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Food practices and employed families with younger children, 2010
Qualitative longitudinal study of children's food and eating in employed families, based on and complementing secondary analysis of the National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) Year 1 (2008-2009), the Health Survey for England (HSE) (2007-2008) and the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC, ‘Children of the 90’s’). A range of outcome measures was used,...
Au pairing after the au pair scheme: New migration rules and childcare in private homes in the UK: Advertisements for au pairs
This is a spreadsheet compiled from advertisements for au pairs on It extracts data on pay and conditions offered from the advertisements to provide overview data of what is expected in au pair positions in the UK. Data are divided into 'London' and 'outside London'.This project investigates the lives of au pairs and host families in the UK. Au pairs are now...
Machines, Platforms and Capabilities, 2019-2020
This project utilised mixed methods to examine the significance of different sectors of the gig economy within local labour markets, and includes the study of co-operative alternatives to more dominant forms of platform capitalism. Participants included drivers from a cooperative taxi company and cycle couriers employed by digital platforms, all working in Cardiff, South...
A Democracy to Come? Investigating Change in Alternative Organisations, 2015-2019
Following the 2008 financial crash, politicians from across the political spectrum responded to a ‘crisis in capitalism’ by calling for a fairer and more resilient economy. A government bill in 2012 ostensibly supporting the development of co-operatives, efforts to mutualise public sector organizations and calls for a ‘John Lewis society’ echoed the rhetoric of a ‘moral’ or...
Skills Acquisition and Employability Through Volunteering by Displaced Youth in Uganda, 2019-2022
This archive contains the full dataset of the project "Skills acquisition and employability through volunteering by displaced youth in Uganda", also known as Refugee Youth Volunteering Uganda (RYVU), an interdisciplinary research project funded by the UK’s Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) and Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). The archive includes the...
Wage Top-Ups and Work Incentives: The Implications of the UK's Working Tax Credit System
The project aimed to explore the motivations of Working Tax Credit recipients and their understanding of the UK scheme. This was done through in-depth face-to-face interviews with a select sample of 52 recipients of the scheme which is a means-tested benefit scheme that 'tops-up' the income of low-wage earners. These interviews were transcribed and 51 have been deposited....
Investigating platform cooperativism: Resistance in the digital economy 2018-2019
This project explored the extent of platform cooperativism in the UK. The research specifically sought to investigate platform cooperatives working to provide alternatives to existing ‘gig economy’ platforms or in the area of cooperative technology, digital design and data ownership, as well as the wider network of organisations supporting them. A series of interviews was...
McStrike: Trade unions, collective action and social media, twitter data 2017
The 'McStrike' project was developed as a response to a forthcoming strike by McDonald's employees in the UK on the 4th September 2017, organised by the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union (BFAWU). All tweets containing the hashtag '#McStrike' over a period of 21 days before, during and after the strike were collected. Applying qualitative content analysis and social...
All eyes on TGI Fridays: Sustained collective action and its representation, twitter data 2018
We collected all tweets containing the hashtags relating to the strike action (#AllEyesonTGIs, #TGIStrikeDays and #TGIFairPay) over a period of four months. The All Eyes on TGIs project was developed as a response to a forthcoming series of strikes by TGI Friday's employees in the UK, organised by Unite the Union. An initial strike took place in London and Milton Keynes on...
Sociale positie en voorzieningengebruik van allochtonen 2002 - SPVA 2002
This longitudinal survey concentrates on the socio-economic and socio-cultural position of the four largest ethnic minority groups in the Netherlands: Turks, Moroccans, Surinamese and Antillians/Arubans. It can also give insight in the differences between those groups, and a comparison in time. The survey is accomplished in cooperation with the Netherlands Kinship Panel...
Veiligheidsonderzoek 1962
Attitude to safety regulations / accident proneness / job safety / safety judgements. Background variables: basic characteristics/ occupation/employment
Op weg naar de avonduniversiteit van Nederland 1975
Students following evening courses in Utrecht / motivations / conditions that have to be fulfilled / relation to day courses / perspectives / contacts / opinions about contents of course / relation of course to job / attitude to planned evening university in Utrecht / expected participation.Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ place of work/ income/capital...
Onderzoek inzake woon- werkverkeer 1971
Kind of transport respondent uses for going to work / use of own transport or public transport / difference in amount of time / reason for not using public transport. Background variables: basic characteristics
Oudere werknemers 1980-1981 : Beleving van werk en verzuim
Disability of older industrial workers/ influence of individual characteristics, e.g. experienced physical weight of work, experience of work and personal well-being, on long-term absence from work and disability to work. Ability to work / nature of illness / duration of absence / working situation in past and present / kind of occupation / why this kind of work / other...
Evaluatie van de nieuwe regeling voor zwangerschaps- en bevallingsverlof voor vrouwen in loondienst 1991
Evaluation of new arrangement for maternity leave Work situation/ physically tiresome / work is mostly in a chair or standing / work is permanent or contract / nr. of hours at work at the beginning of pregnancy / working in shifts / knowledge of new regulations concerning resting times and shiftwork/ arranging resting times at work / period and duration of maternity leave/...
Onderzoek Toekomstverwachtingen 2004 - TOS2004
Future expectations of the Dutch population for the year 2020. Expectations with regard to national and global developments, leisure time, politics and democracy, ethnic minorities and migration to and from the Netherlands, labourmarket, living situation, work and childcare, safety and crime, education, diseases and health care, social security, use of computers and the...
Importance of work engagement in primary healthcare, 2018
Work engagement is crucial for quality care at the primary healthcare level. This is especially true during the Covid-19 pandemic, as it has effects on the community from both a health and economic point of view. For example, inadequate work engagement can lead to fewer referrals to the secondary healthcare level. The aim of this study is to examine the work engagement level...
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 2002/2
Survey is a part of European project, which is conducted simultaneously in 21 countries. The purpose of the project is to register social changes in time. Survey focuses on two main topics: comprehension and practice of citizenship and attitudes toward immigration. Questionnaire consists of six clusters of questions. The first, relatively short one, cluster contains...
Slovenian Public Opinion 2010
Slovenian Public Opinion (SJM) 2010 is a survey, which was conducted as a part of the European Social Survey 2010 (ESS 2010). ESS is an academically-driven multi-country survey, which has been administered in over 30 countries to date. Its three aims are, firstly – to monitor and interpret changing public attitudes and values within Europe and to investigate how they...
Slovenian Public Opinion 2019/2
Slovenian public opinion 2019/2 includes 6 thematic blocks covering national and international surveys: (1) Satisfaction assessment, (2) Attitudes towards inequality (ISSP), (3) Mirror of public opinion, (4) Work - family, (5) Quality of life and work, and (6) Demography. The survey is based on a representative sample (realized sample N = 1164) of the population of the...
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1983
First interviewees compare their standard of living with that of five years previous. Next bloc focuses on attitudes toward work and satisfaction with job that respondents earn their living. They also express their view on policy that promotes employment of juveniles and evaluate reforms of pension insurance system. Next in a line, there are questions on political system in...
Parents between work and family
Purpose of the study was to contribute to understanding of the relation between parenthood and paid work in Slovenia. Its goals were: to gain the newest data concerning use of parental leave; to analyze relation between parenthood and possibilities for employment and career; to form prepositions for harmonizing parents’ family commitments and work obligations. Questionnaire...
Medezeggenschap in kleine ondernemingen ( 10-35 werknemers ) 1984-1986
Measuring degree of, and opinions on workers-participation in small firms. Knowledge of legal obligation of instating a 'personeelsvergadering' ( employees council ) / application of laws about participation of employees in management, how / how much participation of employees when law is not applied / opinion of employees about their means of participation / perception of...
Zwangerschap, moederschap in combinatie met betaalde arbeid 1985-1986
Survey on the occurrence of being pregnant, motherhood in combination with a payed job. In particular with respect to breast-feeding, pregnancy and maternity leave. P0907c: To estimate the possible use of a national parental leave arrangement to be implemented in the future. P0907a: Job history during and after pregnancy / motives to stop working / breast-feeding. P0907b:...
Loopbaanwensen en arbeidsmobiliteit van leraren in het voortgezet onderwijs 1992
Investigation into the causes of low occupational mobility of teachers in secondary education Occupational career, teaching task, legal position at school, teaching degree / job security / looking for other job / motives to throw up job at school / internal occupational mobility, wish for non-teaching tasks at school, actual non-teaching tasks done by respondent / wishes...
Werkende jongeren in hun vormingsgroep 1975
Of group and program / data on experiences in work / attitude towards training / group inquiry kind of program / contentment with it / interests of boss and of parents in participating in training of respondent / opinion about group during discussion / individual inquiry first, second and third time data on work, contentment, interest, membership trade-union / attitude...
Zorgen voor morgen 1975
Perception of problems in society energy shortage, pollution, inflation, violence, unemployment etc. / urgency of problems / who should solve most urgent problems government, trade-unions, employers, pressure groups, consumers' organizations / scales on political orientation and information. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ occupation/employment/...
Italianen in Nederland 1975
Contacts with family of ( Dutch ) wife and with family in Italy / motivation for coming to Holland / information on Holland before departure / job in Holland ( satisfaction, problems, integration ) / contact with Italy / opinions on house / social integration / contacts with other italians / language problems / media exposure / contacts with organizations which can help in...
Raden van overleg Hoogovens 1968-1969
Opinion on 'councils of consultation' / contacts with council member / functions of the council / relation with management ( direct supervisors and general management ) and workers / satisfaction with the operation of the council / power of the council in decision-taking / organization of the council and relation to other groups / membership of the council / evaluation of...
Personeelsverloop Academisch Ziekenhuis Rotterdam 1975
Acquaintance with activities of personnel clubs like P.C.O. and O.P.A.R. And with the journal the monitor / opinion on workers' participation and treatment of complaints / opinion on work situation in ward / kind of work / opinion on behaviour of supervisor / independence in work / possibilities for getting another job / possibilities to make career in hospital / evaluation...