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Cross-border interaction survey: cross-border business interaction and the role of cross-border institutions in the European Union
The objective of this research was to explore hampering effects for cross-border business interaction and the role of cross-border institutions. We analysed the data to investigate the relation between factors that define cross-border business interaction and innovativeness. Therefore, we operationalized thirty-five factors which potentially influence cross-border business...
Expenditure and service level data for water supply systems and sanitation facilities in Andhra Pradesh, India
This folder contains expenditure and service level data for water supply systems and sanitation facilities in Andhra PradeshPrimary data collection of household and water point surveys and secondary data was collected from detailed household surveys on over 500 variables for 5,242 households collected from 187 rural habitations and towns spread across nine agro-climatic...
Migratiemotieven, Migratienetwerken en Partnerkeuze van Turken en Marokkanen in Nederland
Het onderzoek gaat over achtergronden en mechanismen van immigratie en de implicaties daarvan voor de toekomstige migratie. De survey die ten behoeve van dit onderzoek is opgezet, de NIDI Migrantensurvey 1993 (MS 1993), vond plaats in de maanden april tot en met juli 1993 in negen Nederlandse gemeenten, verspreid over het land. De onderzoeksvragen waren de volgende:• Wat...
Krimp in de Kinderopvang - KIK2013
Let op: dit is niet de meest recente versie van de data. Zie het veld 'Relation' hier onderaan voor een link naar de nieuwe versie.Krimp in de Kinderopvang. 4 onderzoeken, in- en uitstroom BSO en in- en uitstroom dagopvang.Het aantal kinderen dat naar de formele kinderopvang (kinderdagverblijf, buitenschoolse opvang of gastouder) gaat neemt sinds 2012 af, na jarenlange...
Krimp in de Kinderopvang - KIK2013 v1
Krimp in de Kinderopvang. 4 onderzoeken, in- en uitstroom BSO en in- en uitstroom dagopvang.Het aantal kinderen dat naar de formele kinderopvang (kinderdagverblijf, buitenschoolse opvang of gastouder) gaat neemt sinds 2012 af, na jarenlange groei. Om meer zicht te krijgen op de redenen daarvan, en de gevolgen voor de arbeidsparticipatie en de ervaren zwaarte van de...
Expenditure and service level data for water supply systems and sanitation facilities in Burkina Faso
This folder contains expenditure and service level data for water supply systems and sanitation facilities in Burkina Faso. Additionally a sample of the survey tools used to collect this data are provided.Data was collected in nine rural and peri-urban service areas spanning three regions of Burkina Faso: Centre, Haute-Bassins and Nord. More than 2,500 household surveys...
Data Management & Curation Services: Exploring Stakeholders Opinions
The purpose of the research study was to explore stakeholders’ opinions on select data management and curation services issues that currently affect all disciplines. A data management and curation services 10-questions survey questionnaire was developed and administered to select data management and curation promoters (funders), stakeholders (institutions), and users...
Workplace Wellness, Mental Health Literacy, and Intention of using E-Mental Health among Digital Workers during COVID-19 Pandemic
This dataset contains the questions of the instrument that was used for this study.
Expenditure and service level data for water supply systems and sanitation facilities in Ghana
Expenditure and services level data delivered by a variety of of water supply systems and sanitation facilities in Ghana.Primary data collection of household and water point surveys and secondary data was collected in 31 rural communities and four small towns. Service levels were developed from 1,273 household undertaken. Expenditure data was also gathered from the...
Push and Pull Factors of International Migration
General purpose multi-country survey project collecting data on push and pull factors of international migration in selected origin and destination countries. Project was funded by the European Commission, executed by Eurostat and implemented by NIDI in collaboration and consultation with country teams in Ghana, Morocco, Senegal, Egypt, Turkey, Italy, Spain. Both households...
Corona Supplemental Survey to Adult Education Statistics – DIECovidSurvey
The DIECovidSurvey was conducted by the German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) in collaboration with the Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband e.V. (dvv) in fall 2020 to examine the impact of the Corona pandemic on German adult education centers (vhs).
The questionnaire was developed jointly by DIE and dvv. The core of the survey is detailed information about the range of...
Image of older people
This research project investigates the image of older people from the perspective of younger individuals, older individuals and general population. It combines semi-structured interviewing, surveys and implicit association tests (among other methods). The available dataset concerns a survey consisting of several questionnaires (see protocol) among first year medical...
Error trade-offs in panel surveys 2012-2015
In this project, data were used from:
- the British Household Panel Survey (wave 1-18), punlic release data file (GN33196), as available here.
- several waves of the Longitudinal Internet Studies for the Social Sciences, data available through
The data were used to study nonresponse and measurement errors in panel surveys, and study the trade-off between the...
Socio-economic data from slums in Bangalore, India
We collected the data presented in this paper in partnership with the slum dwellers in order to overcome the challenges such as validity and efficacy of self-reported data. Our survey of Bangalore slums covered 36 slums across the city. The slums were chosen based on stratification criteria which included the geographical location of the slums, whether the slums were...
Consumer trust and traceability focus groups and survey
Using a purposive sampling method at four locations across the UK, participants were invited by a marketing company to attend one of eight scheduled focus groups sessions (January 2016). Groups were segregated on the basis of sex, age and socio-economic grouping to facilitate easier interaction between group members. Therefore in total, 67 individuals participated - 50...
RI:TRAIN Plus Quantitative Survey 2021 (SUF edition)
Reduced edition for scientific use. Research Infrastructures (RIs) and their services are an essential element in creating the potential for scientific progress in the European Union, but also beyond. Together with Core Facilities (CFs) - which exist in many universities and scientific research centers - RIs are a basic prerequisite for excellence in science, for the...
Development and validation of Food and Nutrition Literacy Survey 2024
The research aimed to develop and validate a general food and nutrition literacy (FNL) assessment tool, which will be used to measure the FNL in the adult population - The Food and Nutrition Literacy Survey (FANSy). To validate the tool, the preliminary version of the questionnaire was administered to representative sample of adults living in the United Kingdom. This data...
This survey is to explore the knowledge, attitude, and behaviour towards establishment of food bank for Muslims.A sample of answered questionnaire.
Datensatz zur Umfrage: Praktiken öffentlicher Wasserversorger in Deutschland zur Förderung von Biodiversität und Ökosystemleistungen in Wasserschutzgebieten
Im Rahmen des Projekts BioWaWi, gefördert durch das BMBF, wurde eine Umfrage unter öffentlichen Wasserversorgern in Deutschland durchgeführt, um deren Praktiken zur Förderung von Biodiversität und Ökosystemleistungen (ÖSL) in Wasserschutzgebieten (WSG) zu erheben. Ziel der Studie war es, Managementansätze für Biodiversitäts- und ÖSL-Fördermaßnahmen zu erfassen und mögliche...
SiE survey dataset on solidarity in Europe (2024)
The EUI-YouGov dataset on European solidarity is built on a large survey designed by the 'Solidarity in Europe' and the SOLID ERC research teams at the EUI, and implemented by YouGov. The data aims to empirically assess public opinion on the willingness to redistribute resources within the EU and to examine political attitudes that might explain these preferences. The survey...
Datensatz zur Umfrage: Praktiken öffentlicher Wasserversorger in Deutschland zur Förderung von Biodiversität und Ökosystemleistungen in Wasserschutzgebieten
Im Rahmen des Projekts BioWaWi, gefördert durch das BMBF, wurde eine Umfrage unter öffentlichen Wasserversorgern in Deutschland durchgeführt, um deren Praktiken zur Förderung von Biodiversität und Ökosystemleistungen (ÖSL) in Wasserschutzgebieten (WSG) zu erheben. Ziel der Studie war es, Managementansätze für Biodiversitäts- und ÖSL-Fördermaßnahmen zu erfassen und mögliche...
Conservation, markets and justice - Part 3: Survey data
This data collection contains questionnaire responses; two local justice questionnaire templates (one market version and one non-market version), the questionnaire sampling method and the test images. The semi-structured questionnaire was designed to explore local conceptions of distributive, procedural and recognition justice, across Bolivia, China and Tanzania.
This survey...