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Tackling the illegal trade of endangered plants, interview data 2018-2020
In the context of the "FloraGuard" project, we conducted interviews interested in the characteristics of the illegal wildlife (plant) market, actors involved, policing and plant recovery strategies in United Kingdom, and from a transnational perspective.
Illegal commerce in plants and their derivatives threatens and destroys numerous species and important natural resources,...
FloraGuard Online Illegal Plant Trade Forum Data, 2006-2019
The Crawling software: DARPA MEMEX Undercrawler has been used to create a dataset of HTML posts as part of the FloraGuard project for the purposes of studying the online illegal plant trade. HTML Posts in the created dataset contain personal data and may contain evidence of criminality around the online illegal trade in plants. In total nine wildlife trade related forums and...
Hidden Narratives of Transnational Organised Crime in West Africa, 2022
The foundation of the project was ethically rigorous fieldwork on insider narratives of activities labelled transnational organised crime (TNOC). This was done through in-depth interviews with difficult to access market insiders and regulators in the illicit migrant transport economy in Agadez and the illicit opioid economy in Lagos. We shared/archived the core of this...