21 studies found in English from a total of 36718
aspects of functioning of democracy in a municipality 

Chinese Tourists in Slovenia and Montenegro, 2015

Raspor, Andrej (Fakulteta za uporabne družbene študije v Novi Gorici); Lacmanović, Darko (Fakultet za turizam - MTS, Univerzitet Mediteran); Stranjančević, Ana (Fakultet za turizam - MTS, Univerzitet Mediteran); (1 more)
Survey Chinese tourists in Slovenia and Montenegro: preferences, characteristics and trip motivation was conducted in order to obtain some explanations regarding phenomenon of Chinese tourists in Slovenia and Montenegro. The main purpose of the study was to explore the basic characteristics of Chinese tourists in both countries and to conduct a comparison in order to form...
Study description available in:ENSL
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Multiscopo ISTAT - Trips and Holidays (2008)

From 1997 Istat conducts the quarterly survey "Trips and Holidays" in order to quantify and analyse the Italian flow of tourism, both within the country and abroad, and provide information about trips and sociodemographic factors of tourist. The survey collects information about all trips finished in that quarter, regardless of starting date. Compared to past Italian surveys...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Multiscopo ISTAT - Aspects of Daily Life (2010)

The survey Aspects of Daily Life , which is part of an integrated system of social surveys - Multiscopo ISTAT - reveals the basic information relating to the daily lives of individuals and families. Since 1993, the survey is conducted annually and the information gathered provides insight into the habits of citizens and the problems they face every day. The main topics of...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Multiscopo ISTAT – Aspects of Daily Life (2008)

The survey Aspects of Daily Life , which is part of an integrated system of social surveys – Multiscopo ISTAT – reveals the basic information relating to the daily lives of individuals and families. Since 1993, the survey is conducted annually and the information gathered provides insight into the habits of citizens and the problems they face every day. The main topics of...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Multiscopo ISTAT – Aspects of Daily Life (2012)

The survey Aspects of Daily Life , which is part of an integrated system of social surveys – Multiscopo ISTAT – reveals the basic information relating to the daily lives of individuals and families. Since 1993, the survey is conducted annually and the information gathered provides insight into the habits of citizens and the problems they face every day. The main topics of...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Multiscopo ISTAT – Aspects of Daily Life (2013)

The survey Aspects of Daily Life , which is part of an integrated system of social surveys – Multiscopo ISTAT – reveals the basic information relating to the daily lives of individuals and families. Since 1993, the survey is conducted annually and the information gathered provides insight into the habits of citizens and the problems they face every day. The main topics of...
Study description available in:EN
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Multiscopo ISTAT – Aspects of Daily Life (2014)

The survey Aspects of Daily Life, which is part of an integrated system of social surveys – Multiscopo ISTAT – reveals the basic information relating to the daily lives of individuals and families. Since 1993, the survey is conducted annually and the information gathered provides insight into the habits of citizens and the problems they face every day. The main topics of the...
Study description available in:EN
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Trips and holidays (2016)

Trips and holidays is a quarterly focus included into the Households Budget Survey from 2014 with the aim of collecting information on tourist flows of residents. It provides a wide set of information on tourist trips, such as the amount and the characteristics of trips made for personal and business reasons, both in Italy and abroad, the amount of expenditure, the reasons...
Study description available in:EN
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Aspects of daily life - Longitudinal Data (2013-2016)

UniData - Bicocca Data Archive (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca); Istat
The survey "Aspects of Daily Life" is carried out by ISTAT and it is aimed to collect key information about the daily life of individuals and households on an annual basis. This information are focused on the habits, opinions, and attitudes of citizens regarding the main issues related to their social and family life. The sample interviewed annually is about 20,000 families,...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Aspects of daily life (2017)

The survey Aspects of Daily Life, which is part of an integrated system of social surveys – Multiscopo ISTAT – reveals the basic information relating to the daily lives of individuals and families. Since 1993, the survey is conducted annually and the information gathered provides insight into the habits of citizens and the problems they face every day. The main topics of the...
Study description available in:EN
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Aspects of daily life (2020)

The survey Aspects of Daily Life, which is part of an integrated system of social surveys – Multiscopo ISTAT – reveals the basic information relating to the daily lives of individuals and families. Since 1993, the survey is conducted annually and the information gathered provides insight into the habits of citizens and the problems they face every day. The main topics of the...
Study description available in:EN
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Aspects of daily life (2021)

The survey Aspects of Daily Life, which is part of an integrated system of social surveys – Multiscopo ISTAT – reveals the basic information relating to the daily lives of individuals and families. Since 1993, the survey is conducted annually and the information gathered provides insight into the habits of citizens and the problems they face every day. The main topics of the...
Study description available in:EN
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Italian Lives - ITA.LI: Qualitative data (2021-2022)

Leccardi, Carmen (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca)
Italian Lives (ITA.LI) is a quantitative and qualitative longitudinal survey carried out by the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Milan-Bicocca. The survey is aimed at building a database on social change in Italy offering high-quality data to researchers working in several disciplinary fields. The longitudinal qualitative survey was carried...
Study description available in:EN
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Multiscopo ISTAT – Aspects of Daily Life (2009)

The survey Aspects of Daily Life , which is part of an integrated system of social surveys – Multiscopo ISTAT – reveals the basic information relating to the daily lives of individuals and families. Since 1993, the survey is conducted annually and the information gathered provides insight into the habits of citizens and the problems they face every day. The main topics of...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Multiscopo ISTAT - Aspects of Daily Life (2011)

The survey Aspects of Daily Life , which is part of an integrated system of social surveys - Multiscopo ISTAT - reveals the basic information relating to the daily lives of individuals and families. Since 1993, the survey is conducted annually and the information gathered provides insight into the habits of citizens and the problems they face every day. The main topics of...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Multiscopo ISTAT – Aspects of daily life (2015)

The survey Aspects of Daily Life, which is part of an integrated system of social surveys – Multiscopo ISTAT – reveals the basic information relating to the daily lives of individuals and families. Since 1993, the survey is conducted annually and the information gathered provides insight into the habits of citizens and the problems they face every day. The main topics of the...
Study description available in:EN
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Multiscopo ISTAT – Aspects of daily life (2016)

The survey Aspects of Daily Life, which is part of an integrated system of social surveys – Multiscopo ISTAT – reveals the basic information relating to the daily lives of individuals and families. Since 1993, the survey is conducted annually and the information gathered provides insight into the habits of citizens and the problems they face every day. The main topics of the...
Study description available in:EN
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Aspects of daily life (2018)

The survey Aspects of Daily Life, which is part of an integrated system of social surveys – Multiscopo ISTAT – reveals the basic information relating to the daily lives of individuals and families. Since 1993, the survey is conducted annually and the information gathered provides insight into the habits of citizens and the problems they face every day. The main topics of the...
Study description available in:EN
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Aspects of daily life (2019)

The survey Aspects of Daily Life, which is part of an integrated system of social surveys – Multiscopo ISTAT – reveals the basic information relating to the daily lives of individuals and families. Since 1993, the survey is conducted annually and the information gathered provides insight into the habits of citizens and the problems they face every day. The main topics of the...
Study description available in:EN
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Italian Lives - ITA.LI: Qualitative data (2019-2020)

Leccardi, Carmen (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca)
Italian Lives (ITA.LI) is a quantitative and qualitative longitudinal survey carried out by the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Milan-Bicocca. The survey is aimed at building a database on social change in Italy offering high-quality data to researchers working in several disciplinary fields. The longitudinal qualitative survey was carried...
Study description available in:EN
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Italian Lives - ITA.LI: Qualitative data (2020-2021)

Leccardi, Carmen (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca)
Italian Lives (ITA.LI) is a quantitative and qualitative longitudinal survey carried out by the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Milan-Bicocca. The survey is aimed at building a database on social change in Italy offering high-quality data to researchers working in several disciplinary fields. The longitudinal qualitative survey was carried...
Study description available in:EN
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