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Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1984
First interviewees compare their standard of living with that of five years previous. Next bloc focuses on political system in general, role of League of Communists, and membership in political organizations. Questions on attitudes toward work, compensation, and values follow next. Interviewees also give their satisfaction with pay, express their view on justification of...
Forced Migrants' Experiences of Family Reunification 2018-2020
This dataset consists of 38 interviews on family reunification with people who migrated to Finland as refugees or asylum seekers. The interviewees had either not yet completed the family reunification process or had given up on bringing their family to Finland because the process had been too difficult. The data were collected as part of the 'Family Separation, Migration...
QoG Standard Dataset
The QoG Institute is an independent research institute within the Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg. Overall 30 researchers conduct and promote research on the causes, consequences and nature of Good Governance and the Quality of Government - that is, trustworthy, reliable, impartial, uncorrupted and competent government institutions.
The main...
QoG Expert Survey Data
The QoG Institute is an independent research institute within the Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg. Overall 30 researchers conduct and promote research on the causes, consequences and nature of Good Governance and the Quality of Government - that is, trustworthy, reliable, impartial, uncorrupted and competent government institutions.
The main...
QoG Social Policy Dataset
The QoG Institute is an independent research institute within the Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg. Overall 30 researchers conduct and promote research on the causes, consequences and nature of Good Governance and the Quality of Government - that is, trustworthy, reliable, impartial, uncorrupted and competent government institutions. The...
QoG EU Regional Data
The QoG Institute is an independent research institute within the Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg. Overall 30 researchers conduct and promote research on the causes, consequences and nature of Good Governance and the Quality of Government - that is, trustworthy, reliable, impartial, uncorrupted and competent government institutions.
The main...
QoG OECD Dataset
The QoG Institute is an independent research institute within the Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg. The main objective of our research is to address the theoretical and empirical problem of how political institutions of high quality can be created and maintained.
To achieve said goal, the QoG Institute makes comparative data on QoG and its...
The QoG EQI Data (2010 & 2013)
The QoG Institute is an independent research institute within the Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg. Overall 30 researchers conduct and promote research on the causes, consequences and nature of Good Governance and the Quality of Government - that is, trustworthy, reliable, impartial, uncorrupted and competent government institutions.
The main...
The QoG Agency Database - Agency Head (1960-2014)
This database consists of a comprehensive sample of administrative agencies in the Swedish executive bureaucracy between 1960 and 2014. The purpose of the dataset is to provide a quantitative catalogue of Swedish agencies for public use.
Scholars who wish to use this dataset in their research are kindly requested to use the following
Dahlström, Carl, Mikael...
Into the 80s : New Society Survey, 1979
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To explore social attitudes in Britain at the end of the 1970's and expectations of life in the next decade.Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions
Whether Britain is a reasonably good place to live in, whether changes in the past ten years have been for the worse or for the better, expectations for...
European Elections Study, 1978
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aim of this study was to provide data to help guide the information campaign leading up to the European elections.
European Elections Survey, 1979
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The survey was designed to record reactions to the first direct elections to the European Parliament, across the European Community. It forms part of an international study conducted through the International Institute of Communications on the role of broadcasting in those elections.Main...
Attitudes to Government, 1978
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To investigate opinions on various aspects of government.Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions
Questions covered satisfaction with life in Britain today, including attitudes to various branches of government, neighbourhood, housing, employment situation, income, health and other services,...
Future in Britain Survey, 1970
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this survey was to study the perceptions of the future held by the public (those between 15 and 44 years) and by the `elite' (those in positions of power and influence in Britain). The survey was conducted in 1970 for the Social Science Research Council (now Economic and Social Science...
Records of Central Government Taxation in England, c.1190-1690; Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Oxfordshire
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.One of the most important series of medieval and early modern records of central government in the Public Record Office is the collection of tax records with the reference E 179. It includes all the surviving detailed records of taxation of lay people in England from about 1190 to 1690, well over 30,000...
Docquets of Lord Keeper Coventry, 1625-1640
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aim of the project was to provide a calendar of all items in the Birmingham Reference Library's collection of the official papers of the Lord Keeper Thomas Coventry for use alongside Public Record Office sources for Chancery activities, and as a finding aid for individuals and grants within the Patent...
Employers' Survey on Support for Working Parents, 2000
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The main aim of the study, undertaken by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) was to provide a statistically representative picture of the steps employers take to meet the child parenting needs of their employees.
The survey collected information on:
employers' awareness of the new statutory leave...
Political Literacy Survey : Hansard Society Schools Survey, 1975
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The main aims of this survey were:
1)To produce a reliable estimate of the extent of political knowledge and ignorance of 15 to 16 year-olds.
2)To estimate a `yard stick' of political literacy against which to measure the effects of future developments in political education.
3)To examine the sources of...
Corruption and Political Institutions in Botswana and Austria 2009-2012
The study investigated views on accountability and the connection between corruption and political institutions in Botswana and Austria. The data consist of transcriptions and notes of interviews conducted in English. The interviewees represented different influential political bodies and actors studying or monitoring such bodies. These bodies and actors include, for...
QoG Basic Dataset
The QoG Institute is an independent research institute within the Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg. Overall 30 researchers conduct and promote research on the causes, consequences and nature of Good Governance and the Quality of Government - that is, trustworthy, reliable, impartial, uncorrupted and competent government institutions.
The main...
Machinery of Government, 1976-1977
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this study was to examine differences between central Government departments.Main Topics:Variables
Size of budget; number of staff employed; proportion of budget spent on salaries; proportion of staff in lowest salary bands; number of occupational groups; proportion of staff in headquarters...
Coping with Government in the FSU/ECE, 1996-1998
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this project was to see how citizens view their interactions with officials in various post-communist countries, in particular, to see: what kinds of `unfair' treatment people complain about; whether they have personal experience of unfair treatment or whether they are simply repeating...
Placing Voluntary Activism in Neo-Liberal Welfare States: a Comparative Study, 2005-2008
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This qualitative data collection explored the extent to which different social, historical and cultural contexts within and across neo-liberal states impact on the development of voluntary activism in the sub-sectors of mental health and community safety. Focusing on place-based strategic partnerships in...
British Migrants in Spain: the Extent and Nature of Social Integration, 2003-2005: Teaching Data
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This is a qualitative teaching data collection.
Dr Jo Haynes (Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Bristol) has been using numerous data collections from ESDS Qualidata to support her teaching of qualitative research methods for several years. A key motivation was her desire to provide students...
British Migrants in Spain: the Extent and Nature of Social Integration, 2003-2005
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This project arose out of research conducted during the 1990s (by O'Reilly and others) which explored the trends, motivations, mobility patterns, identity and way of life of British migrant communities in the Costa del Sol. Reviewing the data collected during that period of fieldwork raised key issues of...