Group 1 is Loans, group 2 is Grants, group 3 is Programs that offer both financing, advice and networking, while group 4 is Scholarships. It is important to emphasize that Innovation Norway...