66 studies found in English from a total of 36841

Kinderen en tv-geweld 1981 : Waarneming en beleving

Voort, T.H.A. van der, Vooijs, M.W., Bekker, P.A., Rijksuniversiteit Leiden * Leiden, Vakgroep wijsgerige en empirische pedagogiek (primary investigator)
How do 9-12 year old children observe and experience various types of violent films broadcasted on tv, and how does this observing and experiencing develop within this age-group. Perception of reality of tv films / frequency of watching tv / fear caused by watching tv films / appreciation of tv programs with and without violence / preference for programs with violence /...
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Opinions about vandalism : Centerdata Telepanel

CenterData, Universiteit Brabant, Tilburg
This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to compose tailor-made datasets. Opinion about vandalism, in particular at soccer games / how the problem of vandalism should be tackled by the government Background Variables: Age, year of birth / Sex ...
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Netherlands survey on criminality and law enforcement 1996

Wittebrood, K., Voert, M.J. ter, Nederlands Centrum voor Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving, NSCR * Leiden (primary investigator)
This survey contains a large amount of information dealing with events spanning the life course. Demographic and social characteristics / perception of crime in neighbourhood: incivility of neighbourhood, fear of crime / victimisation: sexual offences, assault, threat, burglary, bicycle theft, car theft, theft from car, theft/damage car exterior, pickpocketing, other...
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Slachtofferenquete WODC, 1977

Dijk, J.J.M. van, Steinmetz, C.H.D., Ministerie van justitie, Wetenschappelijk onderzoek- en documentatiecentrum, WODC * Den Haag (primary investigator)
Determining number of Dutch population that fell victim to crime. Number and nature of crimes r fell victim to / theft of bike, moped, car / theft of purse and amount of money lost / burglary / crime prevention / sexual violence indoors and outdoors/ acquainted with offender/ use of weapon / physical violence kind and severity of injuries / when walking ever hit by moped,...
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Slachtofferenquete WODC, 1979

Dijk, J.J.M. van, Steinmetz, C.H.D., Ministerie van justitie, Wetenschappelijk onderzoek- en documentatiecentrum, WODC * Den Haag (primary investigator)
Determining number of Dutch citizens who fell victim to crime/ reasons for ( not ) notifying police of crimes. Number and nature of crimes / theft of bike, moped / theft from car/ theft of car / theft of purse and amount of money lost / burglary / sexual violence / physical violence kind and severity of injuries / when walking ever hit by moped, car by no fault of oneself/...
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Slachtofferenquete WODC, 1980

Dijk, J.J.M. van, Steinmetz, C.H.D., Ministerie van justitie, Wetenschappelijk onderzoek- en documentatiecentrum, WODC * Den Haag (primary investigator)
Determining number of Dutch citizens who fell victim to crime/ reaction of police to notification of crime/ opinion of population on crime, police performance, foreign workers / discrimination, legal problems. Crime as subject of discussion / kind of crime / chance to fall victim to crime / afraid of what kind of crime, when and where / theft of bike, moped, car / theft from...
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International Crime Victim Surveys - ICVS - 1989, 1992, 1996

Dijk, J.J.M. van, Ministerie van justitie * Den Haag, Frate, A. del, Unicri * Rome, Italy, Kesteren, J. van, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden * Leiden, Fac. rechtsgeleerdheid (primary investigator)
The International Crime Victim Survey (ICVS) is the most far-reaching programme of standardised sample surveys to look at householders' experience with crime, policing, crime prevention and feelings of unsafety in a large number of countries. Victim of: theft of or from vehicles, vandalism, robbery, pickpocketing, thefts, sexual harassement or violence, assault Frequency...
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Verwijzing naar de data van: Public support for vigilantism - Amount of vigilante violence and police responsiveness

N. Haas (NSCR - Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving); J. de Keijser (NSCR - Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving); G. Bruinsma (NSCR - Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving)
These data were collected for the second study on public support for vigilantism. The data collection was carried out by Leiden University criminology students, for the 'Research methods' course. Respondents received 1 vignette about vigilantism and a questionnaire. There were 4 versions of the vignette, based on 2 experimental factors: amount of vigilante violence...
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Violence against women and the role of economic performance: a study on contemporary Bangladesh

RIDWAN ISLAM Sifat (Bangladesh University of Professionals)
Background: Violence against women has been a consistent phenomenon in all societies, regardless of its demographic characteristics. Especially in a developing country like Bangladesh, where society is going through rapid changes with constant inequality between males and females, this social melancholy is even more severe. Inevitably, violence against any entity is caused...
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Kontinu-onderzoek ( wave 27, december 1983 )

Universiteit van Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Instituut voor wetenschap der politiek, FSW-A, werkgroep kontinu-onderzoek, Universiteit van Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Baschwitz instituut (primary investigator)
Continuous items for most waves / watching tv / reading newspapers / taking part in discussions on political issues / political knowledge / political participation / party preference / questions concerning importance of different political issues / left and right in politics. Tolerance to working women / advantages and disadvantages of being unemployed, unemployment /...
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Slachtofferenquete WODC, 1978

Dijk, J.J.M. van, Steinmetz, C.H.D., Ministerie van justitie, Wetenschappelijk onderzoek- en documentatiecentrum, WODC * Den Haag (primary investigator)
Determining number of Dutch citizens who fell victim to crime/ opinion of population on crime, police performance/ kind of contacts with police/ most important problems in neighbourhood. Recent conversations on crime / expected changes for crimes / afraid of what / theft from car / theft of car / theft of purse and amount of money lost / burglary / crime prevention / sexual...
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Meningen van de Nederlandse bevolking over criminaliteit, 1990

Terlouw, G.J., Ministerie van justitie * Den Haag, Wetenschappelijk onderzoek- en documentatiecentrum, WODC (primary investigator)
Gaining insight in the ( change of ) opinions of the Dutch population regarding ( fighting ) crime. Going out on weekend-nights when aged 17 / Importance of social problems: unemployment, economic situation, environmental problems, traffic, criminality, health-care, ethnic minorities, agricultural problems, soccer-vandalism / Estimated level of criminality compared to...
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Pesten en delinquent gedrag onder Nederlandse scholieren 1999

Junger-Tas, J., Kesteren, J.N. van, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden * Leiden, Fac. rechtsgeleerdheid (primary investigator)
Data are part of an international comparative study into bullying in school. Circle of friends / experience with being bullied / r'.s reaction to bullying / attempts of teachers, family members, class mates to stop bullying / bullying by respondent, feelings when bullying / commitment of parents with schoolcarreer, education / way of punishing / r.s' performance at school...
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Nationaal Scholierenonderzoek 1992 - NSO'92

Warnaar, M.F., Berg, C. van den, NIBUD * Utrecht (primary investigator)
Survey among pupils of secondary schools with a great number of detailed questions about their living conditions, opinions and attitudes. Living conditions at school and at home / income / money spending / saving money / borrowing money / possessions / time spending / education / work / political preference and religious conviction / welfare / public opinion Background...
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Meningen van de Nederlandse bevolking over criminaliteit, 1985

Berghuis, A.C., Ministerie van justitie * Den Haag, Wetenschappelijk onderzoek- en documentatiecentrum, WODC (primary investigator)
Measuring the opinions of the Dutch population regarding criminality. Bicycle theft: victim of, preferred way of punishment / Burglary: victim of, preferred way of punishment / Preference regarding methods to deal with drug-related crimes: thefts by addicts, junks/ heroine smuggling / Rape, sexual violence, assault, stabbing, vandalism, soccer-vandalism / Effectiveness of...
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Kontinu-onderzoek ( wave 16, jan. 1978 )

Universiteit van Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Instituut voor wetenschap der politiek, FSW-A, werkgroep kontinu-onderzoek, Universiteit van Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Baschwitz instituut (primary investigator)
Continuous items for most waves watching tv / reading papers / taking part in discussions on political issues / political knowledge / political participation / party preference / questions concerning importance of different political issues / left and right in politics. Wave 16: Media exposure / preferences for current affairs programmes / perception of major problems /...
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Amsterdammers over misdaad en politie, 1991

Hoenson, L.F.H., Lofers Adema, R.H., Gemeentepolitie Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Bureau organisatie (primary investigator)
Survey among the Amsterdam population regarding: 1: the functioning of the local police/ 2: victimization/ 3: feelings of insecurity/ 4: problems experienced in the neighbourhood and 5: contacts with the police Themes: functioning of the police: reliability, protectiveness, accessibility, effectiveness, surveillance / perceived chance of becoming a victim / feelings of...
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Veel voorkomende criminaliteit op de Nederlandse Antillen 1992

Nelen, J.M., Essers, J.J.A. (primary investigator)
Rate of criminality on three islands of the Netherlands Antilles: Bonaire, Curaçao and St. Maarten. Feelings of fear and unrest with regard to crime / if respondent was ever a victim of: burglary, theft from garden, porch or yard, theft from car or joy-riding, robbery and pickpocketing, theft of other belongings, vandalism, violence outdoors, driving on after a traffic...
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World handbook of political and social indicators III 1982

Taylor, C.L., Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin * Berlin (primary investigator)
Indicators of 155 countries in the world from the fields of politics, economy, public finance, demography and society/ World Handbook III is a continuation for the years 1970 and 1975 of World Handbook II that covered 1950, 1955, 1960, and 1965/ for some selected variables the time-series were continued up to 1978. Revenues and expenditures of central government in...
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Religious Fundamentalism and Radicalization Survey

Kanol, Eylem ( WZB Berlin Social Science Center); Koopmans, Ruud ( WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin); Stolle, Dietlind ( McGill University)
The "Religious Fundamentalism and Radicalization Survey (RFRS)" is a large-scale cross-sectional survey conducted among Muslims, Christians, Jews, and non-believers in Cyprus, Germany, Israel, Kenya, Lebanon, the Palestinian territories, Turkey, and the USA. The survey is designed specifically to test hypotheses related to determinants of religious radicalization. It...
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Online-Befragung im Verbundprojekt „SchutzNorm – Schutzkonzepte in der Kinder- und Jugendarbeit. Normalitätskonstruktionen von Sexualität und Gewalt unter Jugendlichen“

Herz, Andreas ( Universität Hildesheim); Lips, Anna ( Universität Hildesheim); Fixemer, Tom ( Universität Kassel); (4 more)
Im dem vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) geförderten Verbundprojekt „Schutz-Norm – Schutzkonzepte in der Kinder- und Jugendarbeit. Normalitätskonstruktionen von Sexualität und Gewalt unter Jugendlichen“ wurde eine bundesweite Onlinebefragung unter Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen zu ihren Sichtweisen auf die Themen Sexualität, (sexualisierte)...
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UniSAFE Survey – Gender-based violence and institutional responses

Lipinsky, Anke ( GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences); Schredl, Claudia ( GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences); Baumann, Horst ( GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences); (5 more)
The UniSAFE survey collected data on experiences of gender-based violence, including sexual harassment, among students and employees in 46 higher education institutions and research institutions in 15 countries in the period 17.01.-01.05.2022 (n= 42,186). Factors of influence and effects of gender-based violence are part of the survey. The prevalence data refers to six forms...
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incels.is forum dataset

Wedel, Lion ( Weizenbaum Institut)
For legal reasons, the study data (data_incels_gesis.zip) are no longer available as of 30.01.2024 until further notice. The dataset consists of all publicly visible posts and the data that comes with each post of the online-forum incels.is during the first week of November 2022. The forum is the current (2022) largest communication platform within the incel...
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Erfgoed van de Oorlog, Bystander Memories, interview RG-50.570.0006

Vrije Universiteit; United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
De geïnterviewde werd geboren op 28 augustus 1926 en groeide op in Schiedam. In deze plaats heeft hij gezien hoe de joodse overburen werden weggehaald. Hij vertelt voornamelijk over de periode in Duitsland waar hij sinds december 1944 werkzaam was vanwege de Arbeitseinsatz. Gedurende zijn werkzaamheden in de buurt van Müchen kwam hij in aanraking met joodse dwangarbeiders...
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Nationaal Scholierenonderzoek 1994 - NSO'94

NIBUD * Utrecht (primary investigator)
Survey among pupils of secondary schools with a great number of detailed questions about their living conditions, opinions and attitudes. Living conditions at school and at home / income / money spending / dealing with money / time spending / education / independence / political preference / religious conviction / health / well-being / type of school / schoolyear / age at...
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Jeugdcriminaliteit, 1986

Junger-Tas, J., Kruissink, M., Ministerie van justitie * Den Haag, Wetenschappelijk onderzoek- en documentatiecentrum, WODC (primary investigator)
Self-reported criminal activities of Dutch youth aged between 12 and 17 and related values and beliefs, opinions and behaviour. school-motivation / nationality of parents / ( sideline ) job / job satisfaction / unemployment / value orientation and goals in life: importance of marriage, family life, self-realization, social behaviour, career / attitudes towards politics,...
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Slachtofferenquete WODC, 1976

Dijk, J.J.M. van, Steinmetz, C.H.D., Ministerie van justitie, Wetenschappelijk onderzoek- en documentatiecentrum, WODC * Den Haag (primary investigator)
Determining number of Dutch citizens who fell victim to crime/ reaction of police to notification of crime/ opinion of population on crime. Nr. and nature of crimes r fell victim to / theft of bike, moped, car / theft of purse and amount of money lost / burglary / physical violence kind and severity of injuries / when walking ever hit by moped, car through no fault of r /...
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Nationaal Scholierenonderzoek 2001 - NSO'01

Zeijl, E., Keuzenkamp, S. , Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (primary investigator)
Survey among pupils of secondary schools with a great number of detailed questions about their life, work, income and consumption patterns. Living situation / pocket money / income / jobs / holiday work / money spending / saving / education / type of school / grades / relations at school with pupils and teachers / changed schools / problems at home, at school / use of...
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Amerikaanse presidents verkiezingen 1968

Dam, M. van, VARA * Hilversum (primary investigator)
Expectations and preferences regarding American presidential election / attitude regarding to Vietnam / violence / aid to developing countries. Background variables: basic characteristics/ politics
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Emancipatie-opinies 2004 - EMOP'04

Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (primary investigator)
This survey is part of a number of surveys intended to examine the progress of the emancipation of women in the Netherlands. Opinions regarding sharing the care for children, sharing domestic tasks, labour force participation of women, income, political and social decision-making, sexual intimidation and maltreatment.
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