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Ultra-brief Breath Counting - Mindfulness - Training Promotes Recovery from Stress-induced Alcohol-seeking in Student Drinkers, 2017-2018
The therapeutic effect of mindfulness interventions on problematic drinking is thought to be driven by increased resilience to the impact of stress on negative mood and alcohol-seeking behaviour, but this claim needs empirical support. To address this hypothesis, the current study tested whether brief training of one component of mindfulness – breath counting – would reduce...
Associations between the Brief Assessment of Alcohol Demand Questionnaire and Alcohol Use Disorder Severity in UK Samples of Student and Community Drinkers, 2019-2020
Value-based choice and compulsion theories of addiction offer distinct explanations for the persistence of alcohol use despite harms. Choice theory argues that problematic drinkers ascribe such high value to alcohol that costs are outweighed, whereas compulsion theory argues that problematic drinkers discount costs in decision making. The current study evaluated these...
Interviews with women in early sobriety 2019
This dataset consists of 17 transcripts of semi-structured, in-depth interviews with women in 'early sobriety' (stopped drinking between 5 months and 2 years ago) in the UK. The research examines these former self-defined 'moderate to heavy' drinkers' experiences of stopping drinking, encouraging them to tell a story of their 'drinking pasts', 'sober present' and 'imagined...
Childhood, Adolencence, and Becoming an Adult 1991-1997 - Youth Longitudinal 1991-1995/96
The current study is divided roughly in five topic areas:
political-social experiences and orientations; youth and becoming adult
as a phase in life in the framework of the course of life; courses of
development and development risks; life styles, cultures and social
reference groups of young people and the social-structural
differentiating of the youth phase.
Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Older Cohort) 1979-1985, 1st Wave
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social
behavior as well as professional training and work habits of young
people and young adults depending on social factors and social conditions.
General personal orientations:
introversion, extroversion;
general contentment with life;
satisfaction with certain areas of life;
life planning, goals in...
Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Older Cohort) 1979-1985, 6th Wave
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social conduct
as well as professional training and work habits of young people and
young adults depending on social factors and social conditions.
General personal orientations:
introversion, extroversion;
general contentment with life;
satisfaction with certain areas of life;
life planning, goals in...
Interval Study Risk 1986-1995 - Leipzig Schoolchildren Study, 6th Wave 1991
Investigation of risk situations and coping with risk by young people
in the East German states under changed social conditions.
Schoolchildren questionnaire:
satisfaction with achievements;
frequency of leisure activities (scale);
leisure interests;
available leisure facilities in vicinity of residence;
belonging to leisure groups (scale);
importance of...
Interval Study Risk 1986-1995 - Leipzig Schoolchildren Study, 7th Wave 1992
Coping with development demands, risk situations and risk behavior of
young people in the new states.
Topics: Satisfaction with school; frequency of leisure activities
(scale); presence of leisure facilities in vicinity of residence
(scale); school achievements; reasons for learning well (scale);
evaluation of social characteristics in school (scale); satisfaction
Childhood, Adolencence, and Becoming an Adult 1991-1997 - Young Adult Longitudinal 1991-1995/96
The current study is divided roughly in five topic areas:
political-social experiences and orientations; youth and becoming adult
as a phase in life in the framework of the course of life; courses of
development and development risks; life styles, cultures and social
reference groups of young people and the social-structural
differentiating of the youth phase.
Student Use of Drugs
The present study examines students´ attitudes towards drugs in two waves. For this purpose, students of the universities of Leipzig, Dresden, and Hamburg were asked to fill out questionnaires about their drug consumption habits and about their attitudes towards legal and illegal drugs in general.
Use of Intoxicants by Schoolchildren in Hamburg (1973)
Social contacts, coming to the attention of the police, use of
intoxicants as well as reasons for consumption of alcohol and nicotine
among schoolchildren, apprentices and young workers.
Topics: The content of the study is largely identical to ZA Study No.
0769: occurrence of suicide, mental deficiency, alcohol and intoxicant
addiction in the family of respondent as well...