6 studies found in English from a total of 36717
United States of America 

Political Participation and Equality in Seven Nations 1966-71

Barbič, Ana; Boh, Katja; Verba, Sidney; (2 more)
This data collection consists of seven parts, six individual country datasets (Austria, India, Japan, the Netherlands, Nigeria, and Yugoslavia), and a comparative crossnational dataset. Personal interviews were conducted from 1966 to 1971 in seven nations, including the United States (the U.S.A. dataset can be found separately in POLITICAL PARTICIPATION IN AMERICA, 1967...
Study description available in:ENSL
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Public Attitudes towards Immigration, News and Social Media Exposure, and Political Attitudes from a Cross-cultural Perspective: Data from seven European countries, the United States, and Colombia

De Coninck, David (Centre for Sociological Research, KU Leuven, Belgium); Duque, Maria (Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, University of Texas at Austin, United States); Schwartz, Seth (Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, University of Texas at Austin, United States); (1 more)
The data presented in this data project were collected in the context of two H2020 research projects: ‘Enhanced migration measures from a multidimensional perspective’(HumMingBird) and ‘Crises as opportunities: Towards a level telling field on migration and a new narrative of successful integration’(OPPORTUNITIES). The current survey was fielded to investigate the dynamic...
Study description available in:EN
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On scaling of scientific knowledge production in U.S. metropolitan areas

Z.O. Nomaler (Eindhoven University of Technology); K. Frenken (Utrecht University); G.J. Heimeriks (Utrecht University)
Data underlying the findings described in the study "On scaling of scientific knowledge production in U.S. metropolitan areas" by Önder Nomaler (School of Innovation Sciences, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands), Koen Frenken and Gaston Heimeriks (both Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
Study description available in:EN
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Obama administration foreign and security speeches: 2009 to 2013

Hassan, O, University of Warwick
This data collection consisted of 6025 speeches and documents taken from the Obama administrations official websites from 2009 to 2013 covering all aspects of foreign and security policy. Data is organised by date (Year, Month, Day) of origin from January 2009 to December 2013.This project evaluates how the Arab Spring has affected US and EU policy towards regional allies in...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Open
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International Studies of Values in Politics, 1966

Jacob, Philip; Teune, Henry
The ICPSR version of this study includes samples of community leaders from three nations: the United States, India, and Yugoslavia. Respondents were selected from a total of 30 communities in each country. The study attempted a comparative examination of the impact of leaders' values on social change and development at the community level. The interviews yielded an...
Study description available in:ENSL
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Height and Weight of Students of the Citadel, the Military College of South Caroline, 1878 – 1967.

Komlos, John (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München: Volkswirtschaftliche Fakultät, Seminar für Wirtschaftsgeschichte)
Aim of the study was the acquisition of the student’s nutritional condition at the military university “The Citadel” from 1878 to 1967. The following information was collected: age, birth-year, size, weight, federal state and administrative district of birth, residence.
Study description available in:DEEN
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