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Great Britain Historical Database: Census Statistics : Collections, 1861
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Great Britain Historical Database has been assembled as part of the ongoing Great Britain Historical GIS Project. The project aims to trace the emergence of the north-south divide in Britain and to provide a synoptic view of the human geography of Britain at sub-county scales. Further information...
Geography and Gender: Understanding the Rising Number of Women on Incapacity Benefits, 2006-2007
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aims of this study were to identify the causes of the rise in the number of women in the United Kingdom claiming incapacity benefits over the last thirty years, and to investigate why the proportion of women claiming incapacity benefits varies so much across the country.
The dataset deposited at the...
Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Research : Prospects and Limits, 1994-2003
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This project drew its inspiration from what was felt to be a growth in the number of investigations combining qualitative and quantitative research. Enthusiasm for and use of multi-strategy research was running ahead of what was known about how it is employed in practice and what its benefits might be....
1851 England and Wales census parishes, townships and places
This GIS shapefile provides boundary and attribute data for the parishes and places enumerated in the 1851 census for England and Wales. These data derive from the 173 digital maps of the boundaries of English and Welsh parishes and their subdivisions produced to a very high standard by Roger Kain and Richard Oliver in 2001, which was expertly converted into a single GIS of...
Deep Sea Mining Study, 2016-2018
These data document a series of video interviews relating to the politics of deep sea mining in PNG and Australia. Recorded between 2016-2018, they focus on the various communities most proximate to the world's first proposed commercial deep sea mining site in Papua New Guinea (Solwara 1 held by Nautilus Minerals). Semi structured interviews were used and a topic guide is...
Great Britain Historical Database : Labour Markets Database, Trade Union Statistics, 1851-1918
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Great Britain Historical Database has been assembled as part of the ongoing Great Britain Historical GIS Project. The project aims to trace the emergence of the north-south divide in Britain and to provide a synoptic view of the human geography of Britain at sub-county scales. Further information...
World distance tables 1976-1980
Assessment of distances by use of various means of transportation relevant to international trade. List of countries / points of reference sea, land, air transport terminals per country / sea distances via Suez canal and Cape of Good Hope / railway distances / road distances / direct air distances / distances between sea terminal and land terminal for countries with a...
Tijd en ruimtebesteding in Lelystad 1973
Criteria for status ( occupation, education, income etc. ) / motivations to move to Lelystad / contacts with former residence / opinions about facilities in Lelystad / expectations about city fulfilled / attitude to family life and children / satisfaction with living in Lelystad / house and environment / shopping facilities / leisure activities and hobbies / holiday spending...
Migratie-onderzoek Schouwen-Duiveland 1975
Motives to migrate to and from Schouwen-Duiveland ( island in the province of Zeeland ) / housing situation. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ place of work/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets
Woningmarktonderzoek Gooiland 1971
Details on type of house present versus ideal / immigration and emigration motivation / place of work / satisfaction with housing condition / detailed list of present accommodations in house / further wishes / opinions on location of house / ownership of house / strategies for finding another house / substudy on the aged / illness behaviour / physical dependence / membership...
Olaus Magnus: Toonneel der Noordsche Landen (1652)
Olaus de Groot: Toonneel der Noordsche Landen, daer op in ’t kort en klarelijck al de wonderen en vreemdigheden, die men in die Landen vindt, vertoont worden. Met een korte en klare beschryvingh van Yslandt, en Groenlandt, door Dithmarus Blefkenius, beyde uyt het Latijn vertaelt. Hier is noch voor bygevoeght een kort en beknopt vertoogh van de Noordsche Gewesten, met...
Migratie in de Oostelijke mijnstreek 1968-1969
Occupational level of migrants in relation to occupational level of resident population in south-east Limburg. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ place of work/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education
Umweltgerechtigkeit – Soziale Verteilungsmuster, Gerechtigkeits- einschätzungen und Akzeptanzschwellen
Die soziale Verteilung von Umweltbelastungen und wie diese von der Bevölkerung beurteilt wird, sind zentrale Themen der Umweltgerechtigkeitsforschung. Diese und andere Aspekte wurden in diesem Projekt von Herbst 2016 bis Januar 2019 behandelt. Durch die Kombination von Registerdaten, Befragungsdaten und Geodaten soll das Projekt die Umweltgerechtigkeitsforschung im...
Olaus Magnus: De vvonderlijcke Historie vande Noordersche landen (1562)
De vvonderlijcke Historie vande Noordersche landen beschreuen door den Hoochgheleerden ende Eerweerdighen Heere Olaus de Groote Eertsbisschop van Vpsalen ende Ouerste vande Coninckrijcken van Sweden ende Gothlant. Inde welcke int corte seer claerlijck verhaelt worden alle die verwonderlijcke dingen ende groote nieuwicheden, diemen vindt inde selue Noordersche landen. Nu...
Zoetermeerlijn enquête 1977-1978
Evaluation of the effect of a new railroad connection between the Hague and Zoetermeer on travelling patterns of travellers between the Hague and Zoetermeer. Means of transportation / place of departure, destination / reason for travelling / travel allowance. Background variables: basic characteristics/ consumption of durables
Nieuwe Lekbrug bij Vianen 1981-1982
Measuring the effects of a new bridge on traffic flows. Railway and car passengers crossing the river Lek near Vianen, before and after the opening of a new additional bridge / effects of the new bridge on traffic streams / means of transportation / time of leaving home / destination / frequency of travel / working hours / parking facilities / use of car for job / car...
Immigratie onderzoek 1965
Opinions on immigration effects in Catalonia / stereotypes of immigrants / social distance scores. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education
Migratie-onderzoek Noord-Beveland 1972
Migration motivations. Background variables: basic characteristics/ household characteristics/ place of work/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ consumption of durables/ organizational membership
J. Uelenberg, Merkwaardige lotgevallen van vier Russische matrozen, die verlaten van hun schip zijn achtergebleven op een onbewoond eiland, genaamd: Spitsbergen te Nova Zembla, en daar zes jaren hun leven hebben doorgebragt [ca. 1850]
Transcriptie van J. Uelenberg, Merkwaardige lotgevallen van vier Russische matrozen, die verlaten van hun schip zijn achtergebleven op een onbewoond eiland, genaamd: Spitsbergen te Nova Zembla, en daar zes jaren hun leven hebben doorgebragt. Ter Drukkerij, van de Wed. J. B. Ulrich [ca. 1850]
Orientatie op Amsterdam 1974
Motivation for migration / visits to Amsterdam, frequency, transport, purpose / frequency and location of shopping, visits to cinema, theatre, cafe, etc. / participation in local clubs, associations / tendency to go out / satisfaction with present residence / opinion on Amsterdam. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household...
Residentiele ontwikkelingen in uitdijende stedelijke gebieden, 1960-1980, 1983
What are the effects of expanding urban residential systems on the constituting parts of these systems, both in a qualitative and in a quantitative way. The migration areas of both Randstad wings, North ( P0870a ) and South ( P0870b ), are compared with each other. Attention is focused on spatial wave models as the context for a description of the effects of migration.
Politieke meningsvorming in Lelystad 1974
Exposure to mass-media / political interest / opinion leadership / sense of political efficacy ( local level ) / information on persons in local political bodies / need for public utilities / satisfaction with activities of local political authorities / opinions on the unemployment rate, on living conditions, on the business-climate / cooperation with other political...
What does the primary school student know about the map in 2013?
In 1968, Sonja Peterson conducted a study that included all students from grade 1 to grade 9 in Arvika, Sweden. That study was named: Vad vet grundskoleeleven om kartan? [What does the primary school student know about the map?] and was published in 1971 in the report series: Rapporter från Pedagogiska institutionen i Göteborg [Reports from the Department of Education in...
Relational Spaces of Innovation in Architecture Firms, 2007
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.What are the forms and geographies of the relational spaces of innovation in leading global architecture firms? A British Academy funded research project sought to answer this question and had the following objectives: to map and explore the multiple, scale transcending, networks and circuits of social...
Understanding Couples' Experiences of Job Loss in Recessionary Britain: a Linked Qualitative Study, 2008-2013: Special Licence Access
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This is a qualitative data collection. To understand the processes and motivations behind changes in labour market behaviour during periods of economic recession, this research project recorded the experiences and views of couple-households exposed to job loss in the Great Recession. Conducted as part of...
1851 England and Wales census parishes, townships and places
This GIS shapefile provides boundary and attribute data for the parishes and places enumerated in the 1851 census for England and Wales. These data derive from the 173 digital maps of the boundaries of English and Welsh parishes and their subdivisions produced to a very high standard by Roger Kain and Richard Oliver in 2001, which was expertly converted into a single GIS of...
1831 England and Wales census hundreds and wapentakes
ArcGIS shapefile of 2433 polygons providing boundary and attribute data for the 1096 hundreds, wapentakes, wards, divisions, liberties and boroughs of England and Wales as given in the 1831 census.These data were created as part of a research program directed by Leigh Shaw-Taylor and Tony Wrigley, which aims ultimately to reconstruct the evolution of the occupational...
Facilitating Equitable Access and Quality Education for Development: South African International Distance Education, 2016-2019
This is a collection of data on International and National Distance Education students studying at UNISA, South Africa. The data includes quantitative survey undertaken with 1,295 students; and interviews with 159 students. The survey is adapted from the School and College Questionnaire to include questions about migration intentions and social media use. The interviews...
Perceptions of fishing, fire, and changes in livelihoods in Indonesia 2019
Data collection consists of transcripts of interviews conducted in two villages in Indonesia, Kereng Bangkirai and Taruna Jaya, in May 2019. In each village 10 participants were interviewed, half of these women and half men. Interview topics covered perceptions and challenges of fishing, perceptions of peatland damming projects, perceptions of changes in livelihoods (e.g....
Colombia River Stories Datasets Archive, 1994-2020
The goal of the project is the environmental monitoring of water resources using an innovative and multi-disciplinary methodology that brings social scientists and natural scientists together - integrating their research methods and techniques to capture human stories through community-level, participatory research and the river's story through field-based scientific...