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New Democracies Barometer 1994
The New Democracies Barometer (NDB) surveys were conducted in the years 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996 and 1998. The aim of the NDB is to evaluate long-terms developments in economic, social and political attitudes. Differences in the attitudes in the new democracies on the one hand and Austria as control-country or referenz-country on the other hand are presented. Identifying...
New Democracies Barometer 1991
The New Democracies Barometer (NDB) surveys were conducted in the years 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996 and 1998. The aim of the NDB is to evaluate long-terms developments in economic, social and political attitudes. Differences in the attitudes in the new democracies on the one hand and Austria as control-country or referenz-country on the other hand are presented. Identifying...
New Democracies Barometer 1992
The New Democracies Barometer (NDB) surveys were conducted in the years 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996 and 1998. The aim of the NDB is to evaluate long-terms developments in economic, social and political attitudes. Differences in the attitudes in the new democracies on the one hand and Austria as control-country or referenz-country on the other hand are presented. Identifying...
Our Society 2018 - June
Research was conducted by the Public Opinion Research Center (CVVM) of the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences as a part of the research "Our Society 2018". Data collection was secured by the interviewer network of CVVM.
Please note that this research is an English version / translation of materials from research "Naše společnost červen 2018"
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1995/4
These data is Slovene replication of the ISSP 1996, Role of Government III module ISSP85 and repeating in ISSP90 (see also ADP - IDNo: SJMUST89) report citizen's opinions on the functions of their national governments and on what governments should and should not be doing. Topics or thematic coverage include political activity; ISSP Role of Government batteries about...
Finnish Female Student Interviews 2008-2009
This interview data is a comparative analysis on young adults' social and economic situation in Finland and France. The research concentrates on young people in their twenties, experiencing transition from university to working life. In the first part of the interview the research subjects were asked about their education e.g. what they were studying, how far along were the...
Poverty and Welfare Survey 1995
First topic covered by the survey was housing: characteristics of the respondents' accommodation (size, number of rooms), housing costs, owner-occupied or rented, satisfaction with various aspects (e.g. neighbourhood, public transport). Respondents were asked about their education, occupation, own and spouses' employment situation, experiences of unemployment, unemployment...
Welfare Survey 1998
The survey charted the spiritual, physical and material welfare of people living in Finland. Respondents evaluated their health and psychosomatic symptoms. They were also asked whether something, such as their health or the size of accommodation, prevented them from having a meaningful life. Opinions on social and health care services, social security, taxes, and...
Scandinavian Welfare Survey 1972
The survey describes the standard of living in Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark and analyses various dimensions of welfare: living standards, loyalties, experiences of self-realisation, alienation, happiness and dissatisfaction. The respondents were asked about things related with income, property, living, work, employment, social equality, education and health. Also the...
EVA Survey on Finnish Values and Attitudes 1990
The values and attitudes of the Finns in 1990 were studied in the survey. On the basis of various propositions the respondents were asked about their attitude towards internationalisation in general, and its effects in Finland on trade and other forms of co-operation with different regions, on chances of success of various Finnish fields of production, on European...
Student Barometer 1997
In this study, living conditions and attitudes of university students were canvassed. The respondents were asked to assess various factors affecting study motivation and skills they thought had developed in connection with university studies. The respondents were also asked whether they had considered changing their major subject or field of training, what things stood in...
Social Change in Russian Karelia 2002
Social change in Russian Karelia was surveyed by asking residents of Petrozavodsk, Konopoga and Preaza questions about their work, financial circumstances, media use and experiences of change. Work and working conditions were charted by questions pertaining to the respondents' workplace, employment contract, second job, work autonomy, physical and mental strenuousness of...
Everyday Experiences of Poverty: Self-administered Writings 2019
This dataset consists of 89 texts written for a writing competition titled 'Everyday Experiences of Poverty' in 2019 in Finland. The aim was to collect varied experiences of poverty and to better understand Finnish poverty. The writing competition was organised by a research team in collaboration with the European Anti-Poverty Network Finland (EAPN-Fin) and the Who Listens...
Finnish Welfare Survey 2017
This survey is a partial repeat of Erik Allardt's internationally renowned 1972 welfare survey (FSD1017). The survey charted various dimensions of welfare in Finland: living standards, loyalties, experiences of self-realisation, alienation, happiness and dissatisfaction. This repeat of the 1972 survey was funded by a Finnish Cultural Foundation grant from the Paavo Koskinen...
Poverty and Welfare Survey 2000
The aim of the survey was to get a picture of Finns' financial well-being. Respondents were asked about their housing situation and their satisfaction with their current standard of living. Respondents were asked about the necessity or non-necessity of various goods and services for today's Finnish adults. Respondents were also asked whether they considered certain goods and...
Poverty and Welfare Survey 2005
The aim of the survey was to get a picture of Finns' financial well-being. Respondents were asked about their housing situation and their satisfaction with their current standard of living. Respondents were asked about the necessity or non-necessity of various commodities and services for today's Finnish adults. They were also asked whether they considered certain goods and...
Poverty and Welfare Survey 2015
The aim of the survey was to get a picture of Finns' financial well-being. Respondents were asked about their housing situation and their satisfaction with their current standard of living. Respondents assessed their own family's financial situation. Respondents were asked about the necessity or non-necessity of various goods and services for today's Finnish adults....
Welfare and Services in Finland 2006
Welfare and Services in Finland is a panel survey that combines telephone and face-to-face interviews, postal surveys and register data. The aim of the study is to offer up-to-date, reliable and extensive research data on Finnish welfare and the use of welfare services. In 2006, the data were collected through telephone interviews. This dataset concentrates on Finnish...
Welfare and Services in Finland 2006: Families with Children
Welfare and Services in Finland is a panel survey that combines telephone and face-to-face interviews, postal surveys and register data. The aim of the study is to offer up-to-date, reliable and extensive research data on Finnish welfare and the use of welfare services. The topics in this collection round, which was aimed at families with children, included family...
Welfare and Services in Finland 2009
Welfare and Services in Finland is a panel survey that combines telephone and face-to-face interviews, postal surveys and register data. The aim of the study is to offer up-to-date, reliable and extensive research data on Finnish welfare and the use of welfare services. In 2009, the survey was conducted as a telephone interview and postal survey. Questions in the telephone...
Finnish Student Barometer 2012
The study charted the studies, satisfaction, motivation, well-being, values, and circumstances of students in higher education institutions in Finland. The respondents were first asked general questions about their studies, such as when they expected to graduate and which reasons had potentially slowed studies down. Relating to study progress and skills, questions were asked...
Welfare and Services in Finland 2013
Welfare and Services in Finland is a panel survey that combines telephone and face-to-face interviews, postal surveys and register data. The aim of the study is to offer up-to-date, reliable and extensive research data on Finnish welfare and the use of welfare services. In 2013, the survey was conducted through telephone interviews. Main topics included well-being, financial...
Social Distinctions in Modern Russia 2015
This study is part of a survey series that charts various issues characterising social differentiation in contemporary Russian society. The surveys in the series have been conducted in 1990, 1998, 2006 and 2015, facilitating research on temporal change. Social differentiation in this study was mainly considered in terms of occupation, social mobility, property and income,...
Social Distinctions in Modern Russia 2006
This study is part of a survey series that charts various issues characterising social differentiation in contemporary Russian society. The surveys in the series have been conducted in 1990, 1998, 2006 and 2015, facilitating research on temporal change. Social differentiation in this study was mainly considered in terms of occupation, social mobility, property and income,...
Social Distinctions in Modern Russia 1990-2015
The Social Distinctions in Modern Russia survey series charted various issues characterising social differentiation in contemporary Russian society. This dataset contains combined data from datasets FSD3285, FSD3286, FSD3287 and FSD3288. Social differentiation in this study was mainly considered in terms of occupation, social mobility, property and income, but attitudes,...
Mirror Group Newspapers Household Readership and Consumption Survey, 1974
Main Topics:Variables
Two questionnaires were administered: one relating to the household, and one each to all adults over 15 years living in the household.
Household questionnaire:
Household composition; shopping frequency and weekly expenditure; housing tenure and type; heating; expenditure on houshold items; gardening equipment; motor vehicle use and ownership;...
Attitudes to Government, 1978
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To investigate opinions on various aspects of government.Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions
Questions covered satisfaction with life in Britain today, including attitudes to various branches of government, neighbourhood, housing, employment situation, income, health and other services,...
Welsh Election Study, 1979
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this study was to investigate specific Welsh dimensions within the general field of voting behaviour and partisanship in British politics. In addition, data was collected on exclusively Welsh issues such as the Welsh language, devolution, and aspects of national identity. This study was...
British Election Study, February 1974, October 1974, June 1975, May 1979; Panel Survey
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. British Election Study, 1974-1983 (BES):
The BES was started as a research project at the University of Essex in 1974, to continue the series started by Butler and Stokes. The BES conducted interview surveys following the general elections of February 1974, October 1974 and May 1979. This series...