33 studies found in English from a total of 37402

Tampere Praksis: Child Foster Care and Children's Close Networks 2016

Tampere Praksis Project
This dataset contains interviews with four Finnish social workers who worked with children taken into custody. The social workers each described 2-3 cases and how they progressed. Nine cases were discussed in total. Central themes in the interviews included the children's social networks, the custody process, and the social worker's role and decisions in situations where the...
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Childtowns (1947-1980)

Sandris, Vasilis (University of Thessaly); Van Boeschoten, Riki (University of Thessaly)
The network of 53 childtowns that were established by the Queen's Fund during the civil war played a vital role in the care, education and edification of orphan and poor children, and set the foundations for the current welfare system. The research began in 2009, focusing primarily on the Agia Sofia playground of Agria Volos and the experiences of the children who were...
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1970 British Cohort Study: Age 16, Sweep 4, 1986

Bynner, J., City University, Social Statistics Research Unit; Butler, N., National Birthday Trust Fund; University of London, Institute of Education, Centre for Longitudinal Studies
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70) is a longitudinal birth cohort study, following a nationally representative sample of over 17,000 people born in England, Scotland and Wales in a single week of 1970. Cohort members have been surveyed throughout their childhood and adult lives, mapping their...
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1970 British Cohort Study: Age 10, Sweep 3, 1980

University of London, Institute of Education, Centre for Longitudinal Studies; Butler, N., National Birthday Trust Fund; Bynner, J., City University, Social Statistics Research Unit
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70) is a longitudinal birth cohort study, following a nationally representative sample of over 17,000 people born in England, Scotland and Wales in a single week of 1970. Cohort members have been surveyed throughout their childhood and adult lives, mapping their...
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Physical Health of Prisoners, 1994

Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, Social Survey Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this study was to collect baseline data on the physical health of sentenced male prisoners, to assess their physical needs, to investigate health-related behaviour, to assess the extent and nature of physical disorder and to compare them with men of equivalent age in the general population....
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Mental Health of Young People Looked After by Local Authorities in Great Britain, 2001-2003

Office for National Statistics, Social Survey Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Mental Health of Children and Young People Surveys (MHCYP) series provides data about the mental health of young people living in Great Britain.The MHCYP was first carried out in 1999, capturing information on 5 to 15-year-olds. It was conducted by the Office for National Statistics...
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An Exploratory Study of the Prevalence of Sexual Abuse in a Sample of 16-21 Year Olds, 1990

Kelly, L., Polytechnic of North London, Child Abuse Studies Unit
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To study the prevalence of sexual abuse in a sample of 16-21 year olds.Main Topics:Abusive experiences
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ONS Omnibus Survey, April 2002

Office for National Statistics, Social Survey Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (formerly known as the ONS Opinions Survey or Omnibus) is an omnibus survey that began in 1990, collecting data on a range of subjects commissioned by both the ONS internally and external clients (limited to other government departments, charities, non-profit...
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Data access:Restricted
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Finnish Experiences of Running Away from Substitute Care 2022-2023

Räsänen, Pia (University of Turku); Jama, Subeida (University of Turku)
The dataset consists of self-administered written texts on the experiences of people who have run away from substitute care. The data were originally collected for a Master's thesis. The data were collected with a writing invitation which was targeted at individuals with experiences of running away from substitute care. Participants were directed to write a free-form account...
Study description available in:ENFI
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OPCS Omnibus Survey, June 1991

Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, Social Survey Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (formerly known as the ONS Opinions Survey or Omnibus) is an omnibus survey that began in 1990, collecting data on a range of subjects commissioned by both the ONS internally and external clients (limited to other government departments, charities, non-profit...
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Kingswood Controlled Trial of Residential Treatment for Delinquents, August 1965 - October 1971

Cornish, D. B., Home Office, Research and Planning Unit; Clarke, R. V., Home Office, Research and Planning Unit
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The study compared the relative effectiveness of two types of residential treatment in reducing the subsequent offending of delinquent boys. It was undertaken in two house-units of an <i>approved school</i> in the West of England which admitted delinquent boys between the ages of 13-15 on...
Study description available in:EN
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National Child Development Study: Age 23, Sweep 4, 1981, and Public Examination Results, 1978

University of London, Institute of Education, Centre for Longitudinal Studies
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The National Child Development Study (NCDS) is a continuing longitudinal study that seeks to follow the lives of all those living in Great Britain who were born in one particular week in 1958. The aim of the study is to improve understanding of the factors affecting human development over the...
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Docquets of Lord Keeper Coventry, 1625-1640

Roberts, S., History of Parliament Trust; Cust, R., University of Birmingham; Broadway, J., University of Birmingham
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aim of the project was to provide a calendar of all items in the Birmingham Reference Library's collection of the official papers of the Lord Keeper Thomas Coventry for use alongside Public Record Office sources for Chancery activities, and as a finding aid for individuals and grants within the Patent...
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Care planning and the role of the independent reviewing officer

Dickens, J, University of East Anglia
The data contains the transcripts of interviews with social workers, IROs, parents, and young people; transcripts of focus groups (four with professionals, two with young people); an spss data set of information from a detailed case file survey of 122 children in care; and questionnaires from three groups of professionals - social workers, team managers and children's...
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Children Caring on the Move (CCoM), 2019-2023

Crafter, S, The Open University
The Children Caring on the Move project has generated knowledge that both analyses and provides ways to address one of the greatest global challenges of our time: the care and well-being of children affected by transnational displacement and migration. This project offers insights into the care of unaccompanied migrant young people in England, starting from the premise that...
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Family (ISSP 1994) - Czech Republic

Čermáková, Marie (Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences)
The ISSP is a continuing annual programme of cross-national collaboration on surveys covering topics important for social science research. It brings together pre-existing social science projects and coordinates research goals, thereby adding a cross-national, cross-cultural perspective to the individual national studies. ISSP module includes changing labour force...
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Children in Foster Care 1940-1990: Life Experiences 2018

Hytönen, Kirsi-Maria (University of Jyväskylä); Markkola, Pirjo (University of Jyväskylä); Kuronen, Marjo (University of Jyväskylä); (7 more)
The data consists of interviews with people who spent their childhood in foster care. In the interviews, the respondents talk extensively about their own childhood memories and life experiences. The interviewees were placed or fostered either in a foster family, children's home, reform school or other child protection institution between 1940 and 1990. First, the...
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Survey of Disabled Children in Residential Establishments, 1987

Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, Social Survey Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.In response to a request from the DHSS, the OPCS undertook a programme of research to find out the numbers and circumstances of disabled people in Great Britain. This programme included surveys of disabled adults living in private households; disabled children living in private households; disabled...
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Children and Welfare : Negotiating Pathways, 1998-1999

Punch, S., University of Stirling, Department of Applied Social Science, Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology Section; Fuller, R., University of Stirling, Department of Applied Social Science, Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology Section; Hallett, C., University of Stirling, Department of Applied Social Science, Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology Section; (1 more)
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This study explored young people's perceptions of their worries and problems, their negotiations, coping strategies and their help-seeking behaviour. The study explored the contingent and contextual nature of young people's worries and their responses to them, including how they cope with them and to...
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ONS Omnibus Survey, March 2002

Office for National Statistics, Social Survey Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (formerly known as the ONS Opinions Survey or Omnibus) is an omnibus survey that began in 1990, collecting data on a range of subjects commissioned by both the ONS internally and external clients (limited to other government departments, charities, non-profit...
Study description available in:EN
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ONS Omnibus Survey, June 2002

Office for National Statistics, Social Survey Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (formerly known as the ONS Opinions Survey or Omnibus) is an omnibus survey that began in 1990, collecting data on a range of subjects commissioned by both the ONS internally and external clients (limited to other government departments, charities, non-profit...
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Factors in the Outcomes of the Resettlement of Homeless People, 2007-2010

Warnes, A. M., King's College London, Department of Geography; Crane, M., University of Sheffield, Sheffield Institute for Studies on Ageing
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The FOR-HOME longitudinal study collected information about the experiences of 400 homeless people who were resettled from hostels and other temporary accommodation into independent tenancies in London, Leeds, Nottingham and Sheffield during 2007-09. Interviews were conducted at three points: during...
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National Child Development Study: Childhood Data from Birth to Age 16, Sweeps 0-3, 1958-1974

University of London, Institute of Education, Centre for Longitudinal Studies
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The National Child Development Study (NCDS) is a continuing longitudinal study that seeks to follow the lives of all those living in Great Britain who were born in one particular week in 1958. The aim of the study is to improve understanding of the factors affecting human development over the...
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Young people creating belonging: Spaces, sounds and sight

Wilson, S, University of Stirling
The data in this collection includes material from interviews with 22 participants aged 10-23 (13 men; 9 women) from across Scotland, including urban and remote locations (14 participants were from mainland Scotland; 8 were from the Scottish islands.) All had experiences of 'care' (foster, kinship, residential care or of living at home under supervision. Many participants...
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Our Future: Waves 1-3, 2013-2015: Safe Room Access

Kantar Public; Department for Education
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Department for Education (DfE) commissioned the Our Future study (also known as the Second Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE2)) at the beginning of 2013. This is one of the largest and most challenging studies of young people ever commissioned and aims to build upon the Next Steps...
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Our Future: Waves 1-3, 2013-2015: Secure Access

Kantar Public; Department for Education
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Department for Education (DfE) commissioned the Our Future study (also known as the Second Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE2)) at the beginning of 2013. This is one of the largest and most challenging studies of young people ever commissioned and aims to build upon the Next Steps...
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OPCS Omnibus Survey, July 1991

Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, Social Survey Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (formerly known as the ONS Opinions Survey or Omnibus) is an omnibus survey that began in 1990, collecting data on a range of subjects commissioned by both the ONS internally and external clients (limited to other government departments, charities, non-profit...
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Pregnancy and Substance Misuse: an Ethnographic Study of Maternity Services, 2008-2009

Radcliffe, P., University of Kent, School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This is a qualitative data collection. The study set out to address two research questions: how are pregnant substance-misusing women and their foetuses assessed and monitored?how do substance-misusing women describe their response to the treatment they are offered and to the supervision and surveillance...
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Young People Interviews, Foster Carer Interviews, Focus Group, and Survey Data From a Study of the Experiences and Identity Development of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender Young People in Care and the Support They Receive, 2015-2016

Cossar, J, University of East Anglia; Schofield, G, University of East Anglia; Ward, E, University of East Anglia; (6 more)
The study uses a mixed methods, layered design: 1. In-depth narrative interviews with a sample of 46 LGBT young people, from across England, aged 16-26 who are currently or were previously in care. The interviews focused on enabling young people to describe their sense of identity; their experiences in placement; their contact with birth relatives; their relationships with...
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Care proceedings and children's care 2009-2017

Masson, J, University of Bristol
The project aim was 1) to examine the process of care (child protection) proceedings and the orders granted for two random samples of c 300 children subject to these proceedings before (S1) and after (S2) major legal reforms intended to streamline and shorten proceedings. The samples were selected from 6 (anonymous) local authorities, 5 in Southern England and 1 in Wales....
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