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Op een lijn in de eerste lijn 1974
Social workers / opinions on cooperation of group members / ideal group, its working methods, professions represented in it / importance and usefulness of group activities / aims of group / different outlook of group members on working methods of G.P.'s, district nurses, social workers. Background variables: basic characteristics/ occupation/employment
Social Service Professionals' Perceptions of Disability Services 2015
The survey studied the opinions of Finnish social services professionals on disability services. The respondents were asked questions about the state and operability of disability services, as well as the skills that disability services required. The survey consisted of three major parts; structural social work in the disability services, the service process, and the support...
Tampere Praksis: Cooperation between Social Counsellor and Social Worker in Family Services
The data consist of interviews with social workers and counsellors who had worked in pairs for almost a year. The data were collected as part of a larger Tampere Praksis Project. The questions pertained to organisational changes that were caused by changes to legislation regarding social services. This study examined social workers' and counsellors' experiences of pair work,...
Tampere Praksis: Child Foster Care and Children's Close Networks 2016
This dataset contains interviews with four Finnish social workers who worked with children taken into custody. The social workers each described 2-3 cases and how they progressed. Nine cases were discussed in total. Central themes in the interviews included the children's social networks, the custody process, and the social worker's role and decisions in situations where the...
Gerontological Social Work 2000: Interviews
In the study, Finnish social workers working with the elderly were interviewed about their work, its significance, ways of improving it and its future. The data consist of 13 transcribed interviews in Finnish. The respondents were asked about their their typical working day, job tasks and content, professional and personal equirements for the work, changes in the...
Continuity of Substance Abuse Treatment and Readiness to Change 2000
The survey investigated the continuity of treatment of people with substance abuse problems as well as their readiness to change. The respondents were people with histories of alcohol and poly drug use who were being treated in an inpatient treatment facility for people with substance abuse problems. The data were collected during the routine reception procedure. The...
Interviews with Gerontological Social Work and Diaconal Work Clients and Those Working with Older Adults 2021
The data includes 30 group interviews and 19 individual interviews conducted in the Gerontological social work responding to complex needs of older adults (GERIT) research project. Due to the timing of the interviews, several of the interviews discuss the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on the lives of older people and the services provided to them. Group interviews with...
Sociobarometer 1994
In the present study, the respondents were asked to assess the changes in municipal budget in 1993-1994, the social services gross expenditures in 1993, and the budget of 1994. They also stated their opinions about the staff reductions within the social services sector, and whether they thought it is possible to ensure the necessary services with the present resources. The...
Sociobarometer 1995
The respondents were executive employees of municipal social services, and health and social organisations. The former were asked to assess the socio-economic situation in their home municipality, as well as the budget changes in 1994-1995. They also stated their opinions about the expenditures of social services and subsistence subsidies, and whether they thought it was...
Sociobarometer 1996
The respondents included executives of municipal social services, employment offices, health and social organisations, and the local offices of the Social Insurance Institution. They were asked to evaluate the socio-economic situation of municipalities, and whether it was possible to ensure the necessary services with the present resources. Changes in workforce and the...
Sociobarometer 1997
The respondents included executives of municipal social services, employment offices, health and social organisations, and the local offices of the Social Insurance Institution. They were asked to evaluate the socio-economic situation of municipalities, and whether it was possible to ensure the necessary services with the present resources. Workforce adequacy and the...
Networking of Welfare Providers 1994: Non-Governmental Organisations
The survey studied the present state of networking in welfare service production by non-governmental social and health organisations. At first, the respondents were asked about the nature of their organisation, the number of members, the number of employed personnel, organisation income and expenditure (in Finnish marks), and the background of individual members and their...
Assistant Roles and Changing Job Boundaries in the Public Services, 2004-2005
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This research project examined three assistant roles in different parts of the public services: the teaching assistant in education; the social work assistant in social care and the healthcare assistant in health care. While central to the process of workforce restructuring in the context of public...
Effect of Orientation on Probation Work, 1974-1975
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To examine hypotheses that there are two main orientations, judicial and clinical, in probation work and that these have differential effects on subsequent probationer behaviour. The data collected was also used to perform a comparative study of outcome in Scotland and England.
Now! Religion Survey, 1979
Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions
Most important job clergy has, main value of having a religious faith, whether believes in life after death and in what form, proportion of people from own parish meets during year and most usual place. Agreement/disagreement with several statements concerning church and religion, for which causes money should be raised....
Tampere Praksis: Adult Social Work Clients' Views on Applying for Social Assistance 2018
This dataset consists of four interviews with adult social work clients in Tampere, Finland. Themes of the interviews included applying for basic social assistance, importance of social assistance for personal finances, and the role of their appointed social worker. The data were collected after the transfer of the responsibility for granting basic social assistance from...
Child-up: Survey for Social Workers 2019
The survey charted the experiences of social workers regarding cultural pluralism, their work with children and young people, and interaction in different languages. The data were collected as part of the Child-up research project, which aims to enhance understanding on the experiences of migrant children, young people, and their guardians regarding school, pre-school, and...
Sociobarometer 2020
The sociobarometer is a wide-ranging survey charting expert opinion on the welfare of Finnish citizens and the present state of welfare services in Finland. The 2020 sociobarometer charted issues such as services for older people, basic security, employment services and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on social and health services. Respondents included healthcare managers...
Evaluation of the Frontline Fast-Track Social Work Training Programme Pilot, 2016
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Evaluation of the Frontline Fast-Track Social Work Training Programme Pilot, 2016 study is a quasi-experiment involving simulated social work practice that was independently rated by assessors. The dataset includes information about participants’ educational backgrounds and other circumstances and...
British Social Attitudes Survey, 1993
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.BackgroundThe British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey series began in 1983. The series is designed to produce annual measures of attitudinal movements to complement large-scale government surveys that deal largely with facts and behaviour patterns, and the data on party political attitudes...
Sociobarometer 2005
This wide-ranging survey charted expert opinion on the welfare of Finnish citizens, and on the present state of welfare services. The respondents were managers or management groups of municipal social services, municipal health centres, employment offices, major social and health organisations (voluntary organisations), or local offices of the Social Insurance Institution....
Elderly Care Worker Perceptions of Elderly Persons Living at Home
The study charted the elderly care outpatient workers' views on the social aspects of elderly people living at home. 36 female workers were interviewed. The respondents were 25-59 years old social workers, specially trained nurses, nurses, home help service instructors, home aides, home helpers, and practical nurses. The interviews explored five themes: the perceptions of...
Young People in the Limelight: Photography Workshops 2015-2016
This dataset was collected during photography workshops for young people in Finland. The data consist of three field journals of the researchers, and transcripts of 17 interviews: one group interview with workshop instructors, two individual interviews with the instructors, four peer interviews with students at the workshops, one student peer interview conducted as a radio...
Sociobarometer 1998
The respondents included executives of municipal social services, health centres, employment offices, health and social organisations, and the local offices of the Social Insurance Institution. The executives assessed the well-being of their customers, as well as the well-being and social security of specific population groups (e.g. the unemployed, the re-constituted...
Sociobarometer 2000
The respondents included executives of municipal social services, health centres, employment offices, health and social organisations, and the local offices of the Social Insurance Institution. The executives assessed the well-being of their customers, as well as the well-being and social security of different population groups (e.g. the unemployed, the re-constituted...
Sociobarometer 1999
The respondents included executives of municipal social services, health centres, employment offices, health and social organisations, and the local offices of the Social Insurance Institution. The executives assessed the well-being of their customers, as well as the well-being and social security of different population groups (e.g. the unemployed, the re-constituted...
The experiences of parents of children with disabilities
Original dissertation about the experiences of parents of children with disabilities.Date: 2023-06-08Date Submitted: 2023-06-08
Client Perceptions of Adult Social Work Services in Tampere 2014
This survey charted client satisfaction with adult social work and basic social assistance services provided by the Sarvis service point in Tampere. Themes of the survey included applying for basic social assistance, visits to the Sarvis service point, effectiveness of services, and the respondents' sources of information on social work services. First, the respondents'...
Diaconia Barometer 2018
Diaconia Barometers chart Finnish diaconal workers' experiences of their work and views of current topics in diaconia. The topics of the 2018 survey included the communications and engagement of diaconal work, everyday diaconal work and its challenges, and the Christian orientation of diaconal workers. The survey was funded by the Church Research Institute. The respondents...
Homelessness Work in Finland: Workshop Recordings 2020-2021
This dataset consists of transcribed recordings of workshops that focused on homelessness work and dealing with the challenges encountered by homelessness workers in Finland. The workshops were organised by the research group and attended by homelessness professionals. The data consist of the transcripts of 10 virtual workshops. The data were collected as part of the...