117 studies found in English from a total of 37402

Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1997 - CV'97

J.W. Becker (Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, SCP * Den Haag (primary investigator))
Trend study on changes in general opinions and attitudes of the Dutch population regarding a wide range of topics. Part of the survey contains also variables from the replication of the International Social Survey Program concerning work orientation topics. Preferences concerning spending time: work, domestic work, family, friends, leisure activities / general attitude to...
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GPD-enquete 1991 : De staat van het land

Praag, B.M.S. van, Stichting voor economisch onderzoek, SEO * Amsterdam (primary investigator)
GPD newspaper survey, the state of the nation. Who takes care of r.'s children / educational level of people r. meets every day / job security, preferred number of working hours / if r. unemployed: looking for a job, required salary, nr. of working hours, reason not looking for a job / social contacts in neighbourhood, support from relatives, friends, neighbours /...
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Austrian Student Social Survey 2015 (SUF edition)

Zaussinger, Sarah (Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS)); Dibiasi, Anna (Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS)); Fenz, Kathrin (Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS)); (6 more)
Full edition for scientific use. The aim of the Student Social Survey 2015 is to collect data on study and living conditions of students in Austria. The survey, which has been conducted at regular intervals since 1973, provides an important basis for the design of higher education policy measures. Most of the information collected via the social survey is not otherwise...
Study description available in:EN
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Austrian Corona Panel Project (OA edition)

Kittel, Bernhard (University of Vienna); Kritzinger, Sylvia (University of Vienna); Boomgaarden, Hajo (University of Vienna); (8 more)
Reduced open access edition. Full edition available for scientific use. The corona crisis has fundamentally changed the everyday life in Austria as well as in many other countries. However, people are affected in very different ways. Against this background, the Corona Panel Study aims to provide an overview of various health, economic and social aspects of the corona crisis.
Study description available in:EN
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Tijdsbestedingsonderzoek m.b.v. een electronisch dagboek 1988

Kalfs, N. (primary investigator)
Comparison of the effects of three research methods: paper and pencil interview (PAPI), computer assisted telephone interview (CATI) and computer assisted self interview (CASI). Time budget surveys with coded activities / work / domestic activities / child care / goods and services (shopping etc.) / personnel needs / education / organizations / entertainment / active and...
Study description available in:EN
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Nationaal Scholierenonderzoek 1994 - NSO'94

NIBUD * Utrecht (primary investigator)
Survey among pupils of secondary schools with a great number of detailed questions about their living conditions, opinions and attitudes. Living conditions at school and at home / income / money spending / dealing with money / time spending / education / independence / political preference / religious conviction / health / well-being / type of school / schoolyear / age at...
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Nationaal Scholierenonderzoek 1992 - NSO'92

Warnaar, M.F., Berg, C. van den, NIBUD * Utrecht (primary investigator)
Survey among pupils of secondary schools with a great number of detailed questions about their living conditions, opinions and attitudes. Living conditions at school and at home / income / money spending / saving money / borrowing money / possessions / time spending / education / work / political preference and religious conviction / welfare / public opinion Background...
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Czech Household Panel Survey, wave 3 (2017) – time-use diaries (children)

Lyons, Pat (Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences); Hamplová, Dana (Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences); Röschová, Michaela (Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences); (2 more)
The dataset contains information from the time-use diaries distributed to children (10 to 17 years) in the respective wave of the Czech Household Panel Survey. The dataset does not include other information on time-use diary respondents – these need to be appended from the main data file from the respective wave. The Czech Household Panel Survey (CHPS) is a survey that...
Study description available in:EN
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Czech Household Panel Survey, wave 2 (2016) – time-use diaries (adults)

Lyons, Pat (Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences); Hamplová, Dana (Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences); Röschová, Michaela (Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences); (2 more)
The dataset contains information from the time-use diaries distributed to adults (18 years and more) in the respective wave of the Czech Household Panel Survey. The dataset does not include other information on time-use diary respondents – these need to be appended from the main data file from the respective wave. The Czech Household Panel Survey (CHPS) is a survey that...
Study description available in:EN
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Finnish Youth Survey Autumn 1999

Advisory Council for Youth Affairs (Nuora); Finnish Youth Research Society. Finnish Youth Research Network
The main themes of the Finnish Youth Survey Autumn 1999 were cultural services and the Internet. The young people responding to the survey were presented with questions on for example their attitudes towards various cultural services and drug abuse. In addition, a target population of Finnish adults aged between 30 and 64 were asked about their use of cultural services....
Study description available in:ENFI
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Family Barometer 2001: Children's Leisure Time

Paajanen, Pirjo (Finnish Family Federation. Population Research Institute)
The survey studied Finnish children's leisure time activities from the viewpoint of the parents. Guardians of 5-, 8-, and 11-year-old children were asked how their children spend their free time, what kind of hobbies they have, about childhood in general, and children's status in present day Finland. The respondents were asked where their children spend the majority of their...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Northern Ireland Health and Activity Survey, 1994

MacAuley, D., Queen's University of Belfast, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Northern Ireland Health and Activity Survey was undertaken to study the determinants of physical activity and fitness in relation to health, with particular emphasis on coronary heart disease in Northern Ireland. The survey had the following specific objectives: to establish profiles of physical...
Study description available in:EN
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OPCS Omnibus Survey, May 1995

Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, Social Survey Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (formerly known as the ONS Opinions Survey or Omnibus) is an omnibus survey that began in 1990, collecting data on a range of subjects commissioned by both the ONS internally and external clients (limited to other government departments, charities, non-profit...
Study description available in:EN
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British Household Panel Survey: Waves 1-13, 1991-2004: Teaching Dataset (Time Use, Leisure and Social Memberships)

University of Essex, UK Data Archive, ESDS Longitudinal; University of Essex, Institute for Social and Economic Research, ESDS Longitudinal
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This BHPS teaching/sampler dataset contains only Wave 1 respondents, and follows them for 13 waves, selecting broadly the same variables at each wave. There are some (fixed) variables which are only included at wave one, and there are a few variables which only appear intermittently, or are introduced...
Study description available in:EN
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Social Change and Economic Life Initiative Surveys, 1986-1987

Gallie, D., University of Oxford, Nuffield College
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The principal emphasis of the programme was to examine the attitude of the population to changes in the employment structure of British society, including occupational structure changes in the gender composition of the workforce, increased unemployment and increases in the use of casual employment. These...
Study description available in:EN
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Smoking among Secondary Schoolchildren, 1990; England, Scotland and Wales

Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, Social Survey Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use among Young People surveys began in 1982, under the name Smoking among Secondary Schoolchildren. The series initially aimed to provide national estimates of the proportion of secondary schoolchildren aged 11-15 who smoked, and to describe their smoking behaviour....
Study description available in:EN
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United Kingdom Time Use Survey, 2000

Office for National Statistics; Ipsos-RSL
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The key objectives of the United Kingdom Time Use Survey (TUS) were:to carry out a large-scale household survey featuring self-completion diaries to measure the amount of time spent by the UK population on various activitiesto build on the lessons learnt from the National Pilot Time Use Survey (not...
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Young Lives: an International Study of Childhood Poverty: Round 3, 2009

Boyden, J., University of Oxford, Queen Elizabeth House
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Young Lives survey is an innovative long-term project investigating the changing nature of childhood poverty in four developing countries. The study is being conducted in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam and has tracked the lives of 12,000 children over a 20-year period, through 5 (in-person) survey...
Study description available in:EN
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Smoking among Secondary Schoolchildren, 1996; England and Scotland

Office for National Statistics, Social Survey Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use among Young People surveys began in 1982, under the name Smoking among Secondary Schoolchildren. The series initially aimed to provide national estimates of the proportion of secondary schoolchildren aged 11-15 who smoked, and to describe their smoking behaviour....
Study description available in:EN
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Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use among Young Teenagers, 1998; England and Scotland

Office for National Statistics, Social Survey Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use among Young People surveys began in 1982, under the name Smoking among Secondary Schoolchildren. The series initially aimed to provide national estimates of the proportion of secondary schoolchildren aged 11-15 who smoked, and to describe their smoking behaviour....
Study description available in:EN
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ONS Omnibus Survey, May 1999

Office for National Statistics, Social Survey Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (formerly known as the ONS Opinions Survey or Omnibus) is an omnibus survey that began in 1990, collecting data on a range of subjects commissioned by both the ONS internally and external clients (limited to other government departments, charities, non-profit...
Study description available in:EN
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Slimming, 1967

Consumers' Association
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Data accumulated from Consumers' Association surveys are designed to be used by the consumer. The surveys are, therefore, very specific in nature and the subjects covered diverse. The Data Archive holds 19 such surveys. Readers are asked to note that, with the exception of the surveys on the Telephone...
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Kids' Life and Times Survey, 2008

Lloyd, K., Queen's University of Belfast, School of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Kids' Life and Times Survey (KLT) began in 2008 and is conducted by Access Research Knowledge (ARK) which runs the Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey (NILT) and the Young Life and Times Survey (YLT). The KLT is a survey of Primary year 7 (P7) children in Northern Ireland which is carried out...
Study description available in:EN
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Exploratory Study of Attitudes and Behaviour of Workers in Small Firms, 1974-1976

Curran, J., Kingston Polytechnic, School of Sociology
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The main aims of the survey were to investigate the attitudes and behaviour of workers in small and large firms in the printing and electronics industries. Data were collected on three main issues: (i) the process of becoming a small firm worker; (ii) the meanings and social relations distinctively...
Study description available in:EN
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Occupational and Social Mobility, 1974

Goldthorpe, J. H., University of Oxford, Nuffield College; Llewellyn, C., University of Oxford, Oxford Social Mobility Group
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This survey was a follow-up to the 1972 national occupational mobility enquiry conducted from Oxford (SN 1097). Several sub-samples of respondents to the 1972 enquiry were selected on the basis of their mobility experience: i.e. either because they had experienced relatively long-range mobility, upward or...
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People's Activities and Use of Time, 1974-1975

British Broadcasting Corporation, Audience Research Department
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this survey was to provide information on people's daily activities for use in planning broadcasting services. As a detailed study of time use in Britain, however, it may prove of use in social, environmental and leisure studies, marketing problems, and many aspects of local and national...
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County Surveyors Society Trip Rate Data Bank, 1974-1979, 1981

Mallett, T. J., Durham County Council; Ward, D., Tyne and Wear County Council; Ramsey, J. B. H., Tyne and Wear County Council
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To compile a trip rate data bank as a base for counties to use in research and analysis. Using the data, better forecasts of travel needs can be made and hence planning of all aspects of private and public transport can be undertaken with a greater certainty.Main Topics: Variables Number of trips, number...
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Playing Video Games during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Interviews 2020

Karhulahti, Veli-Matti (University of Jyväskylä. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences); Nerg, Henri (University of Jyväskylä. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences); Päivinen, Antti (University of Jyväskylä. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences)
The dataset consists of 10 transcribed interviews that investigated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on everyday life and collected information about the interviewees' gaming experiences and time use. Data collection was conducted as part of a research project funded by the University of Jyväskylä and the Academy of Finland (project number 312397). Interviewees were...
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Playing Video Games during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Survey 2020

Karhulahti, Veli-Matti (University of Jyväskylä); Chen, Yingrong; Nerg, Henri (University of Jyväskylä)
The survey charted different digital gaming cultures. Questions examined digital gaming and related phenomena, such as livestreaming games and following e-sports and sports, during the coronavirus pandemic in Finland and China. First, the respondents were asked how often they had played digital and non-digital games in the past year and which games they had played the most....
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Digital Gaming, Work and Health Survey 2021

Karhulahti, Veli-Matti (University of Jyväskylä); Vahlo, Jukka (University of Jyväskylä); Munukka, Matti (University of Jyväskylä); (2 more)
The survey charted the wellbeing of Finnish employees, their work and digital gaming. The same respondents were invited to volunteer for a similar survey one year later: FSD3673 Digital Gaming, Work and Health Survey 2022. Respondents to both surveys can be matched using a randomized identification variable in the data. In the survey, the respondents were first asked about...
Study description available in:ENFI
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