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NANA: Novel Assessment of Nutrition and Ageing
The NANA programme of research took place over four years and comprised 42 studies organised into three phases: (1) User Needs analysis (studies 1-13); (2) Development of Integrated Measurement Toolkit (studies 14-38); (3) Full Validation of the NANA Assessment Toolkit (studies 39-42). These studies included focus groups with older adults, nutritionists and health...
Pregnancy termination trajectories in Zambia: The socio-economic costs
Hospital-based recruitment of females seeking termination of pregnancy or post-abortion care at a Zambian government health facility. The research used an innovative mixed methods interview which combined quantitative and qualitative techniques in one interview. Each participant was interviewed by two research assistants (RAs). One RA led the interview, using a conventional...
Measuring the societal benefit of online civic 'self-help' sites, 2014
Data collection investigating whether online civic ‘self-help’ sites provide an entryway into civic and political engagement. Data were gathered on usage of the sites, levels of political and community involvement, political trust, interpersonal trust, political efficacy, perceptions of influence and competence.
The programme of data collection included a two-wave online...
Civil society data partnerships: open data, grants data and the funding base of the third sector 2004-2015
Data collection comprising information about public sector procurement from Local Authorities in the UK and Clinical Commissioning Groups in England from 2013-15, funding awards made by foundations and charitable funders, and data on recipient organisations, mainly charities and social enterprises. Data were sourced from a large number of local authorities and Clinical...
Unravelling the Mediterranean migration crisis: The MEDMIG project journey data
In 2015 a team of researchers based in Greece, Italy, Turkey and Malta undertook interviews with refugees and migrants as well as stakeholders and observed events of the so-called ‘migration crisis’ as they unfolded.
The dataset deposited here includes information on semi-structured interviews with a total of 500 refugees and migrants, 440 of whom had crossed the...
Geographic coordinates of schools in Congo, 2015
This data is sourced from a large-scale, cluster-randomized, school-based intervention program (hereinafter referred to as “Healing Classrooms”) undertaken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) between 2011 and 2014. Specifically, The Healing Classrooms initiative is an integrated teacher training/curricular intervention that targeted 353 primary schools and...
Local impacts of a wetland restoration project in South Africa 2007
This cross-sectional dataset was collected to assess the local impacts of a wetland restoration project of the Working for Wetlands national programme for poverty alleviation and wetland rehabilitation in South Africa. This programme is managed by the South African National Biodiversity Institute. The data was collected to assess the impacts on livelihoods and on perceptions...
Interviews with corporate finance lawyers on client relationships and their practices 2013-2016
Semi-structured interviews with lawyers practising in corporate and finance teams in 30 of the UK's top 100 law firms covering issues including: (a) lawyer-client relationships and the balance of power between lawyers and clients; (b) the nature of their jobs; (c) professional ethics; (d) professional regulation; (e) the influence of the 'public interest' on the work of...
Rural change and anthropological knowledge in post-colonial India: a comparative 'restudy' of F.G. Bailey, Adrian C. Mayer and David Pocock, 1950-2012
This dataset results from an anthropological project that ‘restudied’ three villages in India that had originally been studied by anthropologists in the 1950s. The villages are Sundarana in Gujarat, Jamgod in Madhya Pradesh and Bisipada in Orissa. Sundarana was studied by David F. Pocock in 1953-1956; Jamgod by Adrian Mayer in 1954-1956 and Bisipada by F.G. Bailey in...
PopChange population grids for Britain, 1971-2011
The resource comprises population surfaces generated from publicly available GB Census data for 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001 and 2011 to enable direct comparisons between Censuses. Population surfaces are estimates of counts of people for regular grids (with population estimates over, for example, 1km by 1km grid cells) and these can be directly compared between Censuses....
Enhanced memory ability, insights from synaesthesia: Sensory sensitivity and links to autism 2013
This set of data consists of primarily questionnaire data, part of a larger collection of data considering differences in visual memory, visual ability, and the diagnosis of sequence-space synaesthesia.
Several studies have suggested that there is a link between synaesthesia and autism but the nature of that link remains poorly characterised. The present study considers...
Administrative health data Brazil, 1996-2004
Aggregated health dataset based on microdata from the Brazilian Ministry of Health on hospitalizations and mortality by cause, health facilities and several socio-economic variables. Based on administrative records, a dataset was constructed covering various interconnected aspects of the Brazilian health system. Mortality and hospitalization records were obtained from the...
The meeting centres support programme for people and families living with dementia at home: Translating an evidence-based intervention from the Netherlands to Italy, Poland and the UK
Two Meeting Centres were established in the UK, one in Droitwich Spa and one in Leominster, and the aim was to recruit 25 people with dementia/carer dyads per Meeting Centre for both the MC and UC groups.
A variety of data collection activities were carried out, including: (1) Questionnaires with people with dementia and carers (DQOL, QOLAD, NPI, Cornell, GHQ CCRI); (2)...
Triaging Values: How NGOs make decisions about resource allocation, 2013-2017
Qualitative interviews with managers in human rights NGOs (n=36), conservation organisations (n=44), and churches and mission agencies (n=30) about practices of prioritization.
Our research aimed to address the following questions: How do these organizations allocate resources to specific areas, and specific groups of beneficiaries and specific types of activities? What are...
Promoting cancer and screening awareness in women with intellectual disabilities 2013
People with intellectual disabilities are living longer which has led to increasing cancer rates among this demographic. Women with intellectual disabilities are more likely to have poorer cancer awareness and lower screening participation than women in the general population. They also present at later stages of cancer despite similar cancer rates in both populations. They...
Vocabulary and reading in secondary school: Evidence from longitudinal and experimental studies
Data are archived for three studies. The longitudinal study tracked oral vocabulary and reading development in across late childhood and early adolescence, from ages 12 to 14 years. Experiment 1 investigated whether the presence of orthography facilitates oral vocabulary acquisition. Experiment 2 investigated how we can promote incidental word learning through the process of...
EU Rights Project data collection
The EU Rights Project was a legal action research project - in which the lead researcher had a dual role, of both advising EU nationals in the UK on their welfare rights, and doing case work and advocacy on their behalf, and secondly, documenting the obstacles encountered, through field notes. The project was supported through focus groups and interviews, to help shape the...
Enemy addiction: Archival documents from 13 United States presidential libraries, 1919-2008
The project 'Enemy Addiction' has created approximately 30.000 photos and photocopies of archival document pages.
These consist primarily of security speech drafts, such as the security sections of State of the Union and Inaugural addresses as well as other key security speeches. In addition, the collection contains related communication such as memoranda from the President...
Drupal Planet links archive, 29-05-2013 - 23-11-2016
Database of links to posts published under Drupal Planet, a popular RSS feed within the Drupal community, whose contents are curated by Drupalistas according to certain guidelines. The database excludes press releases, job announcements and technical posts with little content relevant to Drupal. This archive has been designed for researching purposes for the PhD thesis:...
1851 Scotland ancient counties
ArcGIS shapefile of 788 polygons providing boundary and attribute data for the 32 ancient counties of Scotland as given in the 1851 census. As such this represents the counties of Scotland as they were before the boundary changes caused by Inverness and Elgin County Boundaries Act, 1870 (33 & 34 Vict. c. 16) and the Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1889 (52 & 53 Vict. c....
Eye movements in strategic choice, experimental data
In risky and other multiattribute choices, the process of choosing is well described by random walk or drift diffusion models in which evidence is accumulated over time to threshold. In strategic choices, level-k and cognitive hierarchy models have been offered as accounts of the choice process, in which people simulate the choice processes of their opponents or partners. We...
Information feedback and contest structure in rent-seeking games
We investigate the effects of information feedback in rent-seeking games with two different contest structures. In the share contest a contestant receives a share of the rent equal to her share of rent-seeking expenditures, while in the lottery contest a contestant wins the entire rent with probability equal to her share of rent-seeking expenditures. In share contests...
Re-emerging pasts: forums for truth-telling in contemporary Argentina and Chile, 2015-2016
Data collection of interviews and photographs captured at key sites of memory for the political violence that took place in the 1970s and 1980s in Argentina and Chile. The data capture impressions at sites where the events of the last dictatorships of Argentina and Chile are presented, also called 'forums for telling'. Ten semi-structured qualitative interviews were held...
Aging changes cognitive biases, experimental data
This project examined changes in cognitive biases (based on the self, and friends) using a perceptual matching task along with self-report measures of personal distance in young and older adults. Participants first learned associations between neutral geometrical shapes (e.g., triangle, circle, and square) and personal labels (You, Friend, Stranger) representing...
Human-primate disease transmission in four Ugandan villages
As part of a research project investigating emerging infectious disease risk in communities located around Kibale National Park, SW Uganda, data were collected in 2014 and 2015 from 400 households in four Ugandan villages. Survey instruments were designed to query heads of households about the basic socio-demographic composition of each household, the nature and frequency...
Before the vote: UK foreign policy discourse on Syria 2011–13, extended bibliography
Data as extended bibliography used for researching the article "Before the vote: UK foreign policy discourse on Syria 2011–13" Review of International Studies. For paper, see Related Resources. The insistence in some quarters that states live up to an international responsibility to protect foreign populations from mass atrocity has historically had a complex relationship...
1851 England, Wales and Scotland Rail Lines
ArcGIS shapefile of the 6336 miles of railway lines open for public carriage of passengers and/or freight for England, Wales and Scotland in 1851. These data derive from a time dynamic GIS of the railway lines of England and Wales 1807 to 1998 which is structured so that it can generate a GIS of rail lines for any given year between these dates.These data were created as...
1851 England, Wales and Scotland Railway Stations
ArcGIS shapefile of the 1686 railway stations open for public carriage of passengers and/or freight for England, Wales and Scotland in 1851. These data derive from a time dynamic GIS of the railway stations of England, Wales and Scotland 1807 to 1998, which is structured so that it can generate a GIS of rail stations for any given year between these dates.The wider project...
1861 England and Wales navigable waterways
ArcGIS shapefile of the 5550 miles of navigable waterways of England and Wales in 1861. This shapefile derives from a time dynamic GIS and database of navigable waterways of England and Wales 1600-1948 which is so structured that it can generate a GIS of navigable waterways for any given year between these dates. These data were created as part of a research program directed...
1881 England and Wales navigable waterways
ArcGIS shapefile of the 5245 miles of navigable waterways of England and Wales in 1881. This shapefile derives from a time dynamic GIS and database of navigable waterways of England and Wales 1600-1948 which is so structured that it can generate a GIS of navigable waterways for any given year between these dates. These data were created as part of a wider research program...