6 studies found in English from a total of 36718

Ziel van de Wederopbouw – Interview 047

E. Post (Stichting Verhalenhuis Belvédère)
Hij groeide op in Made, studeerde in Breda. Op een gegeven moment wilde hij aan het Brabantse leven ontsnappen en kwam hij in Rotterdam terecht, op de Sociale Academie. Hij kraakte een woning in de Gaffelstraat en sloot zich aan bij de Aktiegroep Oude Westen. Uiteindelijk koos hij voor een studie geschiedenis en dat bleek hem op het lijf geschreven. Hij is historicus. Veel...
Study description available in:EN
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The Influence of COVID-19 Lockdown in the UK on the Consumption of Water and Sugar-sweetened Beverages, 2018-2022

Papies, E, University of Glasgow; Claassen, M, University of Glasgow; Lomann, M, University of Glasgow
Objectives A key challenge for behaviour change is by-passing the influence of habits. Habits are easily triggered by contextual cues; hence context changes have been suggested to facilitate behaviour change (i.e., habit discontinuity). We examined the impact of a COVID-19 lockdown in England on habitual consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs). The lockdown created a...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Open
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Anansi Masters - Curacao G11 - Martinus, Smyrna - Nanzi and Tiger

J.C. Hellwig (Hellwig Productions AV / Vista Far Reaching Visuals Foundation)
Nanzi and Tiger told by Smyrna Martinus, recorded on video for the Anansi Masters project in Curacao.Subject: Avoiding danger with a ruse.Description: To escape from the hungry Tiger, Nanzi pretends there is a bigger danger that threatens both of them.Content: Nanzi is a handsome man on his way to a date with Shi Maria. Then he sees hungry Tiger approach. Nanzi believes he...
Study description available in:EN
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Water’s worth. Urban society and subsidiarity in seventeenth-century Holland

M.E. Groep-Foncke
For this PhD thesis, the reports of human encounters with water were used to evaluate the allocation of duties and responsibilities within Holland’s urban communities between 1600 and 1660. This was done by systematically examining the reports of water-related issues in (a) notarial records and (b) petitions to the urban magistrates, originating from the cities of Alkmaar,...
Study description available in:EN
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The Impact of Labels and Advertisements in Motivation for Bottled Water

Papies, E, University of Glasgow; Claassen, M, University of Glasgow; Rusz, D, Frontira Strategic Design
Consumers’ daily water consumption remains below the recommend level. Previous research has shown that the degree to which drinks are thought of in terms of consuming and enjoying them (i.e., simulations) predicts intake. Here, we examined whether water labels or advertisements framed in terms of consumption and reward simulations increases motivation for a fictitious...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Open
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China goes global dams project

Frauke, U, SOAS, University of London
The aim of this project is to provide the first systematic and comparative analysis of the environmental, social, economic and political impacts of Chinese hydropower dam projects in low and middle income countries, that will inform corporate behaviour of hydropower firms in China and the UK and shape emerging national and international policy responses. The project applied...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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