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Poverty and Welfare Survey 2005
The aim of the survey was to get a picture of Finns' financial well-being. Respondents were asked about their housing situation and their satisfaction with their current standard of living. Respondents were asked about the necessity or non-necessity of various commodities and services for today's Finnish adults. They were also asked whether they considered certain goods and...
Poverty and Welfare Survey 2015
The aim of the survey was to get a picture of Finns' financial well-being. Respondents were asked about their housing situation and their satisfaction with their current standard of living. Respondents assessed their own family's financial situation. Respondents were asked about the necessity or non-necessity of various goods and services for today's Finnish adults....
Netherlands East Indies trade, 1870-1940
This dataset contains foreign trade figures for Java and the outer provinces of the Netherlands East Indies. Contains annual and regional figures of approximately 65 different commodities. Nineteen different regions are distinguished. Two files contain import figures, two other files contain export figures and a separate file contains more specific information on petroleum...
Database on cargo flows in the port of Rotterdam, 1880-2000
This dataset was created for the research project: Rotterdam-Antwerp, a century and a half of port competition, 1880-2000. The aim of the project was to investigate different variables that influence competition between these ports and their overall effect on cargo flows. This dataset only contains statistics on Rotterdam. (Dataset D0095 contains the data collected on the...
Dutch entries in the pound-toll registers of Elbing, 1585-1700
This dataset contains the transcription of the Dutch entries in the Elbing pound-toll registers in the 1585-1700 period. Data were entered at two different levels, which resulted in two files: a ship and a cargo component. Data such as shipping routes, destinations, names of masters and their ships and traded goods are included in this database. The name of the merchant for...
Database of Irish Historical Statistics : Census of Industrial Production and Trade Statistics, 1924-1972
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of the project was to provide machine-readable economic and social history statistics relating to the whole of Ireland for the period 1821-1971. Further information about the project is available on the QUB Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis website.
Main Topics:The dataset contains...
Liverpool Community, 1649-1750
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of the project was to investigate the character of Liverpool society during the first century of its rapid commercial expansion, and in particular to address the question whether its social characteristics help to explain the dynamic nature of its economic growth. The particular questions...
Views of Hosts: Reporting the Alien Commodity Trade, 1440-1445
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The project aimed to make widely accessible the data gathered on the alien commodity trade as a result of an act of parliament in 1439, which required the formal pairing of alien merchants with English hosts who kept registers of alien business activities. Copies of these registers (or views) were ordered...
OECD Monthly Statistics of International Trade, 1955-2013
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Monthly Statistics of International Trade database provides monthly data from 1961 on imports and exports of goods by partner countries, trade in value classified by sections of SITC, volume indices, average unit value indices and price indices including seasonally adjusted series as well as...
Sustainable Poverty Alleviation From Coastal Ecosystem Services: Value Chain Analysis, 2013-2017
This research used observation, secondary data, semi-structured interviews with key informants, and questionnaire surveys to collect the information. This was done in two steps: I) First mapping the structure of the value chain at each site, II) then survey with a representative set of respondents in each node, and also interview some key informants.
The main topics were:...
Performing With the Database: Art Geography Approaches to Research on the Data, Trade, Place, Values Nexus, 2015-2017
This qualitative data collection comprises eight interviews and two group conversations collected as part of the doctoral study: Museum of Contemporary Commodities (MoCC): a research performance. The project worked with partners in London and Exeter between 2015-17 to co-produce a series of site responsive, digitally interactive and relational encounters that were devised...
Port of Antwerp, 1900-2000
The database contains time-series on maritime (sea-borne) and continental (hinterland) througput in the port of Antwerp. Also, data on shipping movements, infrastructure and superstructure of the Antwerp port have been included. The database was composed in the framework of a Ph.D. on functional shifts in the port of Antwerp. Website where data set is available: ...
Poverty and Welfare Survey 2010
The aim of the survey was to get a picture of Finns' financial well-being. Respondents were asked about their housing situation and their satisfaction with their current standard of living. Respondents assessed their own family's financial situation. Respondents were asked about the necessity or non-necessity of various goods and services for today's Finnish adults....
Welfare Differences between Population Groups and Localisation of Welfare Problems 2020
The aim of the survey was to get a picture of Finns' financial well-being. Respondents were first asked about their housing situation and their satisfaction with their current standard of living. Respondents were asked to assess the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on their employment and financial situation, among other things. Respondents assessed their own family's...
Manufacturing meaning along the food commodity chain
This data collection consists of life stories, individual interview transcripts and one focus group.
Recent ‘food scares’ and farming crises have led to declining consumer confidence in food safety. Focusing on two commodities, chicken and sugar, this project has investigated the social, political and technological changes that have transformed the British food industry...
Baltic Iron and the Organisation of the British Iron Market in the Eighteenth Century
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The project was concerned with the role of international commerce and mercantile networks in the early phases of British industrialisation. Specifically, it was concerned with the operation of the market for malleable bar iron. Between 1650 and 1800 domestic ironmasters were unable to meet the growing...
OECD Main Economic Indicators, 1955-2021
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) produces annual, quarterly and monthly data for main economic indicators (MEI). The variables cover national accounts, industrial production, employment, prices, business trends and trade for the member countries of the OECD and select...
Futures Commodity Prices and Electricity and Utility Stock Prices, 2005
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The objective of the project was to provide econometric analysis and theory for modelling energy and soft commodity prices. This necessitated data analysis and modelling together with theoretical econometrics, dealing with the specific stylised facts of commodity prices. In order to analyse energy and...
East India Company: Trade and Domestic Financial Statistics, 1755-1838
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The dataset was created as part of an ESRC-sponsored study, ‘British economic, social, and cultural interactions with Asia, 1760-1833’. It contains statistics relating to the trade and domestic finances of the monopolistic English East India Company primarily between 1755 and 1834, the year in which the...
Economic Impact of Heathrow Airport upon Factories and Offices, 1969; Factories
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of the survey was to evaluate the locational impact of Heathrow upon manufacturing and office firms. The main areas of interest were their original location decisions, their present evaluation of their location and their use of Heathrow for business purposes.Main Topics:...
Scottish Medieval Prices, 1263-1542
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aim of the project was to collect and analyse price data in order to develop an understanding of the behaviour of Scottish medieval prices. Scottish medieval sources are relatively scarce compared with England and price data are correspondingly scarce and scattered. The project team combed the...
Drugs and (Dis)order Questionnaire Interviews on Crossborder Trading in Nangarhar and Nimroz, 2018-2019
Collection of questionnaire interviews carried out as part of the GCRF Drugs and (dis)order project in the borderlands of Nangarhar and Nimroz, Afghanistan. The purpose of the interviews was to explore the production, trade and movement of several key commodities ‒ legal and illegal ‒ like minerals, drugs, fertilizer, transit goods and fuel, and the impact on the political...